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Three Cheers For This Cardinal!


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Finally, a Catholic prelate with a spine, and a functioning brain.

Three cheers, make this guy the next Pope!

[quote]Cardinal O'Brien speaks up

...last week it was in favor of independence for Scotland, and now he's saying that Muslims should apologize:

[b] THE leader of Scotland's Roman Catholics, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, has called for Muslims to apologise for the 9/11 and 7/7 bomb attacks, declaring that the public should not have to live "in fear of attack" from believers of the Islamic faith.

In a move that has provoked a storm of outrage, the cardinal claims that, as the Pope apologised for the offence caused last month by his comments on the Islamic faith, so Muslims should now step up and say sorry for the attacks carried out in the name of their faith. [/b][/quote]


[url="http://news.scotsman.com/scotland.cfm?id=1563542006"]SOURCE MATERIAL[/url]

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...I already have an oppinion on this...Sorry, Its not for this Cardinal.

[quote]THE leader of Scotland's Roman Catholics, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, has called for Muslims to apologise for the 9/11 and 7/7 bomb attacks, declaring that the public should not have to live "in fear of attack" from believers of the Islamic faith.

Honesty, muslims wouldnt benefit from those attacks. And they havent benefited from it yet, and they would never have benefited from it whether America was fighting a vain war or not. Just remember these:

X. Thou shalt not covet (This includes other countries oil)

VI. Thou shalt not kill ( Unless, in defense, but we really arent defening outselves from a country which, was found with no nuclear weapons, and Bush claimed that Sadam had nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11. And since Osama is supposedly dead, him and Sadam have been mortal enemies forever, so they didnt work together to come through with 9/11. Yet Sadam has been put on trial and placed in jail at the expense of the United States...Not the country he ruled. )

IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thine neighboor. (Watch what you say, It will come back to bite you one day.)

Since this war started these have meant nothing...But, again thats just what I think.

Edited by GloriaIesusChristi
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[quote name='GloriaIesusChristi' post='1098478' date='Oct 22 2006, 02:38 PM']
X. Thou shalt not covet

VI. Thou shalt not kill[/quote]
Saddam was wrong to covet the Iranians, Kuwaitians, and Kurdish. Coveted to the point of attacking and killing them. Good thing the U.S. and her allies shutdown his mass graves, dungeons, and pursuit of WMDs.
[quote]IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thine neighboor.[/quote]
Saddam did lie to the UN and [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNSCOM"]UNSCOM[/url], the UN's inspection team. It's sad Saddam constantly said one thing and did another.
[quote]Since this war started these have meant nothing...But, again thats just what I think.[/quote]
Let's pray the election year rhetoric cools down. Lives are at danger, and the killers in Iraq are playing our media like a fiddle.

Let's pray the different sects of Iraq will learn to get along and stop killing one another.

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[quote] Saddam was wrong to covet the Iranians, Kuwaitians, and Kurdish. Coveted to the point of attacking and killing them. Good thing the U.S. and her allies shutdown his mass graves, dungeons, and pursuit of WMDs.

I'm not talking about Sadam, Im talking about the United States government. And the only proof you have of the above statements is that of the media. And they are already scripted, you can see that.

Edited by GloriaIesusChristi
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What a breath of fresh air from this Cardinal.
Unfortunately, he'll will probably be kicked out or disgraced soon.

Please, get off the histronics you are hearing and read up from some sources that don't have an agenda.

What oil is the US getting from Iraq that can't be bought cheaper elsewhere. The claim it's so we can get oil is one of the most ignorant statements that can be made.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1098446' date='Oct 22 2006, 01:09 PM']
Finally, a Catholic prelate with a spine, and a functioning brain.

Three cheers, make this guy the next Pope!

[url="http://news.scotsman.com/scotland.cfm?id=1563542006"]SOURCE MATERIAL[/url]
That Cardinal rules!! :)

[quote name='GloriaIesusChristi' post='1098478' date='Oct 22 2006, 01:38 PM']
...I already have an oppinion on this...Sorry, Its not for this Cardinal.
Honesty, muslims wouldnt benefit from those attacks. And they havent benefited from it yet, and they would never have benefited from it whether America was fighting a vain war or not. Just remember these:

X. Thou shalt not covet (This includes other countries oil)

VI. Thou shalt not kill ( Unless, in defense, but we really arent defening outselves from a country which, was found with no nuclear weapons, and Bush claimed that Sadam had nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11. And since Osama is supposedly dead, him and Sadam have been mortal enemies forever, so they didnt work together to come through with 9/11. Yet Sadam has been put on trial and placed in jail at the expense of the United States...Not the country he ruled. )

IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thine neighboor. (Watch what you say, It will come back to bite you one day.)

Since this war started these have meant nothing...But, again thats just what I think.
Muslims were responsible for the attacks. That is the fact, whatever your p.c. liberal head-in-[the clouds] opinion may be. Thus, they should apologize.

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[quote]Muslims were responsible for the attacks. That is the fact, whatever your p.c. liberal head-in-[the clouds] opinion may be. Thus, they should apologize.[/quote]

The Muslims responsible for the attacks are dead, and most probably in a place where it's too hot for comfort. How can they apologise? Asking Muslims who had nothing to do with the murders to apologise on behalf of the terrorists is like asking every single German to say sorry for the Holocaust.

That said, I like Cardinal Keith very much. :) He has done wonders for the Catholic Church in Scotland. Given that a number of very unreasonable Muslims were demanding apologies from every Christian they could find over the Pope's comments, I suspect that this is a brilliant piece of irony designed to make people think about the skeletons in their own communal cupboard before they start taking offence at every little thing an 'outsider' has to say.

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1098983' date='Oct 23 2006, 11:09 AM']
The Muslims responsible for the attacks are dead, and most probably in a place where it's too hot for comfort. How can they apologise? Asking Muslims who had nothing to do with the murders to apologise on behalf of the terrorists is like asking every single German to say sorry for the Holocaust.

That said, I like Cardinal Keith very much. :) He has done wonders for the Catholic Church in Scotland. Given that a number of very unreasonable Muslims were demanding apologies from every Christian they could find over the Pope's comments, I suspect that this is a brilliant piece of irony designed to make people think about the skeletons in their own communal cupboard before they start taking offence at every little thing an 'outsider' has to say.

Actually no, they are not all dead. Only those who actually did the attacks are dead. There are many more who were involved in the planning and execution of the attacks and many who were happy about them. He does have a point in that in the Muslim world there tends not to be alot said about these things and so I would like to see more open condemnations from the Muslim community of such violence. But to ask all Muslims to apologize I don't think is just. However hopefully his point that they need to express outrage at the sins of their fellow Muslims will come accross by his request for an apology. That lack of outrage makes me wonder in my mind what percentage of muslims the Pope's words actually did apply to.

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[quote]That lack of outrage makes me wonder in my mind what percentage of muslims the Pope's words actually did apply to.[/quote]

I doubt it is a belief that Catholics deserved to have their churches robbed and bombed that stopped the Muslim mainstream from speaking up against the atrocities. It is likely to be a combination of fear and media manipulation. When I lived in Saudi Arabia, our school (an international school) once received a death threat. It was petrifying. The author of the letter wrote that the families of the school's significant number of Muslim students should expect to receive no mercy, as living with unbelievers makes you as bad as unbelievers and such Muslims deserve to be killed along with the infidels. That was in 1997 or '98. I can't remember which year exactly. I would have been about nine years old at the time.

If I were a member of the Muslim community, I would be afraid of these people. Perhaps the fear of the Muslim mainstream is really cowardice. But in that case, I don't think the British Government is much better. It seems that Islamist extremists such as Abu Hamza and Omar Bakri can make mincemeat out of the law over here, and they are allowed to do it. It's not because this is a tolerant country. It's because this is a country that is not-so-secretly terrified. This is why it's refreshing to see that Cardinal Keith is not afraid...

Another reason why Muslims may appear slow to condemn is a media agenda. I've noticed that only a certain kind of Muslim is invited to speak on TV or contribute articles to newspapers - the liberal types who don't invade the West's comfort zone by challenging secular values. I know plenty of morally conservative Muslims who oppose terrorism. One is a talented freelance journalist who works mainly for the Arabic press and has won awards for her writing. Yet when she tried to submit an article to Britain's [i]Daily Express[/i], it was rejected - which isn't surprising, given that the [i]Express[/i] once printed the highly controversial headline WE ARE AT WAR WITH ISLAM. It is a bigoted newspaper that certainly wouldn't take an article by a woman billing herself as a 'conservative Muslim'. For exactly the same reason, liberal newspapers are also unwilling to take her work - they don't like the idea of a conservative anything. There is definitely an unwillingness to speak out against terrorism in the Muslim community, but I would hazard that there is also an unwillingness to listen.

Edited by Cathoholic Anonymous
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