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Auto Da Fe In The Spanish Inquisition


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Ah a lady of light for your avatar...

that is another marker...

Sadly you and the Catholics do all worship the same false spirits...
Vatican City (AsiaNews) – [b]The pope today once again talked about the apparitions in Fatima and the prophecy uttered by the “Lady of White Light” to the shepherds[/b]: “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph”. He was speaking during the Regina Caeli prayer, one day after the anniversary of the beginning of the apparitions (13 May 1917) and 25 years after the assassination attempt against Pope Wojtyla, in which the “Servant of God, John Paul II, felt he had been miraculously saved from death by the intervention of ‘a maternal hand’, as he himself used to say. His entire pontificate was marked by what the Virgin pronounced at Fatima”.

Only yesterday, the statue of Our Lady of Fatima was welcomed in St Peter’s Square by tens of thousands of believers, and a plaque was unveiled in the square on the exact spot where the attempt to take the life of the Polish Pope took place. Benedict XVI recalled that the message the Virgin entrusted in Fatima to the three children, Francesco, Giacinta and Lucia, “following on the one of Lourdes, was a strong call to prayer and conversion. It was a truly prophetic message considering that the XX century was ravaged by unheard-of destruction caused by wars and totalitarian regimes, as well as long drawn out persecution against the Church”. The promise of Mary, about the victory of the Immaculate Conception, is one of comfort, although “there is no shortage of worries and suffering, although there are still reasons for apprehension about the future of mankind”.

The pope called on one and all to invoke “the most Blessed Mary, thanking her for her constant intercession and praying to her so she may continue to watch over the journey of the Church and of humanity, especially of families, mothers and children.”

Some of the pope’s words before the Regina Caeli were dedicated especially to children. Recalling that many parishes are celebrating their First Holy Communion in these weeks, Benedict XVI said: “To all children who in these weeks are meeting Jesus for the first time in the Eucharist, I would like to deliver a special greeting, auguring that they may become branches of the Vine that is Jesus and that they may grow up as his true disciples.” Citing the parable of the Vine and the branches, proclaimed in today’s gospel, the pontiff said: “Christian life is a mystery of communion with Jesus… the secret of spiritual fecundity is union with God, a union realized above all in the Eucharist, rightly also called ‘Communion’.”

“A certain way of remaining united in Christ is to have recourse to the intercession of Mary.”[/quote]

[b]2Cr 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.[/b]



[b]The goddess of light, Lakshmi, is one of the most well known gods. She removes darkness, the personification of sin and ignorance. Her light brightens the path one travels, and leads them to prosperity and success. She is the dispeller of sickness and misery. One very special puja day that is observed in honor of Lord Lakshmi is Diwali. It comes around once a year in the months of late October and early November. [/b]

Its always interseting to me how many occultists will come on and defend Catholic doctrine and practices.

[quote]Okay, Budge. I don't believe in a higher power, or in demons. I just found medieval magic to be an interesting research field.[/quote]

Why the attraction to medieval magic?

Did you study Kabbalistic magic while you were at it?


Secondly, I didn't get my history from "history books." I read the actual period documents, many of them in the original medieval latin. I then formed an opinion based on what the sources at the time period had to say. That's not the same thing as parroting what you read in a history book[/quote]

Ive gone on Forham {CATHOLIC} university and elsewhere and read what translated official sources I could find.

Interesting how we came to such different conclusions.

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Are you saying my avatar is a goddess I worship? I'm so stunned I'm not sure how to react. Okay, let me explain. In Sweden, they have a mythology of trolls. And the mythology is so strong that cavities (like in your teeth) are called "tandtroll" meaning "tooth-trolls" I thought that was really cute, and mentioned it to my swedish friends online. So, they sent me some pictures of swedish trolls, one of which being the one I posted. I thought it was a very cool looking painting, so I made the girl in it my avatar.

I don't worship tooth trolls! :lol_roll:

Edit: Yeah, budge, fordham as a nifty compilation of primary sources, but I'm afraid a little web research doesn't make your opinion valid. In fact, as Alexander Pope says "A little learning is a dangerous thing..." You aren't trained to read those sources, and you don't have the background to understand their context. So, I'm afraid it's unsurprising you were led astray by them. Edited by KizlarAgha
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Hey thats a minor thing,

Youre the one who admitted studying necromancy, basically demonlogy....

Catholics have no discernment, it seems I always find one or two on Catholic boards.

Dont have such an open mind your brain falls out RC.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1109025' date='Nov 2 2006, 05:07 PM']
Hey thats a minor thing,

Youre the one who admitted studying necromancy, basically demonlogy....

Catholics have no discernment, it seems I always find one or two on Catholic boards.

Dont have such an open mind your brain falls out RC.

Okay, studying necromancy as a historical phenomenon is NOT the same thing as studying necromancy to practice it. Necromancy isn't real!!!! The texts I've come across have latin grammar errors and spelling errors in them. It's almost comical that they purport to be summoning a dark spirit and they can't even spell the summoning spell properly. And then on top of that, none of the sources can agree on the names of the demons. Some historians theorize necromancy was the ouija board of the middle ages - used only for entertainment. I'm not so sure, but it's not real!

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Howd you choose that user name?

[quote]The Chief Black Eunuch (Kizlar Agha)

The Kizlar Agha was the third highest-ranking officer of the empire, after the Sultan and the Grand Vizier (Chief Minister). He was the commander of the baltaci corps (or halberdiers - part of the imperial army). His position was a pasha (general) of three tails (tails referring to peacock tails, and the most number of tails permitted being four and worn by the Sultan). He could approach the Sultan at any time, and functioned as the private messenger between the Sultan and the Grand Vizier. He was the most important link between the Sultan and the Valide Sultan (mother of the Sultan).

The Kizlar Agha led the new odalisque to the Sultan's bedchamber, and was the only "man" who could enter the harem should there have been any nocturnal emergencies. His duties were to protect the women, to provide and purchase the necessary odalisques for the harem, to oversee the promotion of the women (usually after the death of a higher-ranking kadin) and eunuchs. He acted as a witness for the Sultan's marriage, birth ceremonies, and arranged all the royal ceremonial events, such as circumcision parties, weddings, and fêtes. He also delivered sentence to harem women accused of crimes, taking the guilty women to the executioner to be placed into sacks and drowned in the Bosphorus which lay outside the Topkapi Palace. [/quote]

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[quote name='Budge' post='1109034' date='Nov 2 2006, 05:13 PM']
Howd you choose that user name?

I used to be a boy, so since I'm anatomically a eunuch and I like the Ottoman empire, it seemed appropriate.

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oi ve let's not get into this... have you noticed, budge, that Kizlar is an athiest? probably not, everyone who disagrees with your position is under the mind control of the vatican to you I suppose...

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Hey Im online, he could be a Catholic sockpuppet for all I know...

the claims of studying necromancy made up....

Not everyday you meet a medieval historian with a speciality in Burning at the Stake 101 and Calling up Demons Medieval Style 102.


This board really is a place of darkness.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1109045' date='Nov 2 2006, 05:20 PM']
Hey Im online, he could be a Catholic sockpuppet for all I know...

the claims of studying necromancy made up....

Not everyday you meet a medieval historian with a speciality in Burning at the Stake 101 and Calling up Demons Medieval Style 102.


This board really is a place of darkness.

I'm not a "he" I'm a she. My name is Alina. Nice to meet you.

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Why would a girl

call herself a BLACK EUNUCH?


I didnt know they let people specialize in demonology at university...

this must be a new California thing...

I think you need some big time Bible study!

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[quote name='Budge' post='1109057' date='Nov 2 2006, 05:29 PM']
Why would a girl

call herself a BLACK EUNUCH?


I didnt know they let people specialize in demonology at university...

this must be a new California thing...
I think you need some big time Bible study!

I have a degree in medieval studies. I happened to enjoy coursework in medieval islam, medieval iberia, and medieval magic and alchemy. All of those are connected by the way as alchemy was brought to Spain by the muslims and from there translated into latin and brought in the rest of Europe. And it was the study of alchemy and islamic magic that later brought about full fledged high medieval necromancy. So, it makes a bit of logical sense then.

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