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Smme Retreat


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Hello everyone,

I am back from the totally amazing, everyone should do it sometime in their lives SMME retreat and I am now an official applicant!!!!! God willing I will be accepted and enter Aug 28th, my bday!! :banana: I never saw Alter or any other phatmasser for that matter but I cant wait to hear how their trip went. Please pray for me as I enter this next stage of discernment!


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[quote name='Piobaire' post='1112693' date='Nov 6 2006, 12:25 PM']
Hello everyone,

I am back from the totally amazing, everyone should do it sometime in their lives SMME retreat and I am now an official applicant!!!!! God willing I will be accepted and enter Aug 28th, my bday!! :banana: I never saw Alter or any other phatmasser for that matter but I cant wait to hear how their trip went. Please pray for me as I enter this next stage of discernment!


Awesome! Congrats! And, thanks for praying for me (I'm Kathleen's friend Dave)!

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[quote name='Piobaire' post='1112693' date='Nov 6 2006, 12:25 PM']
Hello everyone,

I am back from the totally amazing, everyone should do it sometime in their lives SMME retreat and I am now an official applicant!!!!! God willing I will be accepted and enter Aug 28th, my bday!! :banana: I never saw Alter or any other phatmasser for that matter but I cant wait to hear how their trip went. Please pray for me as I enter this next stage of discernment!


That's wondeful!!! Did you see some of the old pham that entered there? God Bless you in your journey!

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So glad you had a wonderful retreat.... it is awesome that you hope to enter the S M M E on your birthday !! You will be in my prayers as you continue your discernment. :lol: :lol:

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I was too excited to contain myself, and I added you to the "Vocation Station is going to get boring and lonely, how great is that?!" thread.

:bounce: :pray:

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[quote name='BurkeFan' post='1112695' date='Nov 6 2006, 11:28 AM']
Awesome! Congrats! And, thanks for praying for me (I'm Kathleen's friend Dave)!

Did Kathleen go up there again for the retreat?

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[quote name='magnificat' post='1112754' date='Nov 6 2006, 02:09 PM']
Did Kathleen go up there again for the retreat?

Yes, she did. She won't be home for at least another hour or so, you can call her them. And I just realized I never replied to your email! :o

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[quote name='BurkeFan' post='1112695' date='Nov 6 2006, 12:28 PM']
Awesome! Congrats! And, thanks for praying for me (I'm Kathleen's friend Dave)!

I dont remember seeing Kathleen but I hope she had a great time!

[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1112721' date='Nov 6 2006, 01:08 PM']
That's wondeful!!! Did you see some of the old pham that entered there? God Bless you in your journey!

I saw Sr Chelsea and Sr Carly (I forget her new name...Peter??) but only for a second then they disappeared! They both looked incredibly happy and Sr Carly looked beautiful in her habit!

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[quote name='Piobaire' post='1112775' date='Nov 6 2006, 02:36 PM']
I dont remember seeing Kathleen but I hope she had a great time!

It was actually Sr. Joseph Andrew who asked everyone to pray for me; she had introduced me as Kathleen's friend.

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[quote name='shortnun' post='1112738' date='Nov 6 2006, 01:39 PM']
I was too excited to contain myself, and I added you to the "Vocation Station is going to get boring and lonely, how great is that?!" thread.

:bounce: :pray:

Thanks Shortnun!!! I have been reading that thread and waiting patiently for my turn lol!

[quote name='BurkeFan' post='1112779' date='Nov 6 2006, 02:38 PM']
It was actually Sr. Joseph Andrew who asked everyone to pray for me; she had introduced me as Kathleen's friend.

Well I hope you felt our prayers...we were praying hard! :D:

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[quote name='Piobaire' post='1112693' date='Nov 6 2006, 12:25 PM']
Hello everyone,

I am back from the totally amazing, everyone should do it sometime in their lives SMME retreat and I am now an official applicant!!!!! God willing I will be accepted and enter Aug 28th, my bday!! :banana: I never saw Alter or any other phatmasser for that matter but I cant wait to hear how their trip went. Please pray for me as I enter this next stage of discernment!


Praise God -- that is wonderful. Praying for you here.

-- Carmen

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[quote name='Piobaire' post='1112775' date='Nov 6 2006, 02:38 PM']
I saw Sr Chelsea and Sr Carly (I forget her new name...Peter??) but only for a second then they disappeared! They both looked incredibly happy and Sr Carly looked beautiful in her habit!
Carly's new name is Peter Mary, I believe. Feel free to correct me.

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[quote name='Piobaire' post='1112693' date='Nov 6 2006, 12:25 PM']
Hello everyone,

I am back from the totally amazing, everyone should do it sometime in their lives SMME retreat and I am now an official applicant!!!!! God willing I will be accepted and enter Aug 28th, my bday!! :banana: I never saw Alter or any other phatmasser for that matter but I cant wait to hear how their trip went. Please pray for me as I enter this next stage of discernment!


So Allison, if I read this right, you have discerned that you vocation isn't towards the contemplative life?

As I said to one of the Canadian sisters at SMME retreat one year, I feel that you will be returning to Canada someday. These sisters will probably open some houses here in Canada. Now I said that would probably happen in about 10 yrs and I said that about 3 yrs ago. Who knows, if God has called you to this group, you may be back in Canada as a missionary :topsy:

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I am way tooooooooooo beyond tired to even begin, haha, but now I know some of you from getting up yesterday, I was the 3rd person, wearing a blue hoodie that had a little tiny pocket prayer book and said that everyone has there own Sister Joseph Andrew.


Night all!

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[quote name='passionheart' post='1113305' date='Nov 6 2006, 10:42 PM']
So Allison, if I read this right, you have discerned that you vocation isn't towards the contemplative life?

As I said to one of the Canadian sisters at SMME retreat one year, I feel that you will be returning to Canada someday. These sisters will probably open some houses here in Canada. Now I said that would probably happen in about 10 yrs and I said that about 3 yrs ago. Who knows, if God has called you to this group, you may be back in Canada as a missionary :topsy:

You know I really struggled with this these past few months. When my trip to OLAM was cut short I was really thrown into a tail spin. I really thought I was called to the contemplative life and the cloister and when it didnt work out I wasnt sure what to do.
The very first community God led me to was SMME but I freaked out about the teaching part and as much as I LOVED everything else I wouldn’t allow myself to be open to the possibility of teaching.
And so I headed all over the USA this summer visiting other communities and yet there was never the peace and joy I had when I went to the SMME retreat in May.
After my OLAM experience I prayed and prayed like never before and I knew that I was called to be a Dominican and slowly the idea of teaching and preaching started to really excite me and then went I went to the retreat this weekend the experience was beyond anything I would put into words and I just knew it was home :topsy:
Sister JA really helped me with the whole contemplative thing. She helped me see that they are first and foremost a contemplative order and that they "share the fruits of their contemplation with others". I cant really put it all into words but I know that the spirituality and charism of SMME is perfect for me! One sister put it this way....God creates a vocation for you that will best allow you to love, to open your heart and have your heart grow the most and on top of being called to a vocation he calls you to the charism that will enable you to grow in love the most. For some it may be helping the poor like Mother Teresa's order but for her and me it is definitely sharing truth with others, evangelization and preaching!!

As for the Canadian thing I am sure that I will be back some day too! Every time I go to SMME we end up talking about this and to have met my Bishop and have him tell me to stay in touch and that he would love to know more about the sisters was truly God's work!! It may be a whole lot of years, at least 10 until I finish my formation and get some experience but I am really hopeful for Canada. We need religious back in schools!! One of the sisters said that the main problem is that in Canada there are public and Catholic schools funded by the gov. where as in the USA there is public schools and private schools formed as an off shoot from parishes. The big problem is that the sisters may not be welcomed into these "public-catholic" schools---lets face it, they are not truly Catholic..in my senior yr I had a Hindu teaching me religion. She was lovely but she didnt know anything about our faith!!! So I guess the sisters will have to form private schools?? I dont know but I am certainly praying about it. It would have made this whole thing easier for me! I am trying to figure out how to get a visa and expatriate health insurance - oh my!

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