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What Is The Bible?


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First and foremost, the Bible (all 73 books) is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. We know this not because the writings themselves tell us, but because the Catholic Church which was founded by Jesus Christ for the salvation of the world declares this to be true.

It is a collectiion of writings -- written by different people at different times and locations, for different audiences and purposes.

The NT is a collection of 27 of the Catholic Church's own writings. The writings of Paul and the four Gospels were accepted as "Scripture" by general consesus early on, by the end of the first century or the first quarter of the second century A.D. But Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, Revelation, and Mark 16:9-20 were disputed until shortly before the canon was settled by the Catholic Church at the end of the fourth century. Other writings were considered to be "scripture" by some local branch Churches, but didn't make the cut.

History makes "Scripture Alone" ludicrous. What did Christians beleive for nearly four centuries when there was no New Testament? How did they learn the Faith? Yet they were willing to die for the Catholic Faith, and many did.

As Tertullian said, "The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians." [i]Apology,[/i] A.D. 197

Blessed Father Damien, pray for us!

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This is a really good summary, Katholikos. On Friday night I got into a debate with a Baptist about the role of Mary and the saints, and she kept repeating, "But where is that in the Bible?"

Here are some interesting [url=""]questions[/url] for Christians who advocate [i]sola scriptura[/i].

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[quote name='The Catechism']20 Q: What is Holy Scripture?

A: Holy Scripture is the collection of books written under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, by the Prophets and the Hagiographers, the Apostles and the Evangelists. These books have been received by the Church as inspired.
21 Q: How is Holy Scripture divided?

A: Holy Scripture is divided into two parts, the Old and the New Testament.
22 Q: What is the Old Testament?

A: The Old Testament comprises the inspired books written before the coming of Jesus Christ.
23 Q: What is the New Testament?

A: The New Testament comprises the inspired books written after the coming of Jesus Christ.
24 Q: What is the common name for Holy Scripture?

A: The common name for Holy Scripture is the Holy Bible.
25 Q: What is the meaning of the word Bible?

A: The word Bible means the collection of holy books, the Book par excellence, the book of books, the book inspired by God.
26 Q: Why is Holy Scripture called the book "par excellence"?

A: Holy Scripture is so called because of the surpassing merit of the content as well as the author who inspired it.
27 Q: Can there be any error in Holy Scripture?

A: There cannot be any error in Holy Scripture since indeed it is inspired by God. The Author of all of the books is God Himself. This does not prevent that in copies and translations that have been made, some errors on the part of the copyists or translators may have crept into it.
28 Q: Is the reading of the Bible necessary to all Christians?

A: The reading of the Bible is not necessary to all Christians since they are instructed by the Church; however its reading is very useful and recommended to all.
29 Q: May any translation of the Bible, in the vernacular, be read?

A: We can read those translations of the Bible in the vernacular which have been acknowledged as faithful by the Catholic Church and which have explanations also approved by the Church.
30 Q: Why may we only read translations of the Bible approved by the Church?

A: We may only read translations of the Bible approved by the Church because she alone is the lawful guardian of the Bible.
31 Q: Through which means can we know the true meaning of the Holy Scripture?

A: We can only know the true meaning of Holy Scripture through the Church's interpretation, because she alone is secure against error in that interpretation.
edited by cmom [/quote]

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1106113' date='Oct 31 2006, 12:31 PM']
This is a really good summary, Katholikos. On Friday night I got into a debate with a Baptist about the role of Mary and the saints, and she kept repeating, "But where is that in the Bible?"

Here are some interesting [url=""]questions[/url] for Christians who advocate [i]sola scriptura[/i].
[/quote]These are GREAT questions, CathAnon. As you prolly know, David Palm and Steve Ray are both converts. Ray was a Baptist, but I've forgotten which denom Palm belonged to. Thanks for posting this! It's a keeper.

"Katholikos" is Greek for Catholic.
Ex-Southern Baptist, agnostic, atheist

Blessed Father Damien, pray for us!

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Christians knew what scripture was far before the 400s, and it was agreed upon, it just hadnt been made OFFICIAL by the Catholic Church. Do you think that was necessary?

Why not have faith that the Holy Spirit led Christians into truth?

The Holy Spirit shows Christians even today what true gospels are.

I have read many of the "fake" gospels, the fact the majority like the Gospel of Thomas are GNOSTIC forgeries, is more then obvious. Also many here will not believe this but it is true, the Holy Spirit will lead a Christian to know what is true or not. I know even reading false books, after I was saved there were times I was given a feeling of revulsion and basically told you must not read this. When one really knows God, you know when it is Him speaking and not some deceiver. One reason I discern the false Christs that visit Catholic saints, is the VERY PERSONALITIES do not match.

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Hindsight is 20/20 they say. True, most churches recognized the books present until someone who couldn't win his debates found a way to remove some books that were a thorn in his intellectual side. Of course, he couldn't pull off the NT excision...

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