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Don't Laugh ....


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Again thankyou for your kindness to me ppl. I will keep 'mystical' revelations to myself - I find that some very good advice I have taken on board.

My description of the charism was very quick when I put the post up. I've gathered a few pointers about the charism - taking time and effort to make sure I communicate as clearly as possible the charism. I won't communicate it here - but if you'd like to see you can type

Into the address toolbar and it will bring up a page you can read.

I have seen many blessings in relation to the community which make me believe that it is genuine. I acknowledge that I am fallible as a human - of course
but I am not doing this to get attention, money, or feel holy.

My spiritual director has been my priest - he has now referred me onto a carmelite monk - a director of the Carmelite community in the Australiasia region.

Please pray for me as I will be calling to make an appointment to see Him this afternoon. :sign:

In need of LOTS of prayers :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :pray:

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I dont' think you're crazy at all, and I think your ideas for this regious community are very beautiful, caring and thoughtful and I will pray if it our lords will that this will come to be oneday, and I'll be praying for you!

God Bless You!

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