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Did These Parents Have A Right To Kidnap Thier 21 Year Old Daughter


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I'm sure the Parents had some sort of attention to justify what they did, however if their side of the story is true, which theres not enough info to confirm that, then what they did was noble, if their daughter was indeed marrying someone who is a massive creep, jerk, or something I'm not willing to say, then the Parents had the noble attention of doing the right thing.

However, the 21 year old daughter shes an adult now, so she can make her own decesions, to choose rather or not to marry this person, however "that" person is (The Person she was going to Marry.)

The parents have probally a pretty good reason for doing what they did, but still none the less wrong, because its interfering with their daughter's free will and free choice as an adult.

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[quote name='JClives' post='1137673' date='Dec 7 2006, 07:15 PM']
go up to my first post.

go to where it says "Pro choice"

Read what's in the parenthesis.
Now... Pro choice doesn't have to deal with abortion. In cases such as this I also support the woman's right to choose what she wants to do, regardless of whether or not it's the best thing for her.

I don't understand. If you don't support abortion, but you support a women's right to choose to have an abortion, how different is that? It sound like you are taking a moral relativistic view. That's not good. As a Christian, you should stand up for what is right on every moral issue as we are obligated to do what is good according to God.

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[url="http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,650213087,00.html"]Here is an update on this story.[/url]

The relevant passage is this:

[quote]She also testified that her parents said that Perry Myers, her then-fiance, was "wicked" and "evil" because he hadn't proposed with a diamond ring. Julianna Myers said she and Perry decided together to buy a gold band.[/quote]

So, quite frankly, her parents were in every way imaginable in the wrong. I can't imagine how this would justify kidnapping. The whole thing is really weird.

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My take on this. I think there is information missing. How long did they (the parents) know about this "abuse" and whatnot and had they ever talked to the daughter before the wedding? No one knows if they read the article.

However, based off of what I read...
The parents should not of kidnapped their daughter. There is a time to let go. They should tell her how they feel and stress how she should listen to them for some reason or another. However, in the end she is going to have to make the decision. As an adult she must make the decision and then face the consequences, good or bad. Furthermore, she should respect her parents and honor their opinion.

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[quote name='JClives' post='1137659' date='Dec 7 2006, 05:44 PM']

Situations like this only solidify my pro-choice (not abortion related) standpoint, and how religous people sometimes overlook how important choice really is.

Some in-laws, huh?

This is about crazy people, not "religious" people. You can't generalize that to all "religious" people. It may not be the best way to handle the situation, but that was just bogus.

Nor can I say that "Pro-Choice" people don't know how to use the term and think it's some type of term to use in all situations in life, whether it's about the color of shirt they wear or what kind of T.V. program they watch. This term is usually used for the abortion debate, yet you seem to use it so flippantly in a catholic debate phorum.

By all means, let's discuss the abortion issue. If not, I can read about this in the check-out line at the grocery store and agree with you.

If not, I'm going to be "pro-choice" and stop reading this thread.

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[quote name='jmjtina' post='1141954' date='Dec 14 2006, 01:10 AM']
Some in-laws, huh?

This is about crazy people, not "religious" people. You can't generalize that to all "religious" people. It may not be the best way to handle the situation, but that was just bogus.

Nor can I say that "Pro-Choice" people don't know how to use the term and think it's some type of term to use in all situations in life, whether it's about the color of shirt they wear or what kind of T.V. program they watch. This term is usually used for the abortion debate, yet you seem to use it so flippantly in a catholic debate phorum.

By all means, let's discuss the abortion issue. If not, I can read about this in the check-out line at the grocery store and agree with you.

If not, I'm going to be "pro-choice" and stop reading this thread.

I think Mr. Clives has left.

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