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Abortionist The New Age Nazi's


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[quote name='Winchester' post='1134968' date='Dec 4 2006, 05:57 PM']
You're not refuting the assertions, you're merely making statements.

What is there to refute? The nazi's were evil in every sense of the word. I'm not refuting that. What I'm refuting is the comparison between pro choicers and Hitler. To be pro choice means to respect the choices of individuals, whether it's on abortion or choosing to get a tattoo or an earring. Do you think the nazi's respected the choice of People to LIVE?! NO... if you were Jewish.. no questions asked, Do not pass go, do not collect $200... go straight to the concentration camp.

I'm sick and tired of people twisting the fact that we support death instead of choice.

If there was a govt order to mandate the imediate abortion of all fetus's in every mother's womb... we'd be right along side with you fighting for the mother's right to choose.

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[quote name='JClives' post='1134973' date='Dec 4 2006, 05:05 PM']
What is there to refute? The nazi's were evil in every sense of the word. I'm not refuting that. What I'm refuting is the comparison between pro choicers and Hitler. T

And "pro-choicers" are evil in every sense of the word. What's your point?

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"because the view of the what the fetus is is insignificant to the pro-choice mentality. Pro choicers support the woman's right to choose... be that life or abortion. The view of what the fetus is, is up to the mother.

So with that said... it renders your entire post, from the title to the closing, as false."

With one post you've proven all the statements I posted to be true. A Relativism view of what makes a human a human is something else Nazis and Pro-choicers have in common.

And please state if you can real falsehoods in my post if you can.

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"Hitler was Pro-Abortion... Not Pro-Choice." -- JCLives

That is incorrect, Hitler was Pro-choice

Hitler Was Pro-choice. Hitler's abortion advocacy group, the Berlin Chamber of Physicians advocated abortion on demand, determined that "The health of the mother - considered from all angles - is the decisive factor."

Just as with todays pro-choicer, the same line is used. Like you said its up to the mother, the Nazi mindset would agree.

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[quote name='RC _' post='1134978' date='Dec 4 2006, 06:15 PM']
And "pro-choicers" are evil in every sense of the word. What's your point?

Pro-choicers aren't evil in every sense of the word. That's his point.

We give to the poor, we pay for the war on terror, we drive small cars (or own bikes!) so you get all that gas for your SUV, we let adults sleep with other adults and don't complain, we help AIDS in Africa. We do good stuff and we let other people do whatever they want.

NAZI's on the other hand killed 6 million jews, killed the elderly, the disabled, gays, and policitical opponents. NAZI's tried to take over Europe and Russia. NAZI's were evil in every senes of the word (well save the fact they created BMWs which is kinda cool).

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[quote name='track2004' post='1135014' date='Dec 4 2006, 05:36 PM']
Pro-choicers aren't evil in every sense of the word. That's his point.

We give to the poor, we pay for the war on terror, we drive small cars (or own bikes!) so you get all that gas for your SUV, we let adults sleep with other adults and don't complain, we help AIDS in Africa. We do good stuff and we let other people do whatever they want.

NAZI's on the other hand killed 6 million jews, killed the elderly, the disabled, gays, and policitical opponents. NAZI's tried to take over Europe and Russia. NAZI's were evil in every senes of the word (well save the fact they created BMWs which is kinda cool).

Nazis gave to the poor (they were, in fact, socialist), they kept law and order, they enhanced the development of science, they put on cool looking parades...

If Nazis are evil in every sense of the word, so is the pro-choice crowd.

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Well someone should give yall a cookie. With 45 million kids snuffed out, theres pently of them to go around.

None of the good things you mention Track over ride the evil of mass murder, or the support there of...

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it all comes back to whether a fetus with a unique human genetic code is a human person or not.

if he is, then you have said this: I support the woman's right to choose to kill babies.

fit back into the analogy, it would go something like this: I support Hitler's right to choose to kill Jews in the holocaust..

Of course, if this fetus with a unique genetic code, unique blood type, beating heart (most abortions stop a beating heart) is not a human person, then you're fine.

If it is a living person, and you support the illegalization of murder, then you must also support the illegalization of abortion.

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[quote name='RC _' post='1135025' date='Dec 4 2006, 06:41 PM']
Nazis gave to the poor (they were, in fact, socialist), they kept law and order, they enhanced the development of science, they put on cool looking parades...

If Nazis are evil in every sense of the word, so is the pro-choice crowd.

So are you bringing about relative evilness on the board because a lot of people don't like this grey thing. From my time here I've found it's a lot easier to say that, "I'm going down because I'm pro-choice which lumps me in with Nazis no matter how different we are" than it is to argue that pro-choicers are worse or better than Nazis. Nazis did some stuff right(ish). Hitler was obviously crazy, but charismatic and people followed him, sometimes because they were forced. No one is saying it was GOOD, just that it was and it wasn't exactly evil incarnate (close but no cigar). Abortion is kind of similar. You might disagree with it, but that doesn't mean it's evil incarnate (is it even incarnate?). On the same note that means that pro-choicers aren't evil incarnate, maybe misguided, maybe wrong, but really now, we aren't completely evil. I mean I don't TyP3 L1k3 Th15 4Ll tH3 t1m3, which has to count for somehting.

Well someone should give yall a cookie. With 45 million kids snuffed out, theres pently of them to go around.

I have cookies. See the Darth Vadar avatar thingy.

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If one where to think that a fetus is a not a human person, that would also fit. Because both the Nazi and pro-choice understanding of the personhood of a fetus is the same, the fetus is legally a non person.

If they believe a fetus is not a human, then they would have said this: I support the woman's right to choose to terminate a legal non-person.

fit back into the analogy, it would go something like this: I support Hitler's right to choose to terminate a Jew legally a non-person, in the holocaust..

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that is correct: merely thinking the fetus is not a person does, in fact, continue to draw parallels with nazi excuses for their crimes.

if the fetus actually were not a human person, then they would be justified in being pro-choice.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1135053' date='Dec 4 2006, 07:00 PM']

If one where to think that a fetus is a not a human person, that would also fit. Because both the Nazi and pro-choice understanding of the personhood of a fetus is the same, the fetus is legally a non person.

If they believe a fetus is not a human, then they would have said this: I support the woman's right to choose to terminate a legal non-person.

fit back into the analogy, it would go something like this: I support Hitler's right to choose to terminate a Jew legally a non-person, in the holocaust..

dude... I personally believe the fetus is a person. But that's my belief... not the mothers... and I respect the mother's decision although I more often than not don't agree with it. This whole arguement is ludicris.

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[quote name='JClives' post='1135068' date='Dec 4 2006, 06:11 PM']
dude... I personally believe the fetus is a person. But that's my belief... not the mothers... and I respect the mother's decision although I more often than not don't agree with it. This whole arguement is ludicris.

So if when if a member of the KKK doesn't believe that black people are persons, its OK for them to kill?

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[quote name='track2004' post='1135042' date='Dec 4 2006, 06:51 PM']
So are you bringing about relative evilness on the board because a lot of people don't like this grey thing.

This is the smartest thing I've read on this board.

Being able to see the grey area and acknowlege it... to me that's seeing clearly... not generalizing things into good and evil... black and white... because really that's just the elementary way of looking at things. Even christ ministered to a pagan soldier when his disciples questioned him saying... "But Lord... this man is a Pagan"

[quote name='RC _' post='1135071' date='Dec 4 2006, 07:14 PM']
So if when if a member of the KKK doesn't believe that black people are persons, its OK for them to kill?

of course not... but that black person isn't inside of a kkk member's body feeding off of his nutrients, giving him morning sickness and a back ache.

It's a grey subject... you can't make this black and white.

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[quote name='JClives' post='1135072' date='Dec 4 2006, 06:18 PM']

of course not... but that black person isn't inside of a kkk member's body feeding off of his nutrients, giving him morning sickness and a back ache.


You missed my point. Why is not considering someone a person a factor?

Edited by RC _
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