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TLC's The Monastery


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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='stlmom' post='1096756' date='Oct 20 2006, 12:33 PM']
Just a reminder if any one is interested:

[url="http://www.tlc.com/monastery"]The Monastery[/url]

The Prior is a friend of mine. The monks were quite happy as to how the series turned out.
The woman's monastery series will be at the Trappistines in Iowa. We were asked (rather aggressively) to do the woman's monastery series but we said NO! They couldn't understand why we wouldn't want to do this and kept calling back. My poor prioress had to get sort of firm with them that NO meant NO! :annoyed:
It will interesting to hear what people think of the series.

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[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1096788' date='Oct 20 2006, 10:20 AM']
The Prior is a friend of mine. The monks were quite happy as to how the series turned out.
The woman's monastery series will be at the Trappistines in Iowa. We were asked (rather aggressively) to do the woman's monastery series but we said NO! They couldn't understand why we wouldn't want to do this and kept calling back. My poor prioress had to get sort of firm with them that NO meant NO! :annoyed:
It will interesting to hear what people think of the series.

How rude!

I'm glad they thought it turned out well. (There's a lot of PMers who are really worried about it.) I hope its good.

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[quote name='Sr. Mary Catharine' post='1096788' date='Oct 20 2006, 09:20 AM']
The Prior is a friend of mine. The monks were quite happy as to how the series turned out.
The woman's monastery series will be at the Trappistines in Iowa. We were asked (rather aggressively) to do the woman's monastery series but we said NO! They couldn't understand why we wouldn't want to do this and kept calling back. My poor prioress had to get sort of firm with them that NO meant NO! :annoyed:
It will interesting to hear what people think of the series.
Dear Sister,
Peace be with you!

Do you know when the women's series will be shown? Will it also be called 'The Monastery'?

May the Lord continue to bless you and all the Sisters!

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Pah! Copycat Americans. ;) This has already been done over here in England.

[i]The Monastery[/i] was amazingly popular and it has since spawned a best-selling book, [i]Finding Sanctuary[/i]. In my opinion, the women's equivalent was even better - it was touching to see how the participants' lives were gradually transformed in the convent. One lady, Debbie, entered the convent with a suitcase full of bad memories that were causing her psychological pain. (Her mother had abandoned her when she was little.) One day, during a meditation session, she heard an inner voice saying to her, "Little girl, I say to you, get up." That phrase recurred in the gospel reading the next day. It was awe-inspiring to watch what happened.

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I was one of those phatmassers that was really worried about it but most of my concern was sparked while reading an article on the show. It seemed to say that there would be men and women in the monastery living with the monks. This, above all else, made me axious about the whole thing.

The more and more I see the preview for it on TLC, the less and less nervous I am about it. I pray it is good.

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1096986' date='Oct 20 2006, 11:30 AM']
Pah! Copycat Americans. ;) This has already been done over here in England.

[i]The Monastery[/i] was amazingly popular and it has since spawned a best-selling book, [i]Finding Sanctuary[/i]. In my opinion, the women's equivalent was even better - it was touching to see how the participants' lives were gradually transformed in the convent. One lady, Debbie, entered the convent with a suitcase full of bad memories that were causing her psychological pain. (Her mother had abandoned her when she was little.) One day, during a meditation session, she heard an inner voice saying to her, "Little girl, I say to you, get up." That phrase recurred in the gospel reading the next day. It was awe-inspiring to watch what happened.
Haha! Yes, we're quite good at copying TV series concepts from the UK! I don't know how well a 'Father Ted' series would catch on stateside, though! :lol: :lol:

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I dont have a TV :annoyed: so I cant watch it unless they have an online showing. The only thing I can gewt to play on my computer is EWTN (perhaps God trying to tell me something :D: ) Tell me how it is once it comes out!

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I met Fr. Joseph Gabriel at the Dominican Monastery in Buffalo (my city) at a sister's funeral and I served several of his Masses. He's now in Africa, and I can tell you he is a very holy, wonderful priest.

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[quote name='FutureIHMNJ' post='1098609' date='Oct 22 2006, 07:31 PM']
So who is going to be watching it tonite?
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I like it too!- the Abbott seems like a really great guy!

As for some of the paricipants, I really hope they open themselves to this experience as the show progresses!
I'm definately looking forward to see if that all works out!

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[quote name='Handmaid524' post='1098799' date='Oct 23 2006, 01:01 AM']
I like it too!- the Abbott seems like a really great guy!

As for some of the paricipants, I really hope they open themselves to this experience as the show progresses!
I'm definately looking forward to see if that all works out!

I was in the Chapter Room when the production company made its pitch to the community at large. They had been talking with the Abbot and Prior prior to their arrival, but this was their first time wiht the community as a whole. In fact the lady who came up wiht the idea initailly wanted to do it at MCiD, but didnt think the BBC would buy the idea. After all there are plenty of monasteries in England.

It is the same production company that did the one at Worth Abbey. No American copycatting. TLC contacted them and asked if they'd be willing to do an American version set in american monasteries.

The Abbot is indeed a great guy. A brat, but a great guy :lol_roll:
The Prior is much different but also a great guy. I honour them both and pray for the community daily. There is Our Lady of the Desert about 200 yards down the road from them. But if youve seen the episode, you know that.

I have made two trips there. One two years ago at about this time. the second was a year ago last summer. I did a post about my experiences here:

I don't have a television, so I don't know what they showed.

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