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Is Dope That Bad?


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ive got a few m8's at work who smoke weed on a regular basis, i used to, but since i converted i havent,
anyways i cant answer to tell them why its so bad cos i just dont know tbh,
i dont smoke it cos its too expensive and also the atmosphere of being with ppl that r smoking i dont think is very good,
one of them is "religious" he goes to Mass but still smoked it, and he keeps bringing up the point about "nothing that goes into man will make him unclean" or somin like that so thats the questions,
is it all that bad,
this has probably been brought up b4 but thanks anyway
God Bless

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If using marijuana is against the law where you are, then that's all you need to know. All Christians are called to obey the laws of the government they live under (the only real exception being if worshipping Christ is against the law).

If it's not against the law, then I would first consider the reasons why marijuana is illegal in most of the world. It is a dangerous drug, even if most people who use it manage not to get addicted because they only use it recreationally. If you want some defense against his Biblical offense, remember that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. We should take care of our bodies just like the Israelites took care of the Temple in Jerusalem. For that matter, every time you take Communion, you body literally becomes a tabernacle of the Lord. I think even smoking cigarrettes or an unhealthy diet show disrespect towards our bodies.

Also, your friend is using the passage about what goes into the body not affecting the soul was more about eating food sacrificed to idols. It is partially true that smoking weed doesn't tarnish our souls since our bodies and souls are separate in a way, but the key is that we avoid harmful drugs not because it's wrong, but simply out of our love for God.

I think a good parallel is a married man who avoids sleeping around not because it's socially unacceptable, but out of love for his wife. Everything about Christian morality shouldn't be about following some rules because if you focus on that you'll likely fail (as I have) because you'll be relying on your own strength. But focus on your desire to love God and you'll be relying on God's strength... and that's a much better place to be.

Sorry that's so long-winded... I'll shut up now.

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dope is not dope!!!

"No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other." Lk 16:13

this is what weed is supposed 2 do...u bcome addicted 2 it...it is an addictive drug...it impairs ur senses...u make decisions that r not pure when smoking weed...i don't care how it makes u feel...and like LF said, it is illegal 4 a reason...

and NO u do not do things better when u r high!!! u do things as good as u can when ur high and settle 4 it bcuz u r!!!

u ain't sexier either!!!

i used 2 smoke weed all day and all nite...all i did was spiral in2 darkness...the devil loves when we ur high, drunk, liars, inpure beings...weed is the devil's friend...he don't have 2 work so hard, and u r a SLAVE!!! u cannot b high and Holy!!!

the Lord asks us 2 be perfect as r heavenly Father is perfect
the Lord asks us 2 b Holy as r heavenly Father is Holy

we cannot b these things when decieved by a cloud of pot smoke!!!

ask ur "religious" buddy at work 2 pray 2 the Lord in front of the Blessed Sacrament and ask Him if it's cool 2 smoke weed...better yet, invite him 2 go with u 2 and pray and ask this...c what he says...

dope is not dope!!!

Word is almost born

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[quote name='hope4thenew' post='1128135' date='Nov 26 2006, 05:05 PM']
dope is not dope!!!

"No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other." Lk 16:13

this is what weed is supposed 2 do...u bcome addicted 2 it...it is an addictive drug...it impairs ur senses...u make decisions that r not pure when smoking weed...i don't care how it makes u feel...and like LF said, it is illegal 4 a reason...

and NO u do not do things better when u r high!!! u do things as good as u can when ur high and settle 4 it bcuz u r!!!

u ain't sexier either!!!

i used 2 smoke weed all day and all nite...all i did was spiral in2 darkness...the devil loves when we ur high, drunk, liars, inpure beings...weed is the devil's friend...he don't have 2 work so hard, and u r a SLAVE!!! u cannot b high and Holy!!!

the Lord asks us 2 be perfect as r heavenly Father is perfect
the Lord asks us 2 b Holy as r heavenly Father is Holy

we cannot b these things when decieved by a cloud of pot smoke!!!

ask ur "religious" buddy at work 2 pray 2 the Lord in front of the Blessed Sacrament and ask Him if it's cool 2 smoke weed...better yet, invite him 2 go with u 2 and pray and ask this...c what he says...

dope is not dope!!!

Word is almost born

LOL @ weed being addictive.

The wine you drink during communion is more addictive than marijuana.

Marijuana is a plant. It's natural and from the earth. It can be used to help people who suffer from glaucoma, it can also help people who have eating disorders to get back on a regular cycle.

Like everything else on this planet... there is a way to use it responsiblly and a way to abuse it.

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[quote name='zeyeon' post='1128142' date='Nov 26 2006, 04:09 PM']
LOL @ weed being addictive.

The wine you drink during communion is more addictive than marijuana.

Marijuana is a plant. It's natural and from the earth. It can be used to help people who suffer from glaucoma, it can also help people who have eating disorders to get back on a regular cycle.

Like everything else on this planet... there is a way to use it responsiblly and a way to abuse it.


Smoking the plant is abusing it.

Wine comes from grapes, which also come from the Earth.

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[quote name='zeyeon' post='1128142' date='Nov 26 2006, 04:09 PM']

Marijuana is a plant. It's natural and from the earth.

Arsenic is a mineral. [b]It's natural and from the earth.[/b]

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