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SMME Retreat "Stories"


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Yeah I have been slacking to tell you MY version of the story or one of several tid-bit stories.

So I shall tell one!

1) Its was Friday afternoon around 1 PM Hilary (Sister Pio Maria's mother) dropped me off at the convent and I was placed under the care of Sister Maria Gemma and she told me she was going to see what they would do with me. I ran into Sister Amata Veritas and we shook hands while the sisters exited from their chapel from prayer. I stood by my luggage in one corner while half the community was with Sister Amata Veritas talking about whatever they were talking about. Sister John Mary runs passed me and we shake hands she was like, "Well....let me see what I can do." And she disappeared - Sister Amata Veritas led half the community a few closer to me as I went a little deeper in my corner not to invade the sisters docket and she announced to the sisters, "We have our first retreater!" The Novices and postulants leaned over to the side, stuck their hands out, smiled, and waved, and said, "Hi!" And I nervously smiled back. "Amanda tell us where you're from!" I moved a step closer to the group and said, "Minnesota." Sister Maria Caritas popped her head out and said, "Amanda? As in Amanda Day?" I nodded and said, "Yessss..." slowly, she came over to me and said, "Its Sister Maria Caritas." We freaked out and hugged one another. Then two of the postulants randomly came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go on a walk with them in five minutes (althetic rec time) and I said sure. And five minutes later another postulant joined us. We toured the grounds, I got told about Our Lady of the Soccerfield shouted "CAR!" several times, talked about sports, I got asked like 10 times if I needed a jacket and/or gloves (IT WAS SNOWING) And the postulants spared me by telling the other sisters that I was from Minnesota and therefore had a tolerance to the cold.

And to the postulants I became their sports expert.

I will go into story two later. Meanwhile others that went post some stories, even if they are from the past or any event of SMME. :lol:

Edited by hugheyforlife
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So did you see that beautiful pond/lake they show in the video on your walk around the grounds?? I cant picture where it would be on the property :idontknow:
Did you see that mysterious dog that pops up in the video lol??

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So after that Sister Maria Gemma recruited me to the kitchen. "Your going to help the sisters peel eggs." I jerked my head back slightly and nodded with a smile, "Your not allergic to eggs are you?" I shook my head, "no." So into one of the sisters aprons I go and into the kitchen. I met the kitchen leader Sister Mary Theresa (Sister Joseph Andrew's biological sister. When you meet her you'll know where the humor comes from!) And peeling eggs I started to. They were hard and not cracked well, but I did about half before prayer time. And more introductions came of meeting more novices and professed. "Well...you finish that last egg hon and wash your hands, its almost time for prayer." And I did just that while listeninig in to the sisters, "I wonder when sister will get back." All of sudden after I finished drying my hands I hear this big GASP :shock: "They're here!!" I wheeled around to see who came in and noticed Sister Joseph Andrew and Sister Theresa Benedicta, I gasped even bigger; :bigshock: And ducked down like a speeding bolt into a sqaut by the kitchen sink. I didnt want Sister Joseph Andrew to see me. Sister Theresa Benedicta already caught sight of me and scooted over a bit and eyed me a couple times until she was standing right in front of me about 6 or 7 feet away. Sister Joseph Andrew made her way over and said in her most amazing southern accent, "Oh my goodness!!!" I stood up, we looked at one another in the eye straight for a second and the two of us [b]RAN[/b] :luigi: to one another and we just hugged so big a great big bear hug. It was amazing! And we talked and (I barely remember the convo we had) we started to walk together, hugging, and hugging one another as we walked to the chapel, and arms around one another. It was AMAZING!

EDIT:[b] After I hugged Sister Joseph Andrew I pulled the apron off and managed to get one hand out when Sister said, "This is Sister Theresa Benedicta." We shook hands and Sister Joseph Andrew said, "I am surprised you two would shake hands." I look at her and laugh and Sister Theresa Benedicta was like, "she only had one hand out of the apron." By sparing me of humility.[/b]

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This is only tangentially connected with the SMME retreat, but at least Alter saw me at at the very beginning of the retreat (I also popped back in at the very tail end of the retreat).
I drove a dear friend (the aforementioned (in another post) Kathleen) of mine to the retreat on Friday (she had come into town on Thursday). Sr. Joseph Andrew had mentioned something about bringing her by SSA to see some teaching-in-action, so Kathleen and I showed up at SSA around 12:45, and, to our great surprise, there was no school that day. However, we ended up being taken around by Sr. Mary Grace. I asked if I could come around as well, as I was interested in seeing the school, and so, I did. After the brief tour, we went back to the kitchen, made coffee, and talked for three and a half hours. The conversation was awesome, and was helpful for me myself in my own continuing discernment.
I was invited back to the convent to pray in the chapel a bit, so of course I took the opportunity! I was a little surprised to see other retreatants there. Since we, while at SSA, were unaware of anything going at the convent, Kathleen was dubbed the first retreatant. So, I sat in the chapel praying for the retreat, and for Kathleen, and throwing in my own intentions as well. When I saw Sr. Joseph Andrew come in, and pull a retreatant out to talk to her, I waved like a five year old, and she waved back. I hoped that I would get a chance to say "Hi" to her before I had to leave. I was a little surprised when she pulled *me* out right before vespers. We had a nice little chat before I returned to the chapel, and joined the in-progress Rosary.
I stayed till the end of the Rosary, hugged Kathleen, and went on my way.
On Sunday, I came around 3:15 or so to pick up Kathleen. Much to my surprise (and slight dismay), when we went into the gym, she said, "Hey Ladies! This is Dave, pray for him because he's going to be a Dominican!" :blush:

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So the very first retreat I went on, I walked in the door and ran right into Sr.Joseph Andrew and she gave me a big hug and the first things she said to me was ," Hon, I'm going to have you meet with Mother." I was like umm okay. SO Mother and I met and we just kinf of stared at each other. then she asked me, " Why are you here?" I said, "Umm Sr.Joseph Andrew told me I'm suppose to talk to you." Mother: " Do you know why?" me: " No" then we stared at each otehr some more. I felt like a deer caught in head lights. Then we were able to talk with a little bit more eass. We chatted about my discernment and things like that. I was pretty intimidated by her and still am. She is a great woman but I'm kind of scared of her.
That first retreat was good though Sr. Martin Therese and I chatted quote a bit she is a NET alumni and was on the same team as some people I know so we swaped stories from road life.

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[quote name='veritas99' post='1116806' date='Nov 10 2006, 12:27 PM']
So the very first retreat I went on, I walked in the door and ran right into Sr.Joseph Andrew and she gave me a big hug and the first things she said to me was ," Hon, I'm going to have you meet with Mother." I was like umm okay. SO Mother and I met and we just kinf of stared at each other. then she asked me, " Why are you here?" I said, "Umm Sr.Joseph Andrew told me I'm suppose to talk to you." Mother: " Do you know why?" me: " No" then we stared at each otehr some more. I felt like a deer caught in head lights. Then we were able to talk with a little bit more eass. We chatted about my discernment and things like that. I was pretty intimidated by her and still am. She is a great woman but I'm kind of scared of her.

Wow, that is intimidating.

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Another story, I know....um...

Several months ago Sister Joseph Andrew sent me an email after I got baptized and confirmed asking me if I wanted to stay up ALL night in Eucharistic Adoration [b]WHEN[/b] I come, and I was enflammed to do it! So everytime I emailed her I would tell her that, "I am still keeping you up on that promise, 110%" bu the percentage would increase everytime I did, well that is what happened Saturday Night, I stayed up ALL NIGHT in Adoration for like 13 hours. It was AMAZING! Even with the lack of sleep I had because of my train being late into Ann Arbor on Thursday night. And etc.

I recall Sister Joseph Andrew saying, "She wouldnt close her eyes at all." Or something like that. I only got up twice, once to get my hoodie since it was FREEZING in the school, like super freezing!!!! :snowman: :snowman: And the second was to get some energy through water and "candy" while thinking about our Lord and praying. I didnt really listen, hehe :sweat: but it was rewarding then at five to 7:15 in the morning, I decided to take another tour of the school and all of sudden :rap: voice comes over the speaker and I hear a singing southern accent, "Good morning! Good morning! Jesus is waiting for you...Rise and shine everyone! See you in the chapel at 7:30!" It was Sister Joseph Andrew < :lol_pound: I doubled over laughing while clapping through the hallways, I came up Sister John Dominic's office -she is the principal of SSA-Joy Rd- and another retreater is talking to Sister Joseph Andrew and the two walk out of the door and I said, "not only is she the Mother Vicar, but she is a morning announcer!" And we both laughed. :lol:

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I have to say, her accent is amazing...as is the rest of her. I never really got all of these Sr Joseph Andrew stories until I actually met her. She is an AMAZING woman! I'm so glad I actually decided to talk to her--I'd been considering not talking to her but I suddenly decided I would and it was amazing.

As far as my story, basically God placed on my heart a while ago that I need to be discerning marriage, but I had ignored it. I didn't want to go to the retreat but I knew it would be a good idea so I decided to just go with an open heart. So now that my heart was so open to whatever God wanted to tell me, He hit me with a 2x4 about what He wanted me to do. And so many things really confirmed it for me, like the sense of peace I had at Mass the next morning and talking to Sr. Joseph Andrew about it. And this weekend I was at a women's bible study--targeted specifically at women who are married or discerning marriage! It was totally random that I was there because I hadn't planned on being there in the first place. But God's taking this new openness and making me really trust in Him. I always thought I'd be a sister, but I'm willing to go wherever He calls me, and I'm SO glad I went to the retreat. Also, I was able to see my friend, Sr. Lucia, who's a new postulant there--hooray! :D A good weekend overall.

btw, Alter, I tried looking for you but I didn't remember your name or any information about you at all really. I was the Korean girl with the Franciscan group, if that rings any bells.

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Um...doesnt call. Wait whats your name? lol. I'd probably remember better, I think I talked to you quite a bit, either that or it was the younger looking one...I'm sure I saw you... its quite possible actually.

Edited by AlterDominicus
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Hmm...well, in the chapel you would've seen me as one of the few girls wearing veils. Add that to the fact that I was also one of the very few Asian girls and that should narrow it down quite a bit. :D

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Here is a short story, if you stay there more for like 5,4,3 days you'll be sleeping in the place called The "Shack" :camp: Hehehehe.

:hehe: :hehehe:

Anyway...If anyone has any questions at all, I'd be more then willing to answer them...as matter of fact I'd be offended if there wasnt a question! :boxer:

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