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Hey Everyone, Budge Is Capable Of Judging People's Hearts!


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[quote name='Budge' post='1104592' date='Oct 29 2006, 09:50 PM']
Honestly who cares?


God will judge all of us.

I just post Gods Word and if someone feels JUDGED because of it, thats between them and God

Some people and this includes liberal Prots really have been totally indoctrinated into the world's message of DO NOT JUDGE. This is why Christian churches have become so weak because they will not confront sin and corruption and falsehood out of the fear of OFFENDING someone.

[size=1]So you think you should judge us for the lack of the church's effort?

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Have I written any threads about YOU personally.

In fact I dont remember doing a WINCHESTER thread or a CROSSCUT thread.

If you feel judged by what I post and I havent spoken of you directly thats between you and God.

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[quote]Also the message of stigmata, is based in sinful pride, "I will suffer for my own sins, bleeding and oozing sores" instead of standing on the sufficency of Christ's sacrifice.

I don't have the Stigmata, dear, so you weren't talking about me. You made a judgement I am pretty certain you would need special abilities from God to make. You either have them or you don't. It's not about me, it's about you, and you're making a clumsy feint.

[quote]whine sniffle, whine sniffle, Budge is mean to me! Budge is a troll, Budge doesnt like me, Budge judged me,"....

This is getting ridiculous...

Yes, I agree. So change your habit of making idiotic assertions and not backing them up.

[quote]if you dont like my posts, you can ignore them. Put me on ignore. Id rather you do so then have to read your constant complaints.

I'm getting to you. It's only because you keep losing. If you win for once, it will become more tolerable. Try finding something not regarding religion. I know very little about international trade, so try there.

[quote]Really Winchester if you could get past the Catholic Apologetics #3 technique of ad hominens, there may be actually may be some substance to your threads.[/quote]

Ah yes, the supposed tactics. You failed to own up to this one, too. Or perhaps you can give me the place I can write to for that special handbook. Do we get one at Confirmation?

And I'm not attacking you, I'm attacking what you say. Perhaps you will assert that this is the same thing, but I disagree. I'm taking what you say and putting it to the test. It is found wanting. I'm not sure why you persist in the same tactics. When you cannot produce, or you've been hemmed in, you seem to disappear. Perhaps it's attention span, I don't know. But all I have is what you say--and we are in debate--I must attack what you say.

The whole pot/kettle thing is pretty funny. Here I quote you insulting the motivation of people who have the Stigmata, and you complain about being attacked yourself. How delicious!

I have made an unfair assumption, though. Perhaps you knew Padre Pio? Perhaps he confessed some inner secret to you? If so, then I'm afraid I must eat a little crow.

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I wish you would just stick to the issues instead of complaining.

Actually I thought doing threads that centered on one poster was agaisnt the rules, it seems to be the only topic you start anymore.

Stigmata is not of God, I have already told you that. It is occultic, bloody and gross. You like a liberal will cry I am being judgemental, but that is my sincere belief whether you like it or accept it or not.

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You have threads where you started with inflamatory false claims about the Church and refuse to answer the responders.

When are you going to stick to a topic and not change it?

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[quote name='Budge' post='1104981' date='Oct 30 2006, 10:46 AM']
Until I agree with you, you will see everything I post as inflammatory and not be satisfied with my answers.

The same can be said of you budge. So, how about responding to my post. For some reason, I knew, I just knew that you'd not respond. The tough thing about arguing against the Church is that unless you agree, you are wrong. Why? Because the Church is Jesus Christ and therefore cannot be wrong. Silly human.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1104981' date='Oct 30 2006, 11:46 AM']
Until I agree with you, you will see everything I post as inflammatory and not be satisfied with my answers.

Wrong. we don't want agreement, but good manners and actually conversation instead of simply cut and paste catholic baiting written and thought out by someone else.

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Ive never personally insulted you.

You are angry at me because of what I believe, that your church is a false church.

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wrong again.
read it over til you get it:
Wrong. we don't want agreement, but good manners and actually conversation instead of simply cut and paste catholic baiting written and thought out by someone else.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1104922' date='Oct 30 2006, 09:50 AM']
I wish you would just stick to the issues instead of complaining.

Actually I thought doing threads that centered on one poster was agaisnt the rules, it seems to be the only topic you start anymore.

Stigmata is not of God, I have already told you that. It is occultic, bloody and gross. You like a liberal will cry I am being judgemental, but that is my sincere belief whether you like it or accept it or not.

I'm not complaining, I'm commenting on your special ability. Like I said, I'm impressed.

I've started others, but really, with so many people putting up great threads like the one about a painting from after the Inquisition showing us what occured, a lot of ground has been covered. I have to feed my need for attention somehow, don't I?

Well, since you told me, I should fall in line, right?

This is not about you saying the Stigmata is not from God, it's about you judging the heart of those who present with it. I reckon you did not know Padre Pio personally, so I can set aside the crow. Such a shame, it looks so tender and the cornbread stuffing is moist. Had you simply stopped with the not of God, I wouldn't have been able to take your own words and put them to such effective use against you. In fact, I probably wouldn't have bothered with the topic at all because it's not something we really have to believe, and everyone else was trying to dissuade you, which I've noticed is at least as futile as arguing with the ocean.

Had you speculated that the stigmatists were pious lovers of God who got out of hand, I would have thought you were being balanced. You chose to insult them and make a statement you cannot back up.

As for insults. When you insult a saint, when you blame a saint for leading you from God and then engage in a debate, you piss people off. Quit whining. Either be combative or don't, but don't get all ticked off because I'm better at it than you. Learn from me, Budge. There was this one (of many) times when you couldn't defeat my tiny little assertions, so you went to questioning my credibility based on my avatar at the time (a character in a pirate movie made by Disney. I now have a cat carrying a fish. I like to think it's me and you; I'm the cat, and you're the little red herring that keeps me company.) That was approaching funny, and it was a pretty good red herring. I'm sure anybody with a fifth grade or less education thought I was a murderous rogue. Obviously, anyone with a few brain cells cooperating thought it was hogwash and wondered why you wouldn't deal with what I said, but hey, you had middle schoolers and below fooled, so what the heck? Ya can't fool all the people all the time.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1104922' date='Oct 30 2006, 09:50 AM']
I wish you would just stick to the issues instead of complaining.

[size=1]According to a large number of people on this website, you dont seem to stick to issues very much either.

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[quote name='CrossCuT' post='1105055' date='Oct 30 2006, 12:17 PM']
[size=1]According to a large number of people on this website, you dont seem to stick to issues very much either.

Can you blame her? Most of the topics are you people bashing Budge.

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