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All Priests Must Play Recorded Homily On Life And Family Or Suffer


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current events are not within the Church's competence. for instance: the Church has no competence to say whether Saddam Hussein is a threat or not, or what political policy will be most effective. it can say what principals would make saddam a threat, and what principals are just in regards to social justice et cetera; and these things are binding moral teachings.

but if the Vatican says Saddam Hussein is not a sufficient threat, it is not a binding teaching among Catholis. same thing with when the Pope said America has to stay in Iraq and support the new Iraqui government: not within the Church's magisterial competence... or if the pope said "the Iraqui government is now able to stand on its own, America should leave", again: not a teaching on morals or faith. the Church is not an expert on whether a government is competant to rule its country, or whether a government's economy is strong or weak, or whether one country is a threat to another country. sure, he is to be respected and listened to, but at the end of the day these things are not the Church's competence.

the Church says which things are inherently evil; those things must always be opposed. the Church says which things can be evil and teaches the principals under which it would be evil... but there's no teaching authority by which the Church could have taught that our intellegence reports prior to the Iraq war were flawed, for instance.

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VaticanIILiturgist, to add to what everyone else has already told you, it's a mortal sin to knowingly vote for a pro-abortion candidate. God and His Church decide what is most important morally; you do not. Please refrain from receiving Holy Communion until you have repented of voting for pro-abortion candidates via the sacrament of penance. A life is at stake here -- your eternal life.

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VaticanIILiturgist, you're simply spouting empty left-wing slogans.

I'll second basically everything Aloysius has said here.

And I'll add this quote from Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), which I've quoted elsewhere, but bears repeating.

[quote][b]Not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia[/b]. For example, if a Catholic were to be at odds with the Holy Father on the application of capital punishment or on the decision to wage war, he would not for that reason be considered unworthy to present himself to receive Holy Communion. While the Church exhorts civil authorities to seek peace, not war, and to exercise discretion and mercy in imposing punishment on criminals, it may still be permissible to take up arms to repel an aggressor or to have recourse to capital punishment. [b]There may be a legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not however with regard to abortion and euthanasia.[/b][/quote](Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Letter to the U.S. Bishops on denying Communion to Pro-abortion Politicians, no. 3)

Edited by Socrates
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Hmmm..... I think that one must also check voting records. And look at who is a more serious threat. Just my Opinion, but I am a firm believer in voting for the least bad or the most good in deed not just in word.

Vote your conscience. I was in tears trying to discern who to vote for during the presidential election. I even called up my nun friend for advice. I just could not go in there and Vote for those twits but I could not waste my vote.

I feel that I have sinned in Voting to be honest, and my sin would be just as great had I voted for the other candidate.

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[quote name='Balthazor' post='1130283' date='Nov 28 2006, 09:41 PM']
Hmmm..... I think that one must also check voting records. And look at who is a more serious threat. Just my Opinion, but I am a firm believer in voting for the least bad or the most good in deed not just in word.

Vote your conscience. I was in tears trying to discern who to vote for during the presidential election. I even called up my nun friend for advice. I just could not go in there and Vote for those twits but I could not waste my vote.

I feel that I have sinned in Voting to be honest, and my sin would be just as great had I voted for the other candidate.
Regardless what you feel, a vote for Kerry would have meant more tax funding of abortion, both in this country and overseas, and packing the Supreme Court with pro-abort left-wing judges (nullifying any chance of Roe v. Wade ever being overturned in our lifetimes).

I shed no tears that that phony "Catholic" clown is not in the White House.

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[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1129584' date='Nov 28 2006, 12:24 AM']
Thanks for clarifying. I'll go vote for the anti-abortionists and let the poor starve and the child grow up ignorant, and the imprisoned sit alone and forgotten while they wait to be killed by the state, while sitting in the midst of my moral rightesness knowing that I helped elect a politician who has no hope of overturning Roe v. Wade because of a hostile political climate towards human dignity.

Thanks for clarifying. I'll go back to 1933 and vote for the pro-holocaust Adolph's party for Reichstag because getting the Aryan master race out of unemployment is worth killing six million Jews and millions other non-Jews....

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[quote name='Socrates' post='1130289' date='Nov 28 2006, 09:47 PM']
Regardless what you feel, a vote for Kerry would have meant more tax funding of abortion, both in this country and overseas, and packing the Supreme Court with pro-abort left-wing judges (nullifying any chance of Roe v. Wade ever being overturned in our lifetimes).

I shed no tears that that phony "Catholic" clown is not in the White House.

His unorthodoxy was distressing. However it was a sin to vote for either. I am still distressed about this past election....especially since I KNEW what Bush would do in the White House and did not know what Kerry would have done.
I shed tears that Bush is in the White House though I might shed the same tears for Kerry if he was in the White House.
They are both incompetant to be in the office and voting for either of them was condemning America the beautiful to an ugly and corrupt future.

I know many of you support Bush.
I won't and no amount of justification makes me feel any better about him being in the white house. I just feel sick when I think about having supported him. It seems no amount of confession will take off this sin. :(

The ONLY good thing that he did was put Roberts in the Supreme Court. I will give him that.

I should have written in Stephen Colbert.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Balthazor' post='1130800' date='Nov 29 2006, 12:35 PM']
His unorthodoxy was distressing. However it was a sin to vote for either. I am still distressed about this past election....especially since I KNEW what Bush would do in the White House and did not know what Kerry would have done.
I shed tears that Bush is in the White House though I might shed the same tears for Kerry if he was in the White House.
They are both incompetant to be in the office and voting for either of them was condemning America the beautiful to an ugly and corrupt future.

I know many of you support Bush.
I won't and no amount of justification makes me feel any better about him being in the white house. I just feel sick when I think about having supported him. It seems no amount of confession will take off this sin. :(

The ONLY good thing that he did was put Roberts in the Supreme Court. I will give him that.

I should have written in Stephen Colbert.

Sen. Sam Brownback for President '08.

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