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All Priests Must Play Recorded Homily On Life And Family Or Suffer


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I think extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. I think the Holy Father would back him on this one. :)

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if this is the bishop i'm thinking of and was transfered a few years ago from the diocese of Sioux Falls south dakota he's an awsome bishop.

i do have to laugh tho i can remember as a kid when the priest would preach about voting and my dad would absolutly hate that. i remember him always saying he doesn't have the right to do that... boy was my dad wrong.'

Kudo's to Bishop Morlino!!!

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I am fully pro-life, not just anti-abortion like many Catholics. However, the Liturgy is not a place to stump for political influence. It is our sacred contact with our Savior in word and Sacrament. For His Eminence to force this upon his priests is shocking episopal tyranny. He has ample pulpit for teaching the flock without resorting to hijacking the homily, especially on a day with such a terrific gospel (Mark 12:28b ff.).

Edited by VaticanIILiturgist
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1129338' date='Nov 27 2006, 10:19 PM']
I am fully pro-life, not just anti-abortion like many Catholics. However, the Liturgy is not a place to stump for political influence. It is our sacred contact with our Savior in word and Sacrament. For His Eminence to force this upon his priests is shocking episopal tyranny. He has ample pulpit for teaching the flock without resorting to hijacking the homily, especially on a day with such a terrific gospel (Mark 12:28b ff.).
His Excellency (not His Eminence, which is a title for a cardinal) is catechizing his flock. That is the primary purpose of the homily in the liturgy. Since catechesis includes the practical application of the faith of the Church, it is correct to apply our faith to particular circumstances such as voting issues. It is hardly "episopal [sic] tyranny." I'm certain that if you wish to attack his methods, you can send him a humble letter of disagreement and await his response.

Welcome to Phatmass. Please read the following from our guidelines section:

[b]Catholic vs Catholic Debate[/b]
A post or comment that results in doctrinal debates that might cause scandal among the faithful. [b]*Effective immediately, any negative criticism of religious or the current Magisterium will result in deletion, and a warning from the moderators.[/b] This includes but is not limited to criticism of the Novus Ordo mass and/or our Holy Father.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1129351' date='Nov 27 2006, 09:30 PM']
His Excellency (not His Eminence, which is a title for a cardinal) is catechizing his flock. That is the primary purpose of the homily in the liturgy. Since catechesis includes the practical application of the faith of the Church, it is correct to apply our faith to particular circumstances such as voting issues. It is hardly "episopal [sic] tyranny." I'm certain that if you wish to attack his methods, you can send him a humble letter of disagreement and await his response.

Welcome to Phatmass. Please read the following from our guidelines section:

[b]Catholic vs Catholic Debate[/b]
A post or comment that results in doctrinal debates that might cause scandal among the faithful. [b]*Effective immediately, any negative criticism of religious or the current Magisterium will result in deletion, and a warning from the moderators.[/b] This includes but is not limited to criticism of the Novus Ordo mass and/or our Holy Father.

Mea culpa for the incorrect title. I assure you in my frequent correpsondence with bishops and caridnals, I use the correct honorifics. I was reading an article about Carindal Arinze just before I wrote that.

I did send His Excellency (!) a letter and received the expected letter thanking me for my correspondence. Is was signed in ink by him and was quite coridal.

The primary function of the homily, in my reading of the GIRM p. 65 (It should be an exposition of some aspect of the readings from Sacred Scripture or of another text from the Ordinary or from the Proper of the Mass of the day and should take into account both the mystery being celebrated and the particular needs of the listeners.) doesn't seem to include His Excelleny's interpretation. The homily must be based on the readings of the day or the Mass itself. I'll ask Bishop Trautman when I see him next month...he's quite the liturgist.

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[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1129338' date='Nov 27 2006, 10:19 PM']I am fully pro-life, not just anti-abortion like many Catholics.[/quote]Is this secret code for the "seemless garment" position?
[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1129338' date='Nov 27 2006, 10:19 PM']However, the Liturgy is not a place to stump for political influence.[/quote]Please identify what part of the recorded homily is political and what part of it is moral?
[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1129338' date='Nov 27 2006, 10:19 PM']It is our sacred contact with our Savior in word and Sacrament. For His Eminence to force this upon his priests is shocking episopal tyranny.[/quote]Hearing the words "episcopal tyranny", I get the impression that you don't understand that the priests of a diocese act as representatives of their bishop. Their authority to administer the sacraments comes down to them through the bishop.
[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1129338' date='Nov 27 2006, 10:19 PM']He has ample pulpit for teaching the flock without resorting to hijacking the homily, especially on a day with such a terrific gospel (Mark 12:28b ff.).[/quote]I suspect that the priests can still give a homily on the reading after playing the recording. Am I wrong?

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1129395' date='Nov 27 2006, 09:51 PM']
Is this secret code for the "seemless garment" position?
Please identify what part of the recorded homily is political and what part of it is moral?
Hearing the words "episcopal tyranny", I get the impression that you don't understand that the priests of a diocese act as representatives of their bishop. Their authority to administer the sacraments comes down to them through the bishop.
I suspect that the priests can still give a homily on the reading after playing the recording. Am I wrong?

I dont' know what you mean by seemless garment. I support anti-abortion causes, anti-death penalty causes, anti-anything that violates human dignity.

I fully understand the role of priests in relation to their bishop. I also know bishops are human and sometimes make errors in judgment and get drunk on power.

Would you like to listen to 2 homilies?

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1129387' date='Nov 27 2006, 10:49 PM']
Mea culpa for the incorrect title. I assure you in my frequent correpsondence with bishops and caridnals, I use the correct honorifics. I was reading an article about Carindal Arinze just before I wrote that.

I did send His Excellency (!) a letter and received the expected letter thanking me for my correspondence. Is was signed in ink by him and was quite coridal.

The primary function of the homily, in my reading of the GIRM p. 65 (It should be an exposition of some aspect of the readings from Sacred Scripture or of another text from the Ordinary or from the Proper of the Mass of the day and should take into account both the mystery being celebrated and the particular needs of the listeners.) doesn't seem to include His Excelleny's interpretation. The homily must be based on the readings of the day or the Mass itself. I'll ask Bishop Trautman when I see him next month...he's quite the liturgist.

Yes, and did you listen to the homily? I didn't myself, but I don't think it's impossible that the bishop did provide catechesis on the Gospel. I've only heard one homily ever given when a taped message from a bishop was played, but the message actually followed what would otherwise have been the only homiletic. It seems to me that if the homily topic is "covered," so to speak, then it is perfectly fine for the bishop to address certain other concerns as appropriate. For instance (granted, it predates the GIRM), Pope Pius XI had a letter concerning Nazism read during all the homilies in Germany. I hardly think that the pope would be such a poor liturgist. In any event, the bishop of a diocese most certainly has the right to address matters of how his flock should vote and since many of those who would vote against Catholic teaching would probably not be the ones coming to informational sessions or ordering the Catholic diocesan newspaper, it seems that the homily is the most pastorally appropriate place for such a message.

It's great to have a liturgist here. I don't mean to get off on the wrong foot with you, but you came across quite disrespectfully.

[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1129408' date='Nov 27 2006, 10:59 PM']
I dont' know what you mean by seemless garment. I support anti-abortion causes, anti-death penalty causes, anti-anything that violates human dignity.

I fully understand the role of priests in relation to their bishop. I also know bishops are human and sometimes make errors in judgment and get drunk on power.

Would you like to listen to 2 homilies?
While I'm against the death penalty in most cases, you should know that the Church does not see it as intrinsically wrong.

Anyway, that's a topic for another thread.

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[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1129408' date='Nov 27 2006, 10:59 PM']I dont' know what you mean by seemless garment. I support anti-abortion causes, anti-death penalty causes, anti-anything that violates human dignity.[/quote]You've just described the seamless garment position.
[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1129408' date='Nov 27 2006, 10:59 PM']I fully understand the role of priests in relation to their bishop. I also know bishops are human and sometimes make errors in judgment and get drunk on power.[/quote]If grave immoralities are happening with little resistance from a people who "rule" through democracy, I wouldn't describe the bishop as "drunk on power." If anything, he is fighting a secular society that is drunk on its own power.

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[quote name='VaticanIILiturgist' post='1129462' date='Nov 27 2006, 11:47 PM']
If Archbishop Weakland sent a CD with a homily extoling the virtues of the current Ordo Missae, would you think that was a good idea?
That would not be applicable to the religious ramifications of an election.

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