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"what If 'gays' Went On Strike?"


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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1129434' date='Nov 27 2006, 11:23 PM']
Are the spaces confusing you?

you may find this to be wierd... but actually yes they are lol

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[quote name='zeyeon' post='1129436' date='Nov 27 2006, 11:24 PM']you may find this to be wierd... but actually yes they are lol[/quote]I have faith in you. Just find your delete key, you're so close to shattering us.

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Sorry it took so long, had some work to do when I got off of work.
ok full sentance in hebrew...
א אַשְׁרֵי הָאִישׁ אֲשֶׁר לֹא הָלַךְ, בַּעֲצַת רְשָׁעִים;
וּבְדֶרֶךְ חַטָּאִים, לֹא עָמָד, וּבְמוֹשַׁב לֵצִים, לֹא יָשָׁב.

now I'm in no way fluent in hebrew... but all you have to do is break out a concordance and find the symbols for WALK, STAND, and SIT... That alone will be sufficient to prove my point, because it prooves parallisim

Walk = דֶרֶךְ It's towards the end of the 2nd line. pronounced "Darwak"

Stand = מעמד A variation of it is in the middle of the third line, pronounced mo'omad.. literally means a strong foot hold,

Sit = ישב Found in the middle of the second line.... pronounced yashab... literally means to sit down or to cause to sit.

now I know matt is going to make me go through the whole verse, write it all out in hebrew, translate exactley what it says in english, and then rearrange it again so it makes sense in english... just so that I'll recieve a headache... which I will... but those three words alone proove the parallelisim that existed in the original hebrew. Walking, to Standing, to sitting. Not to mention it's hard as heck to work with hebrew letters on the computer as I just found out, because it reverses your backspace and delete key.

But anyway, my original point was that when this parallelisim is broken in a translation... then the translation is seriously flawed and should not be trusted.

And as far as socrates is concerned... I'll be more than happy to proove to you that homosexuality was a pagan sex ritual and that's why the lord spoke out against it with punishment of death... because it's putting other God's before him. And personally, the only thing more sickening than gay ses is reading how you are attempting to use God's word to feed you're inner biggotry, rather than take the meaning for what it really is... But I'm tired right now and you'll have to wait until tommorow.


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I feel like I'm in my childhood friends' Hebrew school. Too funny.

[quote name='zeyeon' post='1129652' date='Nov 28 2006, 06:53 AM']But anyway, my original point was that when this parallelisim is broken in a translation... then the translation is seriously flawed and should not be trusted.[/quote]The parallelism is only broken in the English Idiom. Now that we've seen that the literal translation makes that clear, we can confirm this by reviewing ancient and recent commentaries on Psalm 1:1 (e.g [url="http://www4.desales.edu/~philtheo/loughlin/ATP/Psalm_1.html"]St. Thomas Aquinas[/url], [url="http://www.ccel.org/fathers2/NPNF1-08/npnf1-08-08.htm#P246_19558"]St. Augustine[/url], [url="http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3303001.htm"]Hilary of Poitiers[/url], Baptist pastor [url="http://www.spurgeon.org/treasury/ps001.htm"]Charles Spurgen[/url], [url="http://www.easyenglish.info/psalms/psalm001-041-taw.htm"]an evangelical commentary[/url]). And on and on and on.

[quote name='zeyeon' post='1129652' date='Nov 28 2006, 06:53 AM']And as far as socrates is concerned... I'll be more than happy to proove to you that homosexuality was a pagan sex ritual and that's why the lord spoke out against it with punishment of death... because it's putting other God's before him. And personally, the only thing more sickening than gay ses is reading how you are attempting to use God's word to feed you're inner biggotry, rather than take the meaning for what it really is... But I'm tired right now and you'll have to wait until tommorow.[/quote]My "inner bigotry" and your sickness aside, Holy Scriptures gives a reason that God rejects homosexual acts. The reason is because it they are unnatural acts. If it were because of paganism, Holy Scriptures would have said so (e.g. eating meats sacrificed to idols). In fact, there is never a connection made between paganism and homosexuality in the Holy Bible.

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1129790' date='Nov 28 2006, 01:18 PM']
I feel like I'm in my childhood friends' Hebrew school. Too funny.

The parallelism is only broken in the English Idiom. Now that we've seen that the literal translation makes that clear, we can confirm this by reviewing ancient and recent commentaries on Psalm 1:1 (e.g [url="http://www4.desales.edu/~philtheo/loughlin/ATP/Psalm_1.html"]St. Thomas Aquinas[/url], [url="http://www.ccel.org/fathers2/NPNF1-08/npnf1-08-08.htm#P246_19558"]St. Augustine[/url], [url="http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3303001.htm"]Hilary of Poitiers[/url], Baptist pastor [url="http://www.spurgeon.org/treasury/ps001.htm"]Charles Spurgen[/url], [url="http://www.easyenglish.info/psalms/psalm001-041-taw.htm"]an evangelical commentary[/url]). And on and on and on.

My "inner bigotry" and your sickness aside, Holy Scriptures gives a reason that God rejects homosexual acts. The reason is because it they are unnatural acts. If it were because of paganism, Holy Scriptures would have said so (e.g. eating meats sacrificed to idols). In fact, there is never a connection made between paganism and homosexuality in the Holy Bible.

I didn't say God didn't reject homosexual acts. I know full well it's unnatural. But KILLING a gay person, for the sole reason of him being GAY, as what socrates posted.... that particular verse is alluding to a pagan ritual. I wasn't calling you a biggot... I was calling socrates a biggot.

Do you scim your research as fast as you scim my posts? lol

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Unless you read up on Crowley's version of the OTO (oy vey), there's not very much homosexuality in paganism.

As for what [i]I[/i] would do if gays went on strike...Probably start an interior decorating business because it would certainly be in demand. Lol.

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[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1129216' date='Nov 27 2006, 07:49 PM']
It concerns me that we are engagin in such angry toned discussion on this topic. Why don't we speak in such virulent terms about those who enable the genocide in Darfur or encourage divisivess in the Church? And where does it say that homosexuality is any worse than any other sins, of which we are all guilty? Jesus spent much time speaking about concern for the poor and absolutely none on homosexualty. Should we not take a cue from our Savior?

I would argue that the level of excitement involved in this discussion comes not from the gravity of the sin, but in the fact that our society not only denies the sinfulness of homosexual acts, but champions the cause and imposes it on every human being.

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[quote name='Matty_boy' post='1130280' date='Nov 28 2006, 09:38 PM']
I would argue that the level of excitement involved in this discussion comes not from the gravity of the sin, but in the fact that our society not only denies the sinfulness of homosexual acts, but champions the cause and imposes it on every human being.

maan you sound homophobic lol. Most gay people you wouldn't even know they are gay.

I agree with you the flamboyant doods that talk with an unnatural lisp... it takes alot to not want to dissaosciate yourself from them... But most of these people are just looking to walk down the street without getting burned inside of 5 tires.

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[quote name='zeyeon' post='1129652' date='Nov 28 2006, 06:53 AM']
Sorry it took so long, had some work to do when I got off of work.
ok full sentance in hebrew...
א אַשְׁרֵי הָאִישׁ אֲשֶׁר לֹא הָלַךְ, בַּעֲצַת רְשָׁעִים;
וּבְדֶרֶךְ חַטָּאִים, לֹא עָמָד, וּבְמוֹשַׁב לֵצִים, לֹא יָשָׁב.
now I'm in no way fluent in hebrew... but all you have to do is break out a concordance and find the symbols for WALK, STAND, and SIT... That alone will be sufficient to prove my point, because it prooves parallisim

Walk = דֶרֶךְ It's towards the end of the 2nd line. pronounced "Darwak"

Stand = מעמד A variation of it is in the middle of the third line, pronounced mo'omad.. literally means a strong foot hold,

Sit = ישב Found in the middle of the second line.... pronounced yashab... literally means to sit down or to cause to sit.
now I know matt is going to make me go through the whole verse, write it all out in hebrew, translate exactley what it says in english, and then rearrange it again so it makes sense in english... just so that I'll recieve a headache... which I will... but those three words alone proove the parallelisim that existed in the original hebrew. Walking, to Standing, to sitting. Not to mention it's hard as heck to work with hebrew letters on the computer as I just found out, because it reverses your backspace and delete key.

But anyway, my original point was that when this parallelisim is broken in a translation... then the translation is seriously flawed and should not be trusted.[/quote]
Hey, nice work with the Hebrew characters. That was quite impressive.
But you still haven't proven that the idiom in Hebrew means that we should never oppose the sinner. We'd need to have someone truly fluent in ancient Hebrew, preferrably a learned rabbi, to definitively settle the issue.

However, parallelism actually clearly works in our favor, not yours - don't go with the counsil of sinners, don't stand around on their paths, don't sit with them in their seats. The whole psalm is saying to avoid the ways of the sinners and follow the way of the righteous. It is your "interpretation" that is out of sync with the rest of the psalm, as well as the rest of the Bible.

[quote]And as far as socrates is concerned... I'll be more than happy to proove to you that homosexuality was a pagan sex ritual and that's why the lord spoke out against it with punishment of death... because it's putting other God's before him. And personally, the only thing more sickening than gay ses is reading how you are attempting to use God's word to feed you're inner biggotry, rather than take the meaning for what it really is... But I'm tired right now and you'll have to wait until tommorow.

In fact, Leviticus 20:16 says nothing whatsoever about "pagan sex rituals" - it simply says, "If any one lie with a man as with a woman, both have committed an abomination: let them be put to death. Their blood be upon them."

Nor are pagan rituals spoken of with any of the other condemnations of homosexuality in the Bible.
The preceding verses, Leviticus 20:9-12 also order death for adultery and various forms of incest. Lev. 20:15-16 orders death for acts of bestiality.

True, the Mosaic Law was much freer with the death penalty than most moderns are comfortable with, but it is clear that adultery, incest, and unnatural acts are condemned for themselves, not simply because of an (alleged) connection with pagan rites.

In fact, heterosexual acts were far more commonly involved in pagan worship, yet the Bible contains no sweeping condemnations of (heterosexual) sex in itself (It nowhere says "If any man lie with a woman, both have committed an abomination: let them be put to death.")

[quote name='zeyeon' post='1129970' date='Nov 28 2006, 04:10 PM']
I didn't say God didn't reject homosexual acts. I know full well it's unnatural. But KILLING a gay person, for the sole reason of him being GAY, as what socrates posted.... that particular verse is alluding to a pagan ritual. I wasn't calling you a biggot... I was calling socrates a biggot.
My point in posting that quote and my (sarcastic) comments after it were to show how ridiculous it is to pull a single Bible verse out of context, and use that as the sole basis of a broad argument, without regard for the rest of Scripture.

One can just as easy (easier, in fact) quote Scripture to say that all homosexuals should be put to death, as to say that no one must stand against homosexual or other sinful acts.

[quote name='Matty_boy' post='1130280' date='Nov 28 2006, 09:38 PM']
I would argue that the level of excitement involved in this discussion comes not from the gravity of the sin, but in the fact that our society not only denies the sinfulness of homosexual acts, but champions the cause and imposes it on every human being.
Well put.

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[quote name='Veritas' post='1123987' date='Nov 19 2006, 11:40 PM']

That's what the preview asks, and then, the A & E symbol flashes as a rainbow flag. Two words: Sick and wrong. They don't have more info on the website, that I could see...

What I'd like to know, is, what if people, who don't support sexual depravity in the form of homosexuality went on strike? Suddenly, America would have no food.

Honestly, could there "show" be any more insulting?

On strike from what? :unsure: Being gay? Or something else? Like working at their jobs?
A gay union? Weird.

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[quote name='Balthazor' post='1130814' date='Nov 29 2006, 11:56 AM']
On strike from what? :unsure: Being gay? Or something else? Like working at their jobs?
A gay union? Weird.
I made this same joke earlier.

My point is, you are a brilliant and witty person.

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I am also a lazy person who does not read the threads all the way through.

Unfortunitly if gays went on strike.....
truthfully, I would be out of the best hairdresser I ever had. :(

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