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Slashing Tires


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A hypothetical. A guy owned a bunch of good tires and enjoyed slashing them for no beneficial purpose other than to fulfill his desire to slash tires. A few people want to ban his right to slash the tires as it is disordered as he's doing it. They are growing in number. He asks the legislature to put into the constitution the right to slash tires for his protection. Would it be morally wrong for the legislature to do that? Consider whether you think it is disordered and what you'd do if so or if not. Preferable answers are to those who consider it immoral, how they decide.

Also welcome is debate about why it is or is not immoral/disordered.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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Thy Geekdom Come

The question hinges on whether it's immoral to slash one's own tires for the fun. I'd say, odd as it is, that it's no more immoral than shooting one's own clay pigeons for the fun of it.

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maybe we should be happy it is not a poll. :blink:

how did this guy 'own' the tires? Did he make them, himself? Did he buy it from someone who made them? how, exactly, are they his? just simple property rights?

i have never heard of a RIGHT to slash tires. Just because you are legally capable to do something does not, ipso facto, make it a right, let alone a constitutional right.

Maybe they want to ban him because he sells them his tires, then waits to slash them after they are put onto the car.


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It all depends on whether natural law sees slashing one's own tires as intrinsically evil.

It also depends on the harm done to society by slashing one's own tires. Does it cause environmental problems due to the waste of resources? Is it a way to propagate disease?

Edited by Norseman82
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Morality and legality are separate issues here, I submit.

Yes, it's probably immoral and disordered, because he's wasting the tires. They are a valuable commodity of which some have need...it's irresponsible to waste them. Like any other resource.

The townsfolk, I believe, are foolish to seek legislation against it. The government is not competent to govern this aspect of moral/immoral behavior. Some wrong things shouldn't be illegal.

An amendment to the constitution would also be wrong, if worded as you propose. He doesn't have a right to waste the earth's resources, even if they are his private property. No amendment can give him that right.

However, an amendment specifying a limitation on the legislature, such that it may not pass laws regarding this sort of thing... I think I'd favor that.

I can't believe I just put that much effort into a hypothetical question before I know why it's being asked!

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Do you get grant money for this, or what?

I think you're a Dadaist and this is your performance. I think the same thing about Budge, BTW

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