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Saying Grace In Restaurants


Saying grace in restaurants  

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I always say grace silently when I'm alone, and always make the sign of the cross. Even at work, and even at a one on one lunch with my boss after he starts to eat. haha

I will often see co-workers pray to themselves after I pray to myself, and I know most of the time they wouldn't have done it unless they saw me do it. :)

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i always say it outloud when i am with a group, and make the sign of the cross. when i'm with peopel my own age we usually hold hands too. we get some looks, but we dont really care. its awesome.

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I always say it and always make the sign of the cross, but I usually do so silently unless I'm with other people who want to pray with me.

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You forgot a sometimes option.
It depends on who I'm with. My family, yes, friends, not usually. I just don't think about it. I don't usually pray before I eat in the cafeteria. But when we eat up at my friends apartment as a "family" (usually making a total of 9, including me and the bfs of the girls who live there) we pray. Then we do both the Catholic and Lutheran prayers, since we have both.
It's funny, because I forget to pray when I'm not eating in a "home" but when we don't pray as a group and I'm eating in a "home" I sit staring for a good five minutes before I realize what I'm doing.
But whenever I do pray, I do the sign of the cross.

Edited by MissScripture
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Always, my friends have gotten used to me taking a little time to myself before I start eating and they're cool with it. Most of my friends don't understand, and I try to explain; it usually ends up with them saying it's cool, I just don't get it.

God bless-

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Groo the Wanderer

ALWAYS 100%. One of us (me, wife, kiddo) always prays, even before we eat the appetizer or chips or whatever (thankful for ALL the food).

If I am the only Catholic, I pray silently, such as at work. If there are others, then we pray together (if they remember..grr) or I pray out loud so they can join me (if they forget...grr).

An a similar note, I always challenge my students every year to say grace before thier meals at school. Always turns into a rather heated class session, especially when they start throwing out reasons why they don't. I did something differently this year with my 10th graders during our last class, as an experiment. I listed their excuses on the whiteboard:

I'm embarrassed...
I'm too busy...
I forgot...
I didn't think to...

then I added these footnotes to thier excuses:

I'm embarrassed...of God
I'm too busy...for God
I forgot...about God
I didn't think to...thank God

HOOWHEE! did THAT start tempers a flarin'. Many got really mad at me, but I think it accomplished what I set out to do: make them think about what thier non-actions mean and how they might be interpreted, from a certain point of view. I can't wait for tonight to see what they have decided and if any took me up on my challenge. :-)

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Live your faith and do not be afraid of being a Christian. Don't feel bad about it ever. Blessing your food and gving things are both part of who you are. Live your witness to others.

Honestly, when you love God, you long to give Him thanks everywhere. Of course, you can use discernment, but there are really no inappropriate times to give God thanks. If you feel that vocalizing your prayer might be inappropriate at the moment, then just make the sign of the cross and pray silently.

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Honestly, we grew up without it except at Thanksgiving and even then it was once and awhile.

I was at a retreat for RCIA and during lunch we all got our food, sat down and ate....nobody even thought about it. Then sister sat down last at my table, most of us were already done or close to it, and she bowed her head and silently prayed and made the sign of the cross. I never felt so......bad.

I try to do better every day.

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Argh, I voted silently. But I remember that I do say it out loud! (I'm always with my family.)

Oh well. And yes, I always make the Sign of the Cross.

Edited by Dudette
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I do this aloud but not screaming at the top of my lungs, just enough for my table to hear, I agree it is a great way to bear witness even if it is by myself and at school where people look at me funny. Keep humbleness in mind when you do it brothers and sisters and keep in mind that even if you're shy, you are doing this for the greater glory of God[font="Courier New"] [/font]
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

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[quote name='dUSt' post='1100532' date='Oct 24 2006, 09:29 PM']I will often see co-workers pray to themselves after I pray to myself, and I know most of the time they wouldn't have done it unless they saw me do it. :)

You pray TO YOURSELF? Doesn't that defeat the point?

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When I was Catholic, I did it out loud, but quietly, and I crossed myself. Actually, when I was attending the Orthodox church I did their entire prayer which is actually substantially longer than the standard Catholic version. It was a test of patience :P:

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I feel that praying in public is very acceptable. Christ called us to be salt and light. What better way than doing just that with an institution that Christ himself established.

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