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Schools Withhold Sad Facts About Gay Life


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[quote name='track2004' post='1103084' date='Oct 28 2006, 03:34 AM']
My only caveat is that no one on Phatmass talks about the sad facts about gay life in Christianity. Gay men and women aren't allowed to fall in love even if they know their soul mate. They aren't accepted in a lot of circles in the Church because they are seen as disordered. Even though the Christian thing is to "hate the sin not the sinner" they feel like the sin embodies them, and are thus rejected. And most of the time they lead single lives even though they could find love.

If you have a problem with that, take it up with God Himself. He is the One who inspired the writers of both the OT and NT to forbid such types of loves that you lament as being unallowed for gays.

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[quote name='Goetian' post='1103125' date='Oct 28 2006, 07:41 AM']
The implied premise here is that the military, because it defends the country, is worth health risks.

I believe that the pleasure and fulfillment of a relationship is also worth health risks.
I'm not on the "tolerance" bandwagon with the rest of the party, just to make it clear. When laws are passed -- any laws -- that's legislating morality. I'm trying to legislate mine. And last time I checked you don't sit down and take it when someone else is trying to legislate a morality you find abhorrent.

So yes. It's dangerous and needs to be stamped out.
All the groups above hurt others with their behavior. Homosexual relationships would only affect those in them.

A better comparison is smoking. If I go out and smoke behind my house, where no one else will be affected, what right do you have to tell me that I'm living a gross and perverted lifestyle and should change immediately? It's none of your business.
:lol: Unintentional. Good call.
Good for them. Seriously, I hope they're happy with their decision. But there are many, many others who had no success with it, and to say that they're socially unacceptable and force them into a treatment with about 50% success rate for the rest of their lives is morally repugnant.


1. No one's "forcing" anyone. Our Church DOES teach that is morally repugnant. However, no one should be taught to believe homosexuality is "normal or natural" it is neither. No child should be brought-up in this environment.

2. Homosexual relationships DON'T only hurt those involved in them. Human beings don't live in a vaccum. Furthermore, the health risks (and I'm not just talking STD's) are enormous and saddening. There's nothing "natural" about sodomy.

3. www.couragerc.net

God bless you. I thank you for talking with us and being kind in your words! :)

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[quote name='Goetian' post='1103125' date='Oct 28 2006, 09:41 AM']
The implied premise here is that the military, because it defends the country, is worth health risks.

I believe that the pleasure and fulfillment of a relationship is also worth health risks.

Apples and oranges. There are certain things that are worth risking your life for. In a just war situation (a separate topic), the military serves an honorable purpose in defense of others. So do doctors who risk being exposed to disease when they volunteer to go overseas to bring life-saving medicine to people who don't have it. So do missionaries who go overseas to preach.

What benefit do same-sex relationships bring other than temporary pleasure? Is temporary pleasure worth the long-term ill effects?

Do you believe in God?

[quote name='Veritas' post='1103263' date='Oct 28 2006, 01:16 PM']
2. Homosexual relationships DON'T only hurt those involved in them. Human beings don't live in a vaccum. Furthermore, the health risks (and I'm not just talking STD's) are enormous and saddening. There's nothing "natural" about sodomy.[/quote]

Good point! And if might add, would AIDS be the scourge it is today if it had not been spread so much by forbidden conduct (extramarital sex, recreational needle sharing)? From there it found its way into the "Innocent" population through blood transfusions (think Ryan White) or if a person marries someone who is infected and may not know about it.

How is AIDS being spread in southern Africa? Men leave their villages and wives to work elsewhere, solicit prostitutes, catch the disease, then when they go back home they infect their wives.


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AIDS is a big problem because of the modern mand-aid mentality of dealing with it.

Same with the various HEPs and TB, when it makes gains.

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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1103268' date='Oct 28 2006, 02:28 PM']
Apples and oranges. There are certain things that are worth risking your life for. In a just war situation (a separate topic), the military serves an honorable purpose in defense of others. So do doctors who risk being exposed to disease when they volunteer to go overseas to bring life-saving medicine to people who don't have it. So do missionaries who go overseas to preach.

What benefit do same-sex relationships bring other than temporary pleasure? Is temporary pleasure worth the long-term ill effects?

Yes it is. I'm sure everyone here knows how good sex feels and, even more importantly, how wonderful it is to be in a romantic relationship with another person. If marriage carried the same health risks with it as homosexuality, would it not be worth it?

[quote]Do you believe in God?[/quote]


[quote]There's nothing "natural" about sodomy.[/quote]

[url="http://www.nhm.uio.no/againstnature/index.html"]http://www.nhm.uio.no/againstnature/index.html[/url] Yes there is.

Edited by Goetian
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[quote name='Raphael' post='1101983' date='Oct 26 2006, 09:20 PM']
Hey...I think I just found a new argument against homosexual activity...many claim that it's instinct ("animals do it, too...and it's the way we were made"), but the most instinctual of humans, children, consistently notice that it's out of whack.

I'll just have you know that my first experience with homosexuality was at age 11 and I automatically assumed that one third of the population was gay, one third was bi, and one third was straight, and that it was all equal.

That was MY instinctual assumption. So no, children don't consistently notice it's out of whack.

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[quote name='Goetian' post='1103324' date='Oct 28 2006, 01:05 PM']
Yes it is. I'm sure everyone here knows how good sex feels and, even more importantly, how wonderful it is to be in a romantic relationship with another person. If marriage carried the same health risks with it as homosexuality, would it not be worth it?
[url="http://www.nhm.uio.no/againstnature/index.html"]http://www.nhm.uio.no/againstnature/index.html[/url] Yes there is.


Ah, yes. The "If it feels good" it must be okay argument. :ohno:

Oh my, whatever anyone tries to fantasize, no two men and no two women can come together to create a new life! Authentic sex has the potentiality to be Procreative AND Unitive. Essentially, our bodies matter! "Sex" is more than "feeling good". If you remove one of those elements -the sex is not whole- it is a fraud, a sham. :(

We want what's best for you and/or anyone with ssa! Blessings! (By the way, all of us who are not married are called to chastity! And priests and religious are called to celibacy!) A happy and fulfilling life is VERY possible without sex! No matter what the TV says ;)

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[quote name='Goetian' post='1103324' date='Oct 28 2006, 04:05 PM']
Yes it is. I'm sure everyone here knows how good sex feels and, even more importantly, how wonderful it is to be in a romantic relationship with another person. If marriage carried the same health risks with it as homosexuality, would it not be worth it?
[url="http://www.nhm.uio.no/againstnature/index.html"]http://www.nhm.uio.no/againstnature/index.html[/url] Yes there is.
animals eat their young as well, do you recommend that practice as human too?

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1103343' date='Oct 28 2006, 01:36 PM']
animals eat their young as well, do you recommend that practice as human too?

Yes, and they return to their vomit and feces. Does that mean it's okay for humans, too?

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p.s. When it's stated that homosexuality, "Isn't natural." What's meant, of course, is HUMAN nature as we're talking about humans!



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