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Hey Everyone, Budge Is Capable Of Judging People's Hearts!


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[quote]Also the message of stigmata, is based in sinful pride, "I will suffer for my own sins, bleeding and oozing sores" instead of standing on the sufficency of Christ's sacrifice.


How very impressive. You know what went on in the hearts of the people who suffered the Stigmata! I am so very, very impressed with you! You are impressive.

Tell me, what am I thinking right now?

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charity is a virtue. and forgiving wrongs willingly is a spiritual work of mercy. and ad hominem attacks do not bear fruit. God bless.

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But pointing out discrepencies in logical thinking and actions can be a good thing.
Budge claims to be the sole interpreter of Scripture, and a mouthpiece of the Holy Spirit, and anything Catholic must of course be wrong. Pointing out such behavior in a playful way might get the point across, since actual conversational attempts have not.

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[quote name='Theunknown101' post='1104005' date='Oct 29 2006, 09:08 AM']
charity is a virtue. and forgiving wrongs willingly is a spiritual work of mercy. and ad hominem attacks do not bear fruit. God bless.

This is commentery on a special ability said person has claimed repeatedly on this site by her own words and decisions about motivation. I have merely pointed out this special ability.

I am basing this wonderful thread on the very words of our friendly neighborhood Budge. If she did not mean to judge the heart of people she never so much as stood behind in the express lane at Kroger, then she can. Eventually, I will tire of pointing this out, and it will slide down the thread tree into oblivion. Judging by the past, there will be no clarification, nor retraction. By action, it is apparent that acknowledging any fault is not part of the acceptable tactics in her trolling.

I've before posited that Budge is a troll, and I still think it's more likely that she is. I have a hard time believing in a bottomless pit of vapidity. I think the ridiculous behavior is intentional, but I obviously can't be sure. I mean, I know people who are honestly obstinate, and the myriad stupidities vomited forth here seem to indicate a certain degree of dedication, but some of the positions assumed have strained the credibility of all but the properly lobotomized.

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When you start having actual conversations instead of typing baseless assertions, and come up with facts instead of your opinions, and stop trying to tell us you know more about Catholicism that actual Catholics.

you want topic??

What is the basis of your authority to assert your interpretation of scripture is more correct than the 2000 year old Traditions of the Church?

How do you reconcile the fact the Church is older than the book known as the Bible, and chose the canon, yet you repeatedly teach the Bible as the sum of all christian knowledge, knowing the bible itself states the Church is the pillar and foundation?

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[quote name='Budge' post='1104058' date='Oct 29 2006, 10:52 AM']
You seem to have an obession with turning every topic over to the subject of Budge.

Why cant you stay on topic?

I could ask the same of you dear Budge. I believe there are several threads out there that I am waiting patiently for you to answer, in a scholarly, informed and accurate manner.






Ok, those topics should be sufficient for you to get back on. Budge, you are the pot calling the kettle black. How about you stay on topic and answer some of the issues that I have tried to discuss with you.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1104058' date='Oct 29 2006, 10:52 AM']
You seem to have an obession with turning every topic over to the subject of Budge.

Why cant you stay on topic?

I do believe, dear budgie, that I started this topic. I'm on topic. Your special ability to judge people's inmost motivations, their hearts, is the topic. I have quoted your claim. Do you retract, or claim that you did not mean your accusation to be taken to its logical conclusion? Then say so! Admit you posted something judging people quite beyond human capability. We all make mistakes. Show a modicum of decency, for once. This is one of many asinine claims you've made that I've called you on, and you have lacked the integrity to answer every time.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1103251' date='Oct 28 2006, 12:03 PM']
Do not judge the message of liberals everywhere.

The Bible states, the heart is a deceitful thing.

[size=1]I didnt know an organ was capable of that kind of thought...

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whine sniffle, whine sniffle, Budge is mean to me! Budge is a troll, Budge doesnt like me, Budge judged me,"....

This is getting ridiculous...

if you dont like my posts, you can ignore them. Put me on ignore. Id rather you do so then have to read your constant complaints.

Really Winchester if you could get past the Catholic Apologetics #3 technique of ad hominens, there may be actually may be some substance to your threads.

Edited by Budge
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[size=1]Even if you judged me Budge, I dont think it would be a big deal.
Its not like you are some soul reader.
There is no way you could tell me my state and be correct.

I am not much worried.

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Honestly who cares?


God will judge all of us.

I just post Gods Word and if someone feels JUDGED because of it, thats between them and God

Some people and this includes liberal Prots really have been totally indoctrinated into the world's message of DO NOT JUDGE. This is why Christian churches have become so weak because they will not confront sin and corruption and falsehood out of the fear of OFFENDING someone.

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