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Prayers Needed


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Hey everyone,
happy thanksgiving.

Magdalen College is helping me alot form in my spiritual life and helping me to become a better person in life. I have been struggling with school work for the past few weeks and so on. I am really lucky I am able to come back next semester.

However i am having problems with my discernment. I am no longer sure that God is calling me to the religious life, I think he could be calling me to the married life, I am still unsure. There is this guy, who i like and we are just friends but he is realizing he really cares about me more than on a friendship level. We both want out friendship to on of the greatest, but it seems that we dont talk as much as we should, and the weird thing is that we both think about the same things at the same time!!! We left campus yesterday and I was the only person who he hugged good-bye, kind of weird but it made me realize that he does truly care about me.

Could you all pray for HIm and for me as well, since I not sure what God wants of me!!!!

Thank you and God Bless!!!

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Nicole, you have my heartfelt prayers - and also my congratulations.

No, I'm not giving you (very) premature wedding greetings! I'm congratulating on how much you seem to have matured and developed as a person since you went to Magadalene College. You appear much calmer, as well as being more patient and humble. It shines through in your writing - which has greatly improved in quality. You're doing really well and I'm happy for you. I'm glad you've had this opportunity and I pray that God blesses you richly through it.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. (I'm British, so I don't celebrate it, but I know it has turkey involved. That can't be a bad thing!)

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thank you so much for the comment. yes i'm glad you can tell that i have grown abit as well since July/August when i was "rejected" from enterence. I emailed the Sisters just a few minutes ago and I didn't tell them yet, but i am not sure what God has planned for me, until I know for a fact, i will let them know.

Pax Christi!!!

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Sixtina, I'm glad to see you back and in such good spirits!! I didn't get to know you very well because I haven't been here all that long but, I can also tell that you have matured a lot since this summer. prayers for you and your discernment!! God will lead you where he wants you to be!! Just, "watch and pray". :):):)

God Bless


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Six, I am very happy for you. Give God lots of room to make big miracles. Work extra hard with your studies, and don't be afraid to love! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

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"Do not be afraid!"

John Paul the Great has the best advice, dear sister in Jesus. I am so happy to see you here on Phatmass, and even happier that I was able to meet you in person. Your smile is contageous, and you have a very kind personality. Don"t be afraid to love; as long as Jesus is your first love, all other loves will fall into their proper place and your vocation, whether that be marriage or consecrated life, will work itself out in Our Lord"s timing :) He wants you to be happy, always remember that.

God bless you!!


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I am so happy that Magdalen is such a wonderful place for you...God has certainly led you where you need to be. College is a time for education and growth. But nothing says you have to know the answers in ONE semester. Slow down and don't worry if you don't know. Just go learn all of those book things and get good grades; then things will go from there.

God put the brakes on when He led you to college instead of the convent. Now you just have to trust him with eyes wide open and go where He puts you. Oh, and even if you agree to a movie with a boy, it doesn't mean you have to marry the guy!

Besides Six, I have looked back and seen how almost ALL of my best-laid plans fell to pieces. It really stunk at the time and I even had a wowzer of a tantrum or two. But in the end, God led me down a path I couldn't see clearly to something far better.

Keep your head, heart, and soul about you. Study, trust God and the rest will come. Anything forced will fall flat.

Many hugs and remember I believe in you.

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Hey all, Lauren and Mary-kathryn,

I am at peace right now with things. However not knowing what God has instore for me in weird but thats kewl with me. I have talked to the guy that I like the past 2 days for over an hour and today for 15 minutes. WE decided to come back on campus early on Sunday to spend time with each other. He has told me that he misses me alot since he cant see me everyday, and that he thinks about me all the time....NAW!!!!! I miss him too and i wish i could see him but its always nice not to see him every single day.

So, we'll just have to see if the relationship between us goes any further than just as friends.

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Thats why I love phatmass so much Sr. Mary Michael! Yes, jenni, i did meet a really goooood guy! We just talked for 5 minutes before our very busy day with people we know. We hope to hang out tomorrow before we tecnically have to be back on campus!!!

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I've had something very similar happen to me--I had come to terms with the idea of becoming a nun when God suddenly began pulling me towards married life, and when I tried to ignore it, He spoke to clearly to me that I couldn't ignore it anymore. But God is so wonderful! He's giving me new and wonderful ways to trust Him through this. Just pray through all of it, and He will guide you. God bless! :D

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