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A Bible With "political Correction"


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A group of 52 "Biblical specialists" sent to the market a new version of the Bible. It was presented/displayed in the fair of Frankfurt. "Bible in a righter language" is titled and in her Jesus Christ no longer says more "Father", but "our Mother and Father who are in skies". In her, the ideology of sort and the "political correction" would have displaced to the traditional terminology for the sake of obtaining a "language more just". The Gentleman goes to "brothers and sisters" and questions to "fariseos and fariseas". No longer he is the "Son", but "the boy" of God. The name of "Sir", being masculine, is replaced by "God", "Eternal" or "the Eternal one". Peculiarly, it is mentioned the "devil" but not to one "devil woman", explained theologian Jens Schroeter to the weekly magazine Der Spiegel. "One of the great ideas of the Bible is justice. We have made a translation that makes justice to the women, the Jews, the underprivileged ones ", affirmed Hanne Koehler, protestant and coordinating shepherd of the project that was made in five years and whose cost, financed with donations, ascends to 400 thousand euros. This edition that it tries to put to tone with the new times the "Sagradas Scriptures" was without a doubt one of the surprises of the last Fair of Libro of this German city, the more important publishing event of the world. The first 20 thousand units of the publication were exhausted in two weeks. At the moment a second similar volume is printed, according to indicated the Guetersloh publishing house, counts catholic agency ACI. In agreement with Emili journalist Vinegar, of agency Deutsche Welle, "the project it has been financed by the Evangelical Church of Hesse and Nassau". The authors of this new Bible consider that the texts "needed an update to make fit them in the social reality of our days". The Bible becomes "feminine more" under the vision of this German team of specialists. Perhaps the most impressive change in this "politically correct" Bible is the treatment about the sex of God, thing by which has struggled some feministas: This way, the denomination of "Sir" is left of side and it is decided on "sexually neutral" terms, reason why the Eternity, Santidad or Adonaj names him, words coming from the Hebrew. Because in agreement with the mentioned Janssen, the Jews did not conceive to God like man, in the masculine sense of the term; he is not "Father", but "Padre-Madre either". To be coherent with this principle, the new text of the Bible in "politically correct language" changes the terms: instead of "men" it changes by "people"; "to obey to God" "to listen God". To mention an example: in Letters of Pablo to the Romans, the new translation replaces "Brother" by the German expression Geschwister, that means so much to brothers as to sisters. But it has an important attribute beside the point: the "Sagradas Scriptures" has also become more bean. The authors of the project argue that "in fact, the authors remember that Jesus Christ was Jewish, but who the language of the New Testament is specially anti-semitic". Therefore the "Bible in politically correct language" "smooths" the language of certain "specially violent" expressions. On the other hand, theologian Claudia Janssen goes further on: "the wire of the Bible is justice. What one contradicts with the tendencies misóginas and anti-semites who with passing of the centuries have accentuated themselves more and more ". And it clarifies the specialist: evidently "each translation is an interpretation". In December of the last year, Matin Dreyer, shepherd and founder of the sect "Jesus freaks" (Crazy by Jesus), published another free version of the Bible, the controverted "Volxsbibel" (Bible of the Town) in which, to make the message "more reasonable" of the Christianity, Jesus "returns" instead of reviving and multiplies "hamburgers" instead of breads. In the parabola of the "prodigal son", the protagonist of the same one squanders her inheritance in disco-bar and finishes "cleaning baths in McDonald's". The "Volxbibel" is an update of the New Testament: the four Gospels, the Facts of the Apostles, the Epistles and the Apocalypse

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We are definatly in a state of apostacy in America. If a Bible Specilist is sent to write a Bible that tries to makes everyone happy, than Christians are seriously doubting their faith.

Christ said we arent going to make everyone happy and we will be killed and persecuted for him...Its seems now like Christians are striving to dodge the bullet of persecution. This is quite sad, quite sad indeed. :ohno:

Edited by GloriaIesusChristi
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It's one thing to translate the Bible with reference to contemporary language. It's quite another to translate it with reference to contemporary attitudes. Ugh.

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[quote name='GloriaIesusChristi' post='1117125' date='Nov 10 2006, 08:23 PM']
We are definatly in a state of apostacy in America. [/quote]
If you'd read the article, you'd see this "Bible" was German.

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1118996' date='Nov 13 2006, 04:07 PM']
What a bunch of total goobers.
I am a goober!
Sorry, my mom just calls me that all the time. :nerd: :disguise: These people are sick. Nothing is sacred anymore.

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I don't know if I would use the appelation "sick." I'm assuming they mean well. Goober has, I think, an certain innocent dumbness about it.

Which makes me, I am fully aware, a pompous donkey astride a great big ivory horse.

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I am seriously considering boycotting all Scripture translations that employ gender-neutered or "inclusive" language. It never used to bother me much -- there are some contemporary versions out there that use it lightly, but are otherwise very good translations and I use them -- but I am becoming truly disgusted with the idea as a whole. We are liberalizing and secularizing the Word of God, for the sake of people who, for the most part, will never pick up a Bible in their entire lives anyway! This is a horribly dishonest, wrong-headed, and corrupt practice. If it isn't sinful, it should be.

The instigators of this Biblical agenda are true enemies of Christianity who are attempting to poison it from within. They have lost their faith and are trying to drag others down with them. I, for one, do not believe that I should accept it any longer.

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Fulton Sheen Warrior



I don't even know what to say to that....


Edited by Fulton Sheen Warrior
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I don't understand it either. This fills me with a fear that the LORD will turn his back on a world that keeps trying to change his words around to appeas people.

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