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[quote]2. Conspiracy theories.[/quote]



[quote]Code: ZE06070205

Date: 2006-07-02

Religious Summit Has Pope's Blessing

Vatican Sending Delegation to Moscow

VATICAN CITY, JULY 2, 2006 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI gave his support to a three-day international meeting of religious leaders in Moscow, which precedes the G-8 summit of industrial leaders in St. Petersburg.

[b]"This significant meeting of so many exponents of the world's religions indicates the common desire to promote dialogue between civilizations and the pursuit of a more just and peaceful world order," [/b] the Pope said after praying the Angelus today with the crowds gathered in St. Peter's Square.[/quote]


I suppose in your mind all of this is made up.

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[quote] The Pope concluded his address to the diplomat by recalling that for believers and for people of good will, the only road that leads to peace and fraternity is that of "respect for the religious practices and convictions of others," so that "in all societies, everyone may be assured of the opportunity to practice the religion they have freely chosen."

And the Catholic Church never changes, right? How many times has THAT bumper sticker slogan been tossed out as being valid?

[quote]21. The Church has .. the power of defining dogmatically that the religion of the Catholic Church is the only true religion. -- Damnatio "Multiplices inter," June 10, 1851.[/quote]

In fact, in an EX CATHEDRA letter issued in 1864, often called the SYLLABUS OF ERRORS, Pope Pius X, SPECIFICALLY enumerated that the statement made by B16 above is considered to be error filled.


So, WHICH Pope is considered the authentic Catholic one, the one teaching truth, the other errors, since they obviously cannot both be correct?

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Thy Geekdom Come

Budge, your pictures don't say anything except that certain members of the Church have had contact with certain Buddhists. Your quote shows only that different religions seek peace. That doesn't prove at all that Catholicism is against evangelization. Try again.

[quote name='Budge' post='1108584' date='Nov 2 2006, 12:20 PM']

They really do contradict each other with that interfaith stuff dont they?
The Syllabus of Errors was not a dogmatic teaching (the pope by himself has only ever issued two dogmatic teachings)...it was a document containing teachings and disciplines of the Church, as well as evaluating certain situations. Further, it is not good debating practice to through out a whole document for a person to look for a particular point you want them to find. If you want me to reply to the Syllabus of Errors (this I say to Eutychus), you will have to cite the passages for me.

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