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Muslim Equivalent



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[quote name='GloriaIesusChristi' post='1124868' date='Nov 21 2006, 12:10 AM']
Yeah, and they don't always seem to follow the "Thou Shalt Not Kill" very well either.

I don't think that they would have a problem with the Ten Commands, but to them we are lost anyway, because we worship Jesus and their faith seems to stem more from Judaism than Christianity, Of course that is my opinion, however they also feel we are wrong for the way we dress and treat women also.

As for all the faith symbols in a courtroom. I don't know, that might leave to much room for controversy between, Muslims, Jews, and Christians. Unfortuantly, then all the other religions are left in the backseat, and they all want a cut of the pie also.

Well it depends on who you ask. If you're talking to extremist muslims with political agendas, you would find that they have the same views as some extremists Christians with political agendas in the same area. In other words, good muslims believe murder is wrong.

[quote name='Matty_boy' post='1125256' date='Nov 21 2006, 03:38 PM']
I find it particularly interesting that you claim that Islamic theology embraces the Ten Commandments, then you make a point regarding American law and Shariah law, and you don't even begin to condemn Shariah law as a completely immoral system of law or governance. Last time I checked, Shariah law broke the 5th Commandment (you shall not murder) to punish those who broke the rest (except for the 8th Commandment which Muslims think it is okay to lie for Allah's sake). Every country that does/has practiced Shariah law, executes or tortures offenders.

Shariah law allows honor killings hwere a girl who was raped can be executed by her family to regain their honor. One recent case of a married woman being gang raped resulted in the four attackers sentenced to several hundred lashes while the woman was sentenced to 200 lashes for being in a car with a man who was not her husband. Adultery is punished by burying the offender (usually a woman, men often are not punished) up to their head in the sand, while groups throw stones at the person's head until death.

So, I guess you could say that Islam and Shariah law embraces the Ten Commandments, in so much as Hannibal Lecter had a passion for cooking.

THe sharia isn't practiced by all Islamic countries though and there are many misconceptions regarding it.

[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1125313' date='Nov 21 2006, 04:37 PM']

That Wikipedia article is full of inaccuracies and out-and-out errors. Here is one of the most glaring mistakes that I could see:
Hmm...that depends on how you're going to translate the Arabic word for 'beat', darabah. It has multiple meanings. It can be translated as to separate, to part, to set out on a journey, to shroud in blackness, to mint (a coin), to publish (a book), to cover (as in wearing clothes), to send off, to throw, to raise, and many more - and translators of the Qur’an and commentators on it have always had trouble with this word. The notion that daraba means ‘to strike’ in 4.34 is really founded on debatable grounds, involving two particular ahadith. As it happens, words derived from this same root occur no less than 58 times in the Qur’an, and are used in different contexts in ways that can be ambiguous and open to widely different translations into English. In none of these other places is it used or translated in the sense of to hit, strike or beat.

Wow, I didn't see this goofup in wikipedia. From what I know, even if it is to hit, it'd be a soft tap and only to be used symbollically. Thanks for you contribution. Btw, which area in Saudi are u from? My leb cousin just got married and she and her hubby now live there.

Edited by musturde
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[quote]THe sharia isn't practiced by all Muslims though and not all Muslims agree with everything having to do with it.[/quote]

Not quite. Shariah means 'pathway' and is found in the Qur'an. It has been elaborated on and interpreted by scholars of Islamic jurisprudence. No Muslim should have a problem with the idea of following a pathway laid down in the Qur'an - they just differ in how Qur'anic law is to be interpreted and applied. A classic example is the passage I quoted above, which contains the word [i]darabah[/i]. Based on the many meanings of this word, some Muslims would argue that it's OK to hit your wife. Others would contend that it isn't. And as there is no central authority in Islam (at least in Sunni Islam - Shi'a followers do have a clerical hierarchy) it is at risk of being interpreted just as the individual likes. Some Sunnis guard against this risk by subscribing to a madhab, or a particular school of thought with Sunnism, so they can make sure their interpretations are consistent.

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