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Personal Spirituality And Religious Orders.


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Hi all,

A few weeks back after Mass I got a grilling :maddest: as I "don't have a definable spirituality" :blink: , aka I don't go to many of the parish groups and cannot define my personal spirituality under a certain school of thought eg Carmelite etc....

Ok, I love Benedict's rule, have a thing for St Michael's chaplet and I am a member of the Rosary Confraternity and say the Office three times daily, and going to adoration etc but I felt that by leaving it fairly open ended I was better off....after all as someone dicerning would not it be better if I let the order I enter build that spirituality in line with them :idontknow: anyway.......boy oh boy did I get pulled over the coals by some cradle Catholics :maddest: :o :annoyed: .

Well this upset me a bit and I wrote to the Rev Mother I am closest to and told her.....well she had a totally different view point and told me not to change what I am doing and leave it open ended.

So I am wondering have any of you had the same or a similar problem??? :idontknow:

Yours in Christ,

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I think that many people find solace in identifying themselves with a particular school of thought, and when they encounter those who do not adhere to one or another, but "Let the Spirit blow where it will", it scare them. It is often said that people fear that which they do not understand.

Do not be upset. Like Totus Tuus said, you are normal, so "Be not afraid!" :saint:

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I like a little from alot of different charisms. I kind of pick and choose what seems to fit with my life style at my time of life I happen to be in. Most times I feel Dominican, but like some of what the Carmelites have to say! So don't worry, most people like variety! Sounds like some people have far too much free times on thier hands to be judging others.

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the lords sheep

I just want to echo what the others have said: You're perfectly normal.
And as far as fitting in one spirituality but liking parts of others, that's normal too! They're all Catholic, they are all geared toward building a deeper relationship with the Beloved. Carmelites [i]should[/i] respect, admire and try to learn from the Franciscan spirituality. The Vincentians can learn from the Dominicans.
Don't worry about defining yourself in a spirituality... knowing a specific one is simply knowing which way is best for you to praise God. Focus on simply learning to love and praise and adore Him (as you are doing), and everything else will fall into place...
Peace in Christ,

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:) Don't worry about what others think.Continue as you are , being free to define your own spirituality by
loving ,adoring and praising Him . God Bless.
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Spare a prayer, if you can, for those who grilled you. It's possible that they've been putting a lot of work into several things at your parish, like those groups and activities, and see your non-participation as a kind of rejection, or non-appreciation of what they're doing, or laziness, or whatever.

Love and prayers,


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I think you are doing fine. As the others have said, you are normal and be not afraid. myself, I am Benedictine to the bone

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Echoing what everyone here has said...don't shy away from those folks, be sure to give them a smile and be friendly--they might let down their defenses a bit, who knows?

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[quote]Spare a prayer, if you can, for those who grilled you. It's possible that they've been putting a lot of work into several things at your parish, like those groups and activities, and see your non-participation as a kind of rejection, or non-appreciation of what they're doing, or laziness, or whatever.[/quote]

You know that is the thing that gets me the most. :annoyed:

Most of their activites are at night, and as there is almost no good street lighting between home and the church I cannot walk it. (I don't have a car and walk to Mass and the church due to a big hill is a 25 min walk from home).

Yet, seeing I live barely 5 mins from the church by car :maddest: ....you would think it would be a simple matter for one of them to go a little out of their way to get me.....hahaha, like NOT!

I would love to go to the prayer group, but after weeks of waiting for a lift to be arranged it looks like its not going to happen..... :sadder: :sadder: :sadder:

And they wonder why I don't come......

Edited by In His Light
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Your personal spirituality is just that, personal. You're Catholic, that's enough!

Have you specifically asked people to pick you up, explaining you can't walk in the dark? I know I'm VERY thick-headed when it comes to seeing other people's needs without them sticking a post-it note to their foreheads or something...

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Well I've done a bit of :getaclue: and a bit of :boink: and even this :bash: yet they just don't seem to want to get out of their own way, so I am now going to try :bigpray: :bigpray: :bigpray: and let the Holy Spirit see if He can get to come to the party!


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letting His will be done is important not alway easy Jesus himself said it wasn't goona be the easy path the road is stright and narrow...
take the others advice pray for them and keep on your path

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Guest phatdaddy


How can I say this gently. Tell them to mind their own business, for cryin out load. Darling you are doing great. Stay open, God has plans for you, He wants to form you Himself. If you do become a consecrated religious you will absorb the spirituality of your community and follow their charism. It is good that you do not have any pre-conceptions of how it should be. You are a lump of clay....I wonder what His hands will form. But whatever it is it will be wonderful.

Do what you can, either alone or with a group. And mostly be at peace.

God Love You,
Mr. Ray

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I agree with VA & phatdaddy...I believe God is calling me to Dominican life, but I love Carmelite & Franciscan spirituality...We are Catholic! That's what matters.... :blush:

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