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Voter Id Act


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It is more than a minor inconvenience for some people. Some people can't get off work to get to the DMV, or don't have transportation to it. Some people won't even know this law exists until they show up to vote. To get my new ID on Friday I have to get a bus, ride it 20 minutes to a part of town I've never been in, find the office, get there before the DMV closes, and pray to get the bus back home. Luckly I get a free ride on the bus because I'm a university student and I have $5 and I can look up where the office is and when it's open online, because otherwise I'd never be able to get it all done. And all that's just for a new ID because mine expires... sometimes I wish I could afford a car.

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[quote name='track2004' post='1105724' date='Oct 30 2006, 10:19 PM']
It is more than a minor inconvenience for some people. Some people can't get off work to get to the DMV, or don't have transportation to it. Some people won't even know this law exists until they show up to vote. To get my new ID on Friday I have to get a bus, ride it 20 minutes to a part of town I've never been in, find the office, get there before the DMV closes, and pray to get the bus back home. Luckly I get a free ride on the bus because I'm a university student and I have $5 and I can look up where the office is and when it's open online, because otherwise I'd never be able to get it all done. And all that's just for a new ID because mine expires... sometimes I wish I could afford a car.
Poor baby.

Government officials should come to everyone's door to take their vote right there, so there will be no effort or sacrifice made whatsoever on the voter's part.

Freedom isn't free . . .

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Socrates' post='1105731' date='Oct 30 2006, 10:26 PM']
Poor baby.

Government officials should come to everyone's door to take their vote right there, so there will be no effort or sacrifice made whatsoever on the voter's part.

Freedom isn't free . . .

I actually have the same problem, I don't drive and the nearest ID place is at least 10 miles away, where there are no buses.

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This is such a clear example of selfish ignorance. People who aren't inconvenienced by a law like this assume that no-one else is inconvenienced - and if they are, then it's their fault for being inconvenienced. Cmom doesn't drive and has no buses, and doesn't want to walk 10 miles. Track has a problem getting there. Many people don't have 30 dollars to spare. There are those living below the poverty line who are legally here but working minimum wage jobs. They can barely afford rent and food for themselves and their families. But, hey, it's just 30 bucks says middle class white America. That's a lot of money to some people. It's sheer egocentrism on the part of the people who belittle others' reasons for not liking this bill.

Oh, and Socrates, you said freedom isn't free. Remind me again, which part of the government forcing you to buy an ID from them so you can show it to vote is freedom?

Edited by KizlarAgha
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[quote name='T-Bone' post='1105939' date='Oct 31 2006, 03:47 AM']
A question for the anti-voter identification crowd:

How do you propose we prevent those who should not be voting from voting?

Maybe stop them at the registration process, not the voting booth?

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[quote name='KizlarAgha' post='1105943' date='Oct 31 2006, 01:02 AM']
Maybe stop them at the registration process, not the voting booth?

In our current situation, that's like closing the barn door after the horses got out.

That notwithstanding, how do you propose ensuring that those who register are legally able to vote?

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[quote name='T-Bone' post='1105949' date='Oct 31 2006, 05:23 AM']
In our current situation, that's like closing the barn door after the horses got out.

That notwithstanding, how do you propose ensuring that those who register are legally able to vote?

To be honest, I'm not that concerned with it. It seems we can barely count the votes we get properly to begin with. I hardly think that illegal voters are a real threat to American democracy.

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[quote name='T-Bone' post='1105939' date='Oct 31 2006, 03:47 AM']
A question for the anti-voter identification crowd:

How do you propose we prevent those who should not be voting from voting?

I have no problem with voter registration, simply make it a bit easier.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1105959' date='Oct 31 2006, 03:34 AM']
I have no problem with voter registration, simply make it a bit easier.

It is already way to easy as it is.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1105959' date='Oct 31 2006, 06:34 AM']
I have no problem with voter registration, simply make it a bit easier.
Doesn't it depend on the state you live in, as to how difficult it is to register?
Honestly, I don't even remember what I had to do to register, which tells me that it wasn't that big of an ordeal for me.

Edited by MissScripture
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[quote name='MissScripture' post='1106155' date='Oct 31 2006, 10:15 AM']
Doesn't it depend on the state you live in, as to how difficult it is to register?
Honestly, I don't even remember what I had to do to register, which tells me that it wasn't that big of an ordeal for me.

Most states you have to write your name, check one or two boxes, and then sign the card.

If you are unable to figure that out, maybe you shouldn't be voting.

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Check out the link I posted earlier regarding the Federal Bill in the House about voter's ID. It will answer concerns or questions regarding paying for the ID.

Personally, I think anybody complaining about this law should just shut their yapper and not bother voting, because you don't deserve it.

Is that inconsiderate, probably, but I honestly don't care.

Voting is a privelege, which can be taken away (convicted felon), however, you can view it as a right, in which case, there are responsibilities that are tied to that right.

Excuse me if I am a little fired up about this. Maybe it's just my experiences over the last few years that have made me a little jaded about people's "rights" in America.

Quit whining, get an ID, educate yourself on the issues, and vote.

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[quote name='Red Knight' post='1106186' date='Oct 31 2006, 01:35 PM']
Check out the link I posted earlier regarding the Federal Bill in the House about voter's ID. It will answer concerns or questions regarding paying for the ID.

Personally, I think anybody complaining about this law should just shut their yapper and not bother voting, because you don't deserve it.

Is that inconsiderate, probably, but I honestly don't care.

Voting is a privelege, which can be taken away (convicted felon), however, you can view it as a right, in which case, there are responsibilities that are tied to that right.

Excuse me if I am a little fired up about this. Maybe it's just my experiences over the last few years that have made me a little jaded about people's "rights" in America.

Quit whining, get an ID, educate yourself on the issues, and vote.

:clap: Yay! Another egocentric, inconsiderate, yahoo!

Look, more laws in this country have never made anything better. American Democracy has gone on just fine without these voter ID issues for hundreds of years. Why do we suddenly need IDs now? I think that's the real question. People stupidly treat this law like it's some long-time custom. It's not. It's a new law, and the burden is on the people who want to foist it on the public. They need to show us why this law is necessary. So how about it - can anyone tell me why we need this new law when we never needed it before in 200 years of history?

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