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Biblical Belief Quiz


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[quote name='Socrates' post='1096383' date='Oct 19 2006, 09:41 PM']
Y'all might want to read your Bible and study up on all the pomp and ceremony surrounding the Ark of the Covenant, which contained [b]God's Word [/b] in the the broken tablets!


B&E: If it's idolatry today, it would have been idolatry back then too, torn veil or not, correct?

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[quote name='MissScripture' post='1096457' date='Oct 19 2006, 11:21 PM']
Why does your BIBLE (not just the readings at your services) have entire BOOKS edited out? And there are parts of other books edited out, too. Why is that?

That has got to be the best response I've heard to the "chopped up readings" conspiracy theory!!

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1096396' date='Oct 19 2006, 10:12 PM']
As a CHRISTIAN { not an Israelite Jew } I would do BETTER to observe what they did in the book of ACTS.

You mean the part in Acts 15 where instead of relying on private interpretation people submitted to the authority of a church council????

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[quote]You mean the part in Acts 15 where instead of relying on private interpretation people submitted to the authority of a church council???? [/quote]

You mean where James, NOT Peter was the "Pope/Head" and where they voted that ALL Christians had to refrain from DRINKING/EATING BLOOD?

Now if they believed that the wine LITERALLY became the blood, would they have so voted?


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Groo the Wanderer

Euty - quit showing your ignorance. You know full well that James was the Bishop of Jerusalem, where the Council was being held.

Once again...the Magisterium is the WHOLE of the Bishops acting in concert with the Pope. Finish the reading of the account. James supported Peter and after some discussion the rest of the Council agreed.

This, as you know, was the first ecumenical council of the Church, the Council of Jerusalem.

Christ's blood <> earthly blood. You know that. So did they. Quit being obtuse.

Why do you persist in silly statements when we know full well that you know the truth?

Edited by Groo the Wanderer
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[quote] Euty - quit showing your ignorance. You know full well that James was the Bishop of Jerusalem, where the Council was being held.[/quote]


Just a mere "Bishop" huh?

Amazing how the ACTUAL WORD is demoted, in order to PRO ... MOTE, the apostle of your choice.

And no comment on the RULING that "eating/drinking of blood" was to be prohibited, not only to the Jewish converts, but the gentiles too?

Again. IF, IF, that body believed in the LITERAL transubstantiation mistaken interpretation, they would NEVER have made that blanket ruling, without any exceptions for the last supper rememberances that they all practiced.

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I believe we know what the official teachings are regarding those three questions, although the answer for 3 is complex.

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[quote]I believe we know what the official teachings are regarding those three questions, [/quote]

Pardon me for a short chuckle here....

The question was what YOU believed. What you seem to be saying, is you have NO IDEA what you believe, until you can ascertain the answer you are EXPECTED to give....

I find that hilarious. :sweat:

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1096653' date='Oct 20 2006, 08:42 AM']

Just a mere "Bishop" huh?

Amazing how the ACTUAL WORD is demoted, in order to PRO ... MOTE, the apostle of your choice.


A Bishop is also an Ordinary.

What sinister hidden meaning shall we divine from that?

Cardinals are also Bishops.

There are Arch-Bishops (probably a McDonalds name rightsd thing so the Pope can keep his fabulous apartment well stocked with trinkets from pagans.)

Can we announce a descent to reality and turn on the fasten seatbelt light, or what?

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1096657' date='Oct 20 2006, 08:53 AM']
Pardon me for a short chuckle here....

The question was what YOU believed. What you seem to be saying, is you have NO IDEA what you believe, until you can ascertain the answer you are EXPECTED to give....

I find that hilarious. :sweat:

Let me check if I said that.
[quote]I believe we know what the official teachings are regarding those three questions, although the answer for 3 is complex[/quote]

I'm trying to divine your intepretation...but I can't.

You're getting cynical. I blame your multi-vitamins.

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1096657' date='Oct 20 2006, 08:53 AM']
Pardon me for a short chuckle here....

The question was what YOU believed. What you seem to be saying, is you have NO IDEA what you believe, until you can ascertain the answer you are EXPECTED to give....

I find that hilarious. :sweat:

Let me check if I said that.
[quote]I believe we know what the official teachings are regarding those three questions, although the answer for 3 is complex[/quote]

I'm trying to divine your intepretation...but I can't.

You're getting cynical. I blame your multi-vitamins.

Do you have problem with people accepting authority outside themselves?

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[quote name='Budge' post='1096246' date='Oct 19 2006, 07:10 PM']
[code]We do to Church to hear the Word of God, not read it.[/code]

You know on my board, we discovered that your church during the Mass, actually edits out individual sentences out of scripture...anything that may get you folks thinking about salvation by faith, is snipped right out. I have a dozen threads on this but know I cant link to any. Why is one sentence in the middle of a paragraph EDITED out?

See having that Bible with you keeps that pastor and I include that of all churches a LOT MORE HONEST.

I think there is a reason for the Catholic custom of NOT taking a Bible to church.

You are from your Father the devil. That is a lie. If we go to mass every sunday, we will have had the entire bible read to us in 3 years. If we go everyday the entire bible will be read to us in one year. The ENTIRE bible. from genesis to revelation. We are taught in RCIA to study the scriptures read to us after every mass.

The bible is in the mass whether we bring it ourselves or not. The bible is there. Difference between protestant pastors and catholic priests: catholic priests dont just pick and choose verses to interpret. Our Mass is setup in a way to glorify the Word of God. No they do not edit it and remove verses.

Edited by Akalyte
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[quote]Why would they edit out salvation by faith? We believe in that.

No, you actually believe that FAITH is just a downpayment, and REAL SALVATION comes via your works. In fact, you can be so WORK ORIENTED, that you can transfer your excess "goodness" to others.

If you want, we can teach you what your church teaches, not what you think it does, just let us know, ok?

[quote]Catechism of the Catholic Church

2027 No one can merit the initial grace which is at the origin of conversion. Moved by the Holy Spirit,[b] [u]we can merit for ourselves and for others all the graces needed to attain eternal life, as well as necessary temporal goods.[/u][/b][/quote]

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[quote]If we go to mass every sunday, we will have had the entire bible read to us in 3 years[/quote]

Prove it.

Find me the day and time where all of Revelation 17 is read to a Catholic congregation

I am seriously want to find out if it is ever read.


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[quote name='Budge' post='1096759' date='Oct 20 2006, 10:34 AM']
Prove it.

Find me the day and time where all of Revelation 17 is read to a Catholic congregation

I am seriously want to find out if it is ever read.

Prove that the entire bible is read to a Baptist congregation.
Every preacher can do what he wants and give whatever spin he wants.
Prottys have already dismissed entire books that were once included as the 'Bible' after many hundreds of years. Who's to say that next year, some guy will say 'Bible Book X or Y' doesn't "fit" and should be thrown out.
I seriously doubt you have a clue on what the Bible means, Budge. If all the many REAL Bible Scholars and disagree and debate endlessly, I'm supposed to trust your 'feelings' that things don't "fit"? You can't even be polite most of the time, and certainly don't engage anyone in a real discussion.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1096158' date='Oct 19 2006, 06:55 PM']

Of a book?

You mean WORSHIPPING the actual book ITSELF? Parading it around, holding it high, incensing it, and bowing to it?

Is THAT what you are asking?

You mean like this?


No, I have never seen an evangelical pastor enter into a church in this manner.

I trust that answers your question to me.
The Book is the Word, and the Word is God. Derrrrr.

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real discussion--Translation-0--agreeing with you.

My church takes individual books for Bible study and READS straight through. At least half of my church has read the entire Bible straight through.

Anyhow I found out the Catholic church does do the CUT and PASTE and admits to it.

from USCCB website..

I found these admissions interesting..

[quote]2. How is the Lectionary arranged?

The Lectionary is arranged in two cycles, one for Sundays and one for weekdays.

The Sunday cycle is divided into three years, labeled A, B, and C. 2006 is Year B. 2007 will be Year C, 2008 will be Year A, etc. In Year A, we read mostly from the Gospel of Matthew. In Year B, we read the Gospel of Mark and chapter 6 of the Gospel of John. In Year C, we read the Gospel of Luke. The Gospel of John is read during the Easter season in all three years. The first reading, usually from the Old Testament, reflects important themes from the Gospel reading. The second reading is usually from one of the epistles, a letter written to an early church community. These letters are read semi-continuously.[b] Each Sunday, we pick up close to where we left off the Sunday before, though some passages are never read[/b]. [/quote]

[quote]The weekday cycle is divided into two years, Year I and Year II. Year I is read in odd-numbered years (2007, 2009, etc.) and Year II is used in even-numbered years (2006, 2008, etc.) The Gospels for both years are the same. During the year, the Gospels are read semi-continuously, beginning with Mark, then moving on to Matthew and Luke. The Gospel of John is read during the Easter season. For Advent, Christmas, and Lent, readings are chosen that are appropriate to the season. The first reading on weekdays may be taken from the Old or the New Testament. Typically, a single book is read semi-continuously [b](i.e., some passages are not read) [/b] until it is finished and then a new book is started.[/quote]

That proves the ENTIRE BIble is not read in those THREE years...

Edited by Budge
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