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After The Rapture


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I dont believe thats what John had in mind when he wrote these things he saw.

Just like in Revelations when it said "100,000" enter heaven. Only 100,000 huh..I think the Mormons or JW think this literally.

when we see Jesus coming from Heaven in all His glory and might. It will be the end of the world. He will judge the living and the dead.

If I had to comment on the 1000 year reign of Satan that revelations talk about..I would say were in it now. Look around. Satan is everywhere, TV, Radio, magazines, internet, schools, hospitals, government.

satan is getting God taken out of these places and he is being put in God's spot. Were in the 1000 year reign now. No one can doubt that satan has control for now.

Grab your rosary beads yo, were goin into battle.


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  musturde said:
This doctrine is not new for me... I'm about neutral on it ... I don't care about it... If there really were visions of it then I'm neutral... if there wasn't then I'm against it. If the Cath Church is against it, then I'm against it... but is it official?

Yes, it's official. The doctrine of the rapture is indeed condemned by the Catholic Church.

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It's one of the hugest Bible misinterpretations out there, I think!

Jesus will only come a second time when He comes to judge the saved and the damned; the living and the dead. He's not coming back to rapture peeps up before the tribulation. Hey, if the Apostles, saints, and martyrs had to suffer, who are we to think we get a free ticket and are assumed bodily into heaven?

Yet, these same peeps who think they're going to be "raptured," or taken up, would deny that God's Mother could've been assumed into heaven, right? ;)

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  Anna said:
Yet, these same peeps who think they're going to be "raptured," or taken up, would deny that God's Mother could've been assumed into heaven, right? ;)

hehe, good point! that never dawned on me before.

also, more articles for musturde:

--LaHaying the Rapture on Thick (confusing title, huh?)

--Recycled Rapture

--Now You See 'Em, Now You Don't: Dispensing With the Rapture

--Millenialism (Rapture): Apocalypse Not Now

hope this helps :D (as this becomes more popular, it becomes more necessary to have a specific view on the matter, instead of the neutral stance)

pax christi,


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O my goodness, the titles alone have me rotfl!

Are the articles written as tongue in cheek as the catchy titles? (LaHaying it on thick, I think, is my fav.!)

Pax Christi. <><

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Birgitta Noel

The other day the hubby and I were talking about those 100,000 people that some believe will be saved and he said that we might as well give up then since he was sure the quota was full. LOL, good thing I wasn't driving, I might have driven off the road!


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we might as well give up then since he was sure the quota was full

lol I agree

I think its the Joheva's Witness's that take this number literally

I mean come on..if there was only room for 100,000 people in Heaven, do you really think it is wise to go door to door telling people about it? Heck no, Id be keeping that a secret. My momma didnt raise no fool.

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I mean come on..if there was only room for 100,000 people in Heaven, do you really think it is wise to go door to door telling people about it? Heck no, Id be keeping that a secret. My momma didnt raise no fool.

I'm seriously busting up right now. I can hardly contain myself! Ahahahahah! That's a great one.

Anna! It probably is one of the greatest misinterpretations. Right alongside, John 6. :(

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Birgitta Noel

ROTFL! :rotfl: :D :D :D

And yes John 6 always gets me. Here's Christ saying "EAT ME" and people are like, "Uhhh, he didn't REALLY mean that." Ummm, ok, and he didn't really mean it when he said he was God either then right? I mean he must have just meant that he was really holy, right???? :getaclue:

AUUUUUUGH, that along with the Blessed Mother. "She's not that special." Ummmm, HELLO????? I love that bumpersticker..."Don't make fun of my Mother, her son is your God." :angry:

Sigh...... :sadder:

Back to work. Will this day ever end???? :leave:

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  Anna said:
Yet, these same peeps who think they're going to be "raptured," or taken up, would deny that God's Mother could've been assumed into heaven, right? ;)

That isn't the issue. Enoch also was taken up, and Elijah as well. They were recorded in Scripture though. Protestants disagree cause we see Mary as a normal person who needs Christ for salvation and is worshipping Him and bowing at His feet and have no reason to believe Christ raised her up.

Of course, we could take it the other way. Isn't it odd you believe God's mother was assumed into heaven but no one else would be? ;)

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