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Tribes Of Israel, Abortion, Racism


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I need to disprove an argument by a pseudo-fundamentalist (drinking and dancing is sinful, but remarriage after divorce x5 is ok).

Fundi mom convinced her teen daughter to abort her baby by using the bible under and threatened eviction if she did not comply. Her bible-only reasoning was that the bible says there should be no inter-tribe marriages. Because the father is black, he comes from a different tribe. Such union is unholy and justifies an abortion.

My responses (biblical quotes are needed):

1. Which tribe are you from? There are 12. Which one for you? Which one for the black father?

2. How do you know if you are a member of a tribe of Israel? If you are not a member, how does scripture say you are to join?

3. Were not Mary and Joseph of different tribes? Was Jesus the product of an unholy union? Should Jesus have been aborted also?

you comments and prayers needed!

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sometimes there's no reasoning with people like this. i just encountered a very similar situation this past weekend. best friend's girlfriend (she's 19) getting kicked out of the house because she's dating my best friend. her father called him up screaming "I rebuke you in Jesus' name!" and saying he had a "revelation" from God that my friend is not really a Christian.

after that phone call, he proceeded to physically abuse his other daughter which prompted a call to the cops. and he's supposedly the holy one.

it's quite impossible to reason with people who think they can speak for God.
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maybe you could throw it out to her "We're all gentiles, IDIOT"

since that's not smart, trying quoting Galatians 3:28 in love. it would be completely out of context, but since you're not dealing with a rational biblical exegete here, she might get the point.

or you could try the abortion = murder thing.

or talk about how the [u]non[/u]-jewish nations were the ones sacrificing babies in the OT, like she wants to do.

but like i said, it will be hard to reason....

Edited by mulls
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[quote]3. Were not Mary and Joseph of different tribes? Was Jesus the product of an unholy union? Should Jesus have been aborted also?

No, actually they were both of the same tribe because
1) They were obediant to the Hebrew Laws (e. g. circumcision, purification)
2) Joseph's geneology is recorded as being descended from David and Mary had to be descended from David to fufill the prophecy.

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[quote name='jswranch' post='1129774' date='Nov 28 2006, 12:49 PM']
I need to disprove an argument by a pseudo-fundamentalist (drinking and dancing is sinful, but remarriage after divorce x5 is ok).

Fundi mom convinced her teen daughter to abort her baby by using the bible under and threatened eviction if she did not comply. Her bible-only reasoning was that the bible says there should be no inter-tribe marriages. Because the father is black, he comes from a different tribe. Such union is unholy and justifies an abortion.
My responses (biblical quotes are needed):

1. Which tribe are you from? There are 12. Which one for you? Which one for the black father?

2. How do you know if you are a member of a tribe of Israel? If you are not a member, how does scripture say you are to join?

3. Were not Mary and Joseph of different tribes? Was Jesus the product of an unholy union? Should Jesus have been aborted also?
you comments and prayers needed!
That is simply idiotic, and is merely an excuse for bigotry.

First off, as far as I'm aware, neither were from Jewish tribes.
And most of us in America are from different "tribes" if you go back far enough. I'm your standard American "white guy," but my remote ancestors came from various different Germanic and Celtic tribes, some of which were even at war with each other at different times in history. I've also got some Cherokee Indian blood, though it isn't apparent in my general appearance.

And if this supposed law against "inter-tribal" breeding justifies killing an innocent child, wouldn't this also dictate that all people of mixed race be killed?

This person is an irrational idiot.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1131197' date='Nov 29 2006, 07:05 PM']
No, actually they were both of the same tribe because
1) They were obediant to the Hebrew Laws (e. g. circumcision, purification)
2) Joseph's geneology is recorded as being descended from David and Mary had to be descended from David to fufill the prophecy.

Actually jswranch is correct.

Mulls is right. Reasoning with this person will be difficult. I think that you have a great start. And I agree with Mulls that it that not the Jews that were sacrificing their children. The Lord tested Abraham but in the end he did not ask him to sacrifice his son.

Instead of aqborting children Jesus asked that the young ones come to HIm. He knew us before we were formed in the womb. Since when do we decide that God has wasted His time?

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