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Abortionist The New Age Nazi's


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[b]The Angel of Death[/b]

Dr. Josef Mengele was the most active of the SS doctors at Auschwitz, the infamous Nazi concentration camp. Present at the arrival of all the transports, Mengele oversaw the selection and cremation of thousands of murder victims at Auschwitz. His name was known and feared throughout the camp. Several accounts of camp survivors depict Mengele as killing in a dispassionate, medical way "as though he were performing regular surgery… without showing any emotion at all."

Mengele routinely conducted experiments on humans, the most famous of which were conducted on twins selected on the unloading platforms of Auschwitz. At the end of the experiments, Mengele simply injected chloroform directly into the hearts of many of these twins. After the war, Josef Mengele practiced medicine in Buenos Aires in the 1950's. He "had a reputation as a specialist in abortions," which were illegal at the time. Mengele was arrested after he killed a girl in his abortion clinic, but an Argentine judge released him. Mengele was never extradited and presumably died in Chile in 1979.

But Mengele wasn't the only one. Vilis Kruze was a former SS officer who after the war worked as an abortionist for Kaiser Permenente in Ohio and Hawaii. It seems you can take the doctor out of the killing camp, but you can't take the killing camp out of the doctor.

"Safe and Legal"[/b]

Today, abortion is justified by claiming the killing of babies is "safe and legal." Dr. Michael Jackson, an abortionist and clinic owner said, "I just go by what the courts say. I only do what's legal." These were the same justifications used by doctors who participated in the massacre of millions at Auschwitz. Zyklon-B, the poison gas used to kill the Jews, was seen as helping to alleviate suffering and permit "humane killing".

At Nuremberg, numerous Nazi doctors and killers said they were innocent because they had broken no law. "The jurists in Berlin told us this was a legal matter," testified Walter Schmidt, "quite legal." According to an expert on Auschwitz, "The Nazis committed no crime at Auschwitz since no law or political order protected those who were condemned."

In fact, the legality itself helped to distance the killers from the killing - if it was legally ordered or at least permitted, then the killing was someone else's fault. At the trial held for nurses who injected infants and children with lethal substances, the heart of their defense of was that the killing was carried out in conformity of the existing laws. The defense claimed that "these people were only carrying out the laws of the land" and "the accused did not act wrongly because they were covered by law."

[b]Talking the Talk[/b]

The euphemisms used by Nazis and abortion advocates are eerily similar. Death camps were called "relocation centers" in Nazi Germany and Nazi Occupied Europe. Death camps are called "reproductive health centers" in modern America. The Jews were described as a "parasitic race" by Hitler, while the unwanted child is described "a mere parasite" by Planned Parenthood. The end result then was "termination" of the Jews and the end result now is "termination of pregnancy."
The Nazi Spin[/b]

In the Nazi death camps the victims were labeled "useless eaters," "human ballast", "a mentally dead person," etc. Genetic counselors and physicians who referred for extermination were called, "protectors of the family." Those sentenced to die were "life unworthy of life." The killing was advocated for the "health of the people," being described as "purely a healing treatment" and a "healing work". The bodies of the murdered Auschwitz inmates were referred to as "garbage." Jews were repeatedly referred to as a "disease," for which extermination was the "cure" or "final solution."

German Physicians referred to the killing of handicapped children as a "surgical operation" and killing hyperactive children was a called a "cure." The first panel to decide which children would be executed and which were not was called the "Committee for the Scientific Registration of Serious Hereditary and Congenital Diseases." The first killing centers were called "Children's Specialty Institutions" and "Therapeutic Convalescent Institutions."

In the initial killing programs of Nazi Germany, mentally deficient children were killed only after acquiring parental consent. One Nazi doctor that killed children by gradual sedation and then over-dose said, "there was no killing strictly speaking… people felt this is not murder, it is a putting-to-sleep." Killing patients was referred to as giving "special treatment" - both in the case of mentally ill patients and later of the Jews as a whole. Zyklon-B, the poison used to kill mass numbers of Jews, was referred to as "medicine."

[b]The Pro-choice Spin[/b]

Note the commonality language between the Nazi positions and the claims of abortionists and today's "pro-choice" supporters. In Nazi Germany, the killing of Jews was not against the law, the killing centers were "medical centers" that the killers were "doctors" and the killing was done in the name of promoting "health." In pro-choice America, the killing of babies is not against the law, the killing is done at "medical clinics", the killers are "doctors" and abortion is called a woman's "health" issue.

In America's death camps the victim is usually called a "fetus," but they have also been called "unseen infections," "a sexually transmitted disease" and "a cancerous growth". Abortion supporters have stated that abortion is the "preferred treatment" for "unwanted pregnancy: the number two sexually transmitted disease" and "an aborted baby is just garbage."

Abortion is commonly referred to as a mere "procedure" or "minor surgical operation" and abortionists are often called "service providers." Compare this to the Nazi death squads called "special service groups". The IRS lists Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinic operators as "charitable organizations" engaged in "promoting health." Compare this to the official name of the Nazi organization for implementing euthanasia, the "Charitable Foundation for Institutional Care."

[b]Like-minded Lingo[/b]

In 1943, Himmler referred to the killing of Jews as having "exterminated a germ," and abortion advocate Natalie Shainess justifies abortion by claiming that the unwanted pregnancy is merely "an alien germ."

Former Auschwitz physician Dr. Fritz Klein made the analogy between the massacre of Jews and "a good doctor" who "takes a scalpel and removes an appendix full of pus." He went on to say, "The Jews are the pus-filled appendix in the body of Europe." Similarly, abortion advocate Dr. Alan Guttmacher likened the destruction of the fetus to "operating on an appendix or removing a gangrenous bowel."

Under the Nazi regime, the term "special treatment" was used euphemistically for Jews and others to be exterminated. Today, the medical establishment (AMA, American Academy of Pediatrics, etc.) refers to abortion as the physicians duty "to provide care and treatment" for unwanted pregnancies.

Block 20 at Auschwitz, where "experiments" were "terminated" with a lethal injection of phenol to the heart, was known by both inmates and doctors as the "treatment room." The room in abortion clinics where the abortion is actually committed is commonly known as the "procedure room."

[b]Hitler Was Pro-choice[/b]

In 1933, when the Nazi's came to power, the law was changed to legalize abortion and make this a matter of decision for a medical review board. The development of Germany's abortion policy was left to the county's most vociferous abortion advocacy group, the Berlin Chamber of Physicians. This group, which advocated abortion on demand, determined that "The health of the mother - considered from all angles - is the decisive factor." Then, just as now, health of the mother criterion was loosely understood to mean any economic or psychological affect on the woman's total well being.

There were approximately 500,000 abortions annually in Germany under the Third Reich, a country of 60 to 70 million people. And, in Nazi Germany, racial stock was considered an aspect of the health of the mother. If she was from an "unhealthy" race, such as Polish, Czech or Jewish, then she was often forced to have an abortion against her will. However, race wasn't the only consideration. Hitler actively promoted the destruction of the crippled, poor and unemployed classes, as did Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Abortion led to forced sterilization, which led to "euthanasia," which led to Auschwitz.

[b]Meet Margaret Sanger
Founder of Planned Parenthood[/b]

Margaret Sanger, the alcoholic and Demerol addict, who spawned the International Planned Parenthood Federation, was a proponent of forced eugenics, segregation, abortion, birth control and sexual immorality. Here are some of her quotes.

"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…"
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need ... We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"Eugenics is … the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems.
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"The unbalance between the birth rate of the 'unfit' and the 'fit,' [is] the greatest present menace to civilization… the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"The campaign for birth control is not merely of eugenic value, but is practically identical with the final aims of eugenics."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying… a dead weight of human waste… an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"The undeniably feeble-minded should, indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"The procreation of [the diseased, the feeble-minded and paupers] should be stopped."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"The marriage bed is the most degenerative influence in the social order..."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"[Our objective is] unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children..."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"[Mandatory] sterilization for [the insane and feeble-minded] is the answer."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

"Give dysgenic groups [people with 'bad genes'] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization."
Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood

Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, proposed the American Baby Code that states, "No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child… without a permit for parenthood".

Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood, proposed the Population Congress with the aim, "...to give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization."

"As we celebrate the 100th birthday of Margaret Sanger, our outrageous and our courageous leader, we will probably find a number of areas in which we may find more about Margaret Sanger than we thought we wanted to know..."
Faye Wattleton, Past-president of Planned Parenthood



[b]Birth Control Madness
Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League, which later became Planned Parenthood, published a magazine called Birth Control Review. Here are some quotes from their magazine. The ideas expressed by this group, along with the statements of Margaret Sanger cited above, promote a scheme that seeks to make race or class the determining factor in the use of birth control and abortion. Was Planned Parenthood's founder a racist who taught that some races or classes are superior, while other races or classes are inherently inferior, or was she just an elitist femi-nazi? The quotes here and above reveal the answer.

"Not only is it our task to prevent the multiplication of bad stocks; it is also to preserve the well-endowed stocks."

"… in the interest of social progress or the permanence even of civilization, the intellectual classes should have more children."

"Our most pressing problem is to increase the birth rate from the superior and decrease that from the inferior."

"The Aryan stock today is the most given to birth control and it must see that it does not suffer internationally by the relative ignorance of inferior stocks."

"… it would also lead to racial improvement to sterilize even those feeble-minded who do not necessarily fall in the hereditary group."

"Womanhood shakes off its bondage. It asserts its right to be free. In its freedom, its thoughts turn to the race. Like begets like. We gather perfect fruit from perfect trees. The race is but the amplification of its mother body - the multiplication of flesh habitations - beautified and perfected for souls akin to the mother soul."

[b]R U a Nazi? RU-486?[/b]

When the Nazis switched from machine-gunning their victims in large mass graves to marching their victims through gas chambers at Auschwitz, the gas that they employed was a chemical called Zyklon-B. Zyklon-B was developed by a small chemical company owned by IG Farben, a major supplier for Auschwitz and other death camps that funded many of the experiments undertaken by Mengele and other SS doctors. IG Farben profited handsomely because of the increased use of Zyklon-B. IG Farben's name became virtually synonymous with the holocaust and unethical medical experimentation. So, after the war, this company underwent a name change and it became Hoechst AG.

However, a Nazi by another name is still the same and, today, a subsidiary company of Hoechst AG is the developer and main producer of RU-486, the so-called 'abortion pill'. The ghost of IG Farben is still haunting us by allowing killers to again distance themselves from their deeds. But Hoechst AG is not the only chemical profiteer in the abortion industry.

Borrowing from the IG Farben playbook, Upjohn Pharmaceuticals stock prices doubled when it announced the development of a vaginal prostaglandin-suppository marketed specifically for abortion. (It is no longer on the market, because it turned out to be quite dangerous - not only for the babies it was designed to kill, but also for the women who used it.) Searle, the producer of Cytotec, also saw its stock values surge after its product began to be used as an abortifecient. Using chemicals to kill has become big business for pharmaceutical companies - both during the Nazi holocaust and during the abortion holocaust.

Multiple Choice

Question 1[/b]

Which group suggested mandatory sterilization of the unemployed?
a) Hitler's National Socialist Party
b) Stalin's Bolshevik Party
c) Mao-tze Tung's Communist Party
d) Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League

The Answer: d) Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (which later became Planned Parenthood). This group advocated sterilization for all "dependents such as the unemployed, the deaf the deformed and the blind; the delinquents such as the wayward and the criminals; the mentally deficient such as the morons and the idiots…"

Question 2

This Planned Parenthood predecessor advocated mandatory sterilization for what portion of the US population?
a) one-twentieth
b) one-tenth
c) one-eighth
d) one-fifth

The Answer: d) one fifth. In 1933, the Birth Control Review estimated that over 25,000,000 of the 125,000,000 people living in the United States were "socially maladjusted or unadjusted" and thus candidates for sterilization.

Question 3

In what year did the American Birth Control League, later to become Planned Parenthood, propose a two-child-limit on family size in the United States?
a) 1921
b) 1933
c) 1944
d) 1955

The Answer: b) 1933. Although never adopted in the United States, the idea of family limitation by law was implemented in China in the 1970's. This has resulted in an epidemic of infanticide directed primarily at little girls.

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It is important to show the view of Life by a modern day pro-choicer is so similar to a Nazi view of life.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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".[quote]Zyklon-B, the poison gas used to kill the Jews, was seen as helping to alleviate suffering and permit "humane killing".[/quote]

I agree with most of what was written, but not that. The Nazis didn't seem particularly concerned with providing painless deaths for their victims, if the testimony of Holocaust survivors is anything to go by.

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Thank you for posting this, Knight.

Many so-called pro-life people are aborting their own babies through chemical "contraception." That The Pill either acts to suppress ovulation or as an abortifacient is ignored. The Orthodox Churches permit chemical "contraception" at the same time they claim to oppose abortion. Many Protestant faith communities sanction surgical abortion and [u]all[/u] permit, even promotote, the most common chemical abortifacient -- The Pill.

Nazi experiments on humans were a shock to Americans, who now in large number support experiments on yet-to-be-born humans -- one example is in vitro fertilization and subseqent killing of one or more babies when multiple births would result, another is embryonic stem cell research.

Blessed Father Damien, pray for us!

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1134653' date='Dec 4 2006, 10:42 AM']

I agree with most of what was written, but not that. The Nazis didn't seem particularly concerned with providing painless deaths for their victims, if the testimony of Holocaust survivors is anything to go by.

It was a lie by the Nazis to make their evil wicked acts look good, just as Pro-choicers.

That was my understanding of the paragraph, in question.

[quote name='Winchester' post='1134709' date='Dec 4 2006, 12:16 PM']
Why did you put an apostrophe in the title?


Edited by KnightofChrist
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[b]The Hypocrite Oath[/b]

Although only twenty doctors were brought to trial at Nuremberg for experimenting on human guinea pigs, the holocaust allowed a limitless supply of human victims. Hundreds, if not thousands, of German doctors actively experimented on Jews and other prisoners in Nazi Germany. Methods of sterilization were experimented with from injections that caused infections of the ovaries, to x-ray burning of reproductive organs. Pre-cancerous growths of cervices were induced and studied.

In addition, the tissue and organs of victims were frequently harvested for further experimentation. The same, of course, is going on in America today. Abortion clinics supply the medical establishment a virtually endless supply of human tissue that would otherwise be unavailable. Pharmaceutical companies and research hospitals all pay top dollar for organs, limbs and tissue from aborted fetuses.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1134745' date='Dec 4 2006, 12:19 PM']
You misspelled "whoops," and you used the dreaded apostrophe!

This is exactly why the Nazis won WWII.

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[quote name='Winche'ster' post='1134781' date='Dec 4 2006, 01:58 PM']
You mi's'spelled "whoop's," and you u'sed the dreaded apo'strophe!

Thi's i's exactly why the Nazi's won WWII.

But seriously you guys, how does a pro-choicer deal with having views of "non-persons" so equally similar to the Nazi view of personhood, or the lack there of?

Edited by KnightofChrist
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This is such despicable right wing propaganda.

Hitler was Pro-Abortion... Not Pro-Choice. To even liken the two as similar is a gross and delibrate distortion of the truth.

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[quote name='JClives' post='1134844' date='Dec 4 2006, 04:07 PM']
This is such despicable right wing propaganda.

Hitler was Pro-Abortion... Not Pro-Choice. To even liken the two as similar is a gross and delibrate distortion of the truth.

What has been stated in my post that is false? Can you name some of these "deliberate" distortions of truth?

How do you explain the equal views between Nazi and Pro-choice view of non-personhood of the Fetus?

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1134860' date='Dec 4 2006, 04:30 PM']
What has been stated in my post that is false? Can you name some of these "deliberate" distortions of truth?

How do you explain the equal views between Nazi and Pro-choice view of non-personhood of the Fetus?

because the view of the what the fetus is is insignificant to the pro-choice mentality. Pro choicers support the woman's right to choose... be that life or abortion. The view of what the fetus is, is up to the mother.

So with that said... it renders your entire post, from the title to the closing, as false.

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[quote name='JClives' post='1134964' date='Dec 4 2006, 04:53 PM']
because the view of the what the fetus is is insignificant to the pro-choice mentality. Pro choicers support the woman's right to choose... be that life or abortion. The view of what the fetus is, is up to the mother.

So with that said... it renders your entire post, from the title to the closing, as false.
You're not refuting the assertions, you're merely making statements.

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