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Cats And The Divine Office?

Guest Sister Jacqulyn

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Guest Sister Jacqulyn

I remember it being so hard as a young woman in high school trying to discern a calling to the religious life and grow closer to God through prayer while still living with my family! I would close my bedroom door and try to pray the rosary or (attempt) the recitation of the Divine Office and there would always be a disruption or someone calling my name for something.

Right now, I am visiting my mom for my Thanksgiving home visit and I find now....things don't change much! :) The house is bussling still and it is hard to get some quiet time to sit and have a few quiet moments with my God. I just found some time by myself in the house so I decided to pray the Divine Office while I still had the chance! But just as I was flipping the strings to the Office Book my cat caught sight of them and pounced my book! Imagine! "Oh God, come to my assistance...HEY!!!!" So, my whole prayer time was wrestling between praying the psalms and batting my cat's paws from the pages!

Just comes to show you, God works through the distractions....and through those we love! Crazy cat! :rolleyes:

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As a high school senior who prays the Divine Office to prepare to become a priest, I agree. Everytime I get to the psalms I hear someone calling my name. :saint:

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St Clare apparently loved cats, and had one special one who would sit on her bed as she knitted. Clare had trained her so that if the ball of yarn fell away, the cat would jump down and bring it back to her.

I don't know how many cats there were at San Damiano, but I love the way this icon shows a couple rubbing round her ankles.

The icon is by [url="http://www.bridgebuilding.com/narr/tncla.html"]TERRANCE NELSON[/url]- his note on it reads, in part:

As in her life, St. Clare devoutly holds the monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament in protection of the monastery. At her feet are cats, symbolizing the contemplative life. Consistent with Franciscan love of nature, a sparrow nests in the colonnade, “Even the sparrow has found a home ... where she may have her young – a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God.” (Psalm 84:3)

Cats symbolising the contemplative life? Yes, I could go along with that!


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[quote name='cappie' post='1127864' date='Nov 26 2006, 12:08 AM']
St Clare apparently loved cats, and had one special one who would sit on her bed as she knitted. Clare had trained her so that if the ball of yarn fell away, the cat would jump down and bring it back to her.

I don't know how many cats there were at San Damiano, but I love the way this icon shows a couple rubbing round her ankles.

The icon is by [url="http://www.bridgebuilding.com/narr/tncla.html"]TERRANCE NELSON[/url]- his note on it reads, in part:

As in her life, St. Clare devoutly holds the monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament in protection of the monastery. At her feet are cats, symbolizing the contemplative life. Consistent with Franciscan love of nature, a sparrow nests in the colonnade, “Even the sparrow has found a home ... where she may have her young – a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God.” (Psalm 84:3)
Cats symbolising the contemplative life? Yes, I could go along with that!


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[quote name='Sister Jacqulyn' post='1127762' date='Nov 25 2006, 11:02 PM']
Right now, I am visiting my mom for my Thanksgiving home visit
Thanksgiving home visit?? You get one of those?
Just wondering, Sister, what is your home visit policy? My mom always gets sad when she thinks I won't get to come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas if I enter the convent...

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Sister! I have a cat to...and I love him to death. :love: = :kitten: I spoil him, but he would do more then just bat at the little strings on my breviary it be :love: + :kitten: to this :kitten: + :numchucks: + :starwars:

:lol_roll: then back to :book: :lol:

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My cat does that too!! I bunch the strings up in my hand so he can't see them... lol. It works most of the time. But, what he loves best are rosaries!! :lol: I have to hold that really tight in my fist too. Sometimes, if I leave it sitting out, I'll hear a liitle jingle then look over to find my kitty playing theif dragging my rosary out the door. :ninja: oops!!

As for the original topic, I do find it difficult to find time for prayer. I find it easiest to just stay up a bit later and use that time. Also, I am fortunate enough to get home around three so I have about two hours to myself on school days. Perfect time for praying Evening Prayer!!

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one of my campus ministers in college told us once that one of her cats always joined her on the sofa during her morning prayer time at like 6am. the cat could tell when she was praying and would come over and sit.

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[quote name='cappie' post='1127864' date='Nov 26 2006, 12:08 AM']
St Clare apparently loved cats, and had one special one who would sit on her bed as she knitted. Clare had trained her so that if the ball of yarn fell away, the cat would jump down and bring it back to her.

I don't know how many cats there were at San Damiano, but I love the way this icon shows a couple rubbing round her ankles.

The icon is by [url="http://www.bridgebuilding.com/narr/tncla.html"]TERRANCE NELSON[/url]- his note on it reads, in part:

As in her life, St. Clare devoutly holds the monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament in protection of the monastery. At her feet are cats, symbolizing the contemplative life. Consistent with Franciscan love of nature, a sparrow nests in the colonnade, “Even the sparrow has found a home ... where she may have her young – a place near your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God.” (Psalm 84:3)
Cats symbolising the contemplative life? Yes, I could go along with that!


Cats are the contemplative life? Hmm... so that makes dogs the active life... :underdog:

I guess working on Kennel Staff is God's way of preparing me for entering an active order, then! LOL.

I have a little cat in me, though. :topsy:

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Guest Sister Jacqulyn

[quote name='be_thou_my_vision' post='1128017' date='Nov 26 2006, 01:51 PM']
Thanksgiving home visit?? You get one of those?
Just wondering, Sister, what is your home visit policy? My mom always gets sad when she thinks I won't get to come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas if I enter the convent...

Yes, our congregation is allowed home visits after Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and one visit in the summer. Now, that schedule is in formation, which is a little more strict. Right now, I am professed and out on one of our missions so this policy is not as strict. I am permitted to go home for short visits (day trips or an over night) more often. However, major holidays are still spent with the community and visits home are okay as long as I am faithful to my apostolic and communal obligations.

It can be hard for parents...especially if they think that they are loosing us forever if we enter an order! But in fact, I've found that I have gotten MUCH closer to my mom on so many levels! I never thought I would ever have spiritual talks with my mom...ever! It is unbelievable how she shares with me now...what a tranformation from how she first viewed my entering religious life!

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[quote name='Sister Jacqulyn' post='1129331' date='Nov 27 2006, 11:13 PM']

It can be hard for parents...especially if they think that they are loosing us forever if we enter an order! But in fact, I've found that I have gotten MUCH closer to my mom on so many levels! I never thought I would ever have spiritual talks with my mom...ever! It is unbelievable how she shares with me now...what a tranformation from how she first viewed my entering religious life!

YOU and I have to talk one-one!!!!!!!!! We are relating soooooo much Sister! So much in common!!!!!!!! ^_^ :lol: :shock:

Dont worry...I'm tame.... :saint: :saint:

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When I'm away from the Seminary I often stay with friends. I used to quietly disappear to my room to pray the Divine Office, but now I tell people that I need to pray 5 times a day, and that they're welcome to join me if they want to. I've been amazed at the number who really love praying the Office. Often it's the first time they've experienced it, and they find it really beautiful. I have a number of friends who now ask me without prompting if they can pray part of the Office with me.

My cousin has just got a couple of tiny kittens. When I was staying with him recently, one sat on either of my shoulders peering over at my breviary. Very holy cats!

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for sharing the story Sister Jacqulyn, yes god does work even through distractions, silly cat! :kitten: My Cat loves to sit beside me as i'm praying my rosary, she never bothers me, just sits and listens as I recite my prayers, I'm gonna miss my lil prayer partner :sadder: but I'll be getting two dogpals when I enter the convent, as the sisters have two dogs and they are so friendly, and whenever any of the sisters are in the garden praying the rosary, the dogs know as soon as they see the beads, that sister is praying and they will leave them alone or just walk quietly beside them, they're sweet dogs! Sister, Does your community have any animals?

God Bless You!

[quote name='Sister Jacqulyn' post='1127762' date='Nov 25 2006, 10:02 PM']
I remember it being so hard as a young woman in high school trying to discern a calling to the religious life and grow closer to God through prayer while still living with my family! I would close my bedroom door and try to pray the rosary or (attempt) the recitation of the Divine Office and there would always be a disruption or someone calling my name for something.

Right now, I am visiting my mom for my Thanksgiving home visit and I find now....things don't change much! :) The house is bussling still and it is hard to get some quiet time to sit and have a few quiet moments with my God. I just found some time by myself in the house so I decided to pray the Divine Office while I still had the chance! But just as I was flipping the strings to the Office Book my cat caught sight of them and pounced my book! Imagine! "Oh God, come to my assistance...HEY!!!!" So, my whole prayer time was wrestling between praying the psalms and batting my cat's paws from the pages!

Just comes to show you, God works through the distractions....and through those we love! Crazy cat! :rolleyes:

Edited by TeresaAvila
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