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The Giving Of Jesus Dolls



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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1158127' date='Jan 7 2007, 02:17 PM']
I wouldn't give a doll of Jesus because I don't believe in Idol Worship.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Exodus 20:4.
There is a difference between having a representation or picture of something and worshipping it.

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[quote]Then you wouldn't like my bobble head Jesus? shock.gif[/quote]

No. I also don't like it when people make "Mii"s of Our Lord

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Birgitta Noel

[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1159473' date='Jan 8 2007, 10:43 PM']
No. I also don't like it when people make "Mii"s of Our Lord

What's a Mii?

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[quote name='The Little Way' post='1158235' date='Jan 7 2007, 05:32 PM']
Do you own a nativity set? Or for that matter photos of your loved ones? Isn't that idol worship to display such photos or images of them?
Nativity Set - No.
Photos of loved ones - yes, but I don't look at them very often.

When you assume giving Jesus Dolls as a form of evangelism, than you are engaging in worship of God. . .

But since you are engaging in that worship with a doll, are you not worshiping the doll and not the creator of the doll.

I would rather play it on the conservative side and not to have any appearance of evil, than to to hand them out and anger the almighty.

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[quote]What's a Mii?[/quote]

A Mii is a likeness of a person that is m ade to be used as your character in a number of the video games for the Nintendo Wii.

"FullTruth" you evidently have no idea what the Catholic teaching on icons is. We do not give them the worship of Latria due only to God to an image of Him. The image does, however make us able to better meditate and think on Him. We do not give Latria to the icon, we do, however give Latria to He who is portrayed in the icon (of course, if it is not a picture of One of the Persons in the Holy Trinity, we would not give Latria to He Who is portrayed in the icon, but rather, we would give Dulia to the Saint who is portrayed in the icon)

The Catechism of Pope St. Pius X says:

[quote name='Catechism of St. Pius X'] 8 Q. What is forbidden by the First Commandment?
A. The First Commandment forbids idolatry, superstition, sacrilege, heresy, and every other sin against religion.

9 Q. What is idolatry?
A. Idolatry is the giving to any creature, for example, to a statue, to an image, or to a man, the supreme worship of adoration that belongs to God alone.

10 Q. How is this prohibition expressed in Holy Scripture?
A. This prohibition is expressed in Holy Scripture in these words: Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or on the earth beneath; and thou shalt not adore them or serve them.

11 Q. Do these words forbid every kind of image?
A. Certainly not; but only those of false divinities, made to be adored, as idolaters adore them. So true is this, that God Himself commanded Moses to make images, as, for example, the two statues of the Cherubim for the Ark, and the Brazen Serpent in the desert.

Edited by StThomasMore
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Birgitta Noel

[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1159481' date='Jan 8 2007, 10:51 PM']

Perhaps it will have to remain a mystery. I think it's a shame though that he rejects my bobble head Jesus. We think he's groovy and he's still Jesus even if he does nod his head a lot. His fingers are raised in blessing with the 3-2 indication.

Now, the magnetic dress up Jesus on the cross complete with girl clothes that Urban Outfitters sold a few years back, not funny. Wholly sacrelegious (sp?).

We also have Jesus and Mary plastic night lights that I rescued from the canned veggie aisle at our local grocery story. I call the Jesus one "The light of the world." Kitchy yes, but again, still Jesus.

And STM lest you think I live in a wasteland of Catholic kitsch fear not, there are plenty of more traditional representations of our Lord and Savior and his Bride around our house.

Jesus laughed. Thank God!

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1159484' date='Jan 8 2007, 10:56 PM']
Nativity Set - No.
Photos of loved ones - yes, but I don't look at them very often.

When you assume giving Jesus Dolls as a form of evangelism, than you are engaging in worship of God. . .

But since you are engaging in that worship with a doll, are you not worshiping the doll and not the creator of the doll.

I would rather play it on the conservative side and not to have any appearance of evil, than to to hand them out and anger the almighty.

But you didn't answer my question. Does having them equate to idolatry (even if you don't look at them often)?

How is giving a Jesus doll or evangelism for that matter "worship of God"? Did I miss something?

If I think the doll IS Jesus then one might argue I'm worshiping it. If I believe that and I'm giving it away then I'm really in trouble though.

If your child has a book of bible stories with illustrations of Jesus is that idol worship?
That's what you're arguing, any representation of Jesus is idol worship, is it not?

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[quote name='The Little Way' post='1159491' date='Jan 9 2007, 12:05 AM']
Perhaps it will have to remain a mystery. I think it's a shame though that he rejects my bobble head Jesus. We think he's groovy and he's still Jesus even if he does nod his head a lot. His fingers are raised in blessing with the 3-2 indication.

Now, the magnetic dress up Jesus on the cross complete with girl clothes that Urban Outfitters sold a few years back, not funny. Wholly sacrelegious (sp?).

We also have Jesus and Mary plastic night lights that I rescued from the canned veggie aisle at our local grocery story. I call the Jesus one "The light of the world." Kitchy yes, but again, still Jesus.

And STM lest you think I live in a wasteland of Catholic kitsch fear not, there are plenty of more traditional representations of our Lord and Savior and his Bride around our house.

Jesus laughed. Thank God!
But you didn't answer my question. Does having them equate to idolatry (even if you don't look at them often)?

How is giving a Jesus doll or evangelism for that matter "worship of God"? Did I miss something?

---> Anything we do for God, such as evangelism to encourage people to think about God, is worship. We are magnifying the Lord as the source of salvation. That is worship. Worship is to praise God, and by evangelizing, we are praising God for salvation.

---> So if you do so by giving a Jesus Doll to do so, it is to implement of something that is made to replace the creator. When you hand such a doll out to get people to think of Jesus than we are using something that is made in worship. We then start to use it as a crutch for evangelizing the people. Would God honour that, no!

---> Whenever you put something other than the lord in any activity that should only involve him, we idol worship.

If I think the doll IS Jesus then one might argue I'm worshiping it. If I believe that and I'm giving it away then I'm really in trouble though.

---> Read my statement above. If you replace the Lord with anything involving a process which he should be the only one involved in it is Idol Worship.

If your child has a book of bible stories with illustrations of Jesus is that idol worship?
That's what you're arguing, any representation of Jesus is idol worship, is it not?

As I stated, any activity that is used to magnify God having something other than what God has made is Idol worship. A children's bible with pictures of Jesus is not idol worship, because they are not, hopefully, praying to the pictures of Jesus for enlightenment of the scripture in their minds.

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Idol worship is woshipping something other the God - a piece of wood, money, power, a new car, a person.

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Birgitta Noel

First off, CMom is right on in her definition of idol worship.

Secondly, above I asked:
[quote]If your child has a book of bible stories with illustrations of Jesus is that idol worship?[/quote]

And you replied:
As I stated, any activity that is used to magnify God having something other than what God has made is Idol worship. A children's bible with pictures of Jesus is not idol worship, because they are not, hopefully, praying to the pictures of Jesus for enlightenment of the scripture in their minds.[/quote]

See this is where your argument fails. If I have a Jesus doll I am not praying to the doll anymore than your children are praying to the pictures of Jesus in the stories. Your definition falls apart.

If I have a statue of Jesus in my house, not a doll, but lets say a crucified Jesus on a cross and I look at it when I pray as a reminder of his passion and sacrifice I am not worshiping that crucifix, like the child it is enlightening my heart/mind.

Does that make sense?

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1122955' date='Nov 17 2006, 11:48 PM']
I think that DairyGirl should converse at these topics in person with others in a university after she gets her doctorates in philosophy and theology.

Maybe you should too....
Not that I find DairyGirl's polls particularly relevant, but this post didn't really make sense, since you don't have a doctorate either....

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Perhaps to be PC we would need to get Jesus, Budha, Mohammed dolls and then randomly give them away......

This is one of those things that just make you go.... "Hmmmmmmmm..."

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[quote]Perhaps to be PC we would need to get Jesus, Budha, Mohammed dolls and then randomly give them away...... [/quote]

Buddah and Mohammad are prophets of the Evil One and any non-disrepsectful images of them are guarded by him.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1160744' date='Jan 10 2007, 03:01 PM']
Buddah and Mohammad are prophets of the Evil One and any non-disrepsectful images of them are guarded by him.

Good job ignoring my post and refusing to justify your arrogance!
However, I don't think Buddha and Mohammad dolls should be given away either. If you start with the whole "PC" thing, you need to give away Moses dolls too.....And then you start getting into New Agers who want Wiccan imagery.....
Nope, I'm good with not being politically correct, thanks. And actually, giving away Buddha dolls would probably offend Buddhists....Their statues of Buddha are shrines, not dolls. It would be disrespectful to their religion, twisting their traditions in an attempt to not offend them. You would be looking at things from the point of view of a westerner, an American. Muhammad dolls wouldn't go over too well either. But not everyone feels the need to have their religious leader's face pasted on a doll and sold...as far as I know (and i believe it to be true), it's just a western thing! Not even a widespread western thing....and I wouldn't buy a Jesus doll. Not that it's immoral to do so, I would just feel like I was disrespecting the Lord, or treating His image lightly. I'm fine with crucifixes. :).

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