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Biblical Belief Quiz


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[quote name='Budge' post='1096187' date='Oct 19 2006, 06:23 PM']
I am happy to be in a church that does not do processions.

I think processions and making a formality of entering the church and exiting it are based in human pride. That is a definitely a man-made tradition and I speak to all the Prot churches that do it as well.

Why are those processions even necessary?

I trust a pastor with an old beat-up falling apart Bible more then I do one with a gold-encrusted, keep it away from the kiddies because its too valuable to even touch type.

My we're good at judging people aren't we. Why would one have to use the same bible they have for personal use in Church as well? Are you lost in the scriptures when you don't have your own bible? What a bunch of biggotry and nonsense you post.

Edited by thessalonian
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My we're good at judging people aren't we. Why would one have to use the same bible they have for personal use in Church as well? Are you lost in the scriptures when you don't have your own bible? What a bunch of biggotry and nonsense you post.[/quote]

I didnt say anything about the people, they are just following what theyve been told to do, as I did when I was a little Catholic kid, and had to line up to do a few processions of my own....so the human pride is more in those who designed this stuff then the poor people who are doing what they believe is right and "holy". Ill clarify that.

What is wrong with having your own Bible, to read along in church and to refer back to while the pastor is speaking? It helps.

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[quote]I think processions and making a formality of entering the church and exiting it are based in human pride. That is a definitely a man-made tradition and I speak to all the Prot churches that do it as well.[/quote]

Man-made tradition or part of God's revealed Word...?

"Thy solemn processions are seen, O God, the processions of my God, my King, into the sanctuary-- the singers in front, the minstrels last, between them maidens playing timbrels" (Ps. 68:24-25)

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That was into the Jewish temple...

The veil has been ripped...and when Catholics point out that their traditions continue those of the Jewish temple, it only helps bolster my case.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1096214' date='Oct 19 2006, 07:42 PM']

What is wrong with having your own Bible, to read along in church and to refer back to while the pastor is speaking? It helps.
We go to Church to hear the Word of God, not read it.

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[code]We do to Church to hear the Word of God, not read it.[/code]

You know on my board, we discovered that your church during the Mass, actually edits out individual sentences out of scripture...anything that may get you folks thinking about salvation by faith, is snipped right out. I have a dozen threads on this but know I cant link to any. Why is one sentence in the middle of a paragraph EDITED out?

See having that Bible with you keeps that pastor and I include that of all churches a LOT MORE HONEST.

I think there is a reason for the Catholic custom of NOT taking a Bible to church.

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Many evangelical music artists such as Matt Redman base their contemporary worship songs on the psalms. Should they be writing entirely new lyrics because Jewish worship customs are no longer appropriate, for some explicable reason?

Judaism is the mother of Christianity. Jesus Himself was born a Jew and He died a Jew. We're not called to sever ourselves completely from our heritage. Our heritage has been regenerated by the blood of Christ, not washed away completely.

In any case, the so-called 'spontaneous' worship in evangelical churches also follows patterns, although they aren't so overt. I attended a sequence of evening services in a Baptist church and noticed distinct trends in the way people behaved. At certain points in a song, three-quarters of the congregation would start spasmodically jerking and pointing one finger to the ceiling. It looked like a carefully choreographed dance...yet those worshippers would insist that they were 'moved by the Spirit'.

I'm not decrying their worship experiences, just pointing out that an anthropologist would have interesting observations to make about an evangelical prayer meeting as well as the Catholic Mass. Personally, I appreciate things like processions because having a solid, predictable framework helps me to concentrate on my prayer. Seeing the Bible held aloft as the priest enters is also very uplifting. I see a parallel with the moment when the priest elevates 'the Word made flesh'...

[quote]I think there is a reason for the Catholic custom of NOT taking a Bible to church[/quote].

Dear me. The Church's cover has been blown - I have a Bible of my very own on my bookshelf, and everything is in there! I will be able to find out all the things they are 'hiding' from me in the Mass.

Funny, the lady in the church bookshop sold it to me. You would have thought that she'd have had more sense.

On a less caustic note, given that Catholics believe in salvation by grace alone - not by faith, not by works, but by pure God-given grace, a fact that is declared in the Catechism - I don't know how the people on your board make their so-called discoveries.

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[quote name='thessalonian' post='1096186' date='Oct 19 2006, 07:23 PM']
Your kidding right? If this is what you think I mean then your not very bright Euty. Are you suggesting that what is being done in that picture is idolatry of a book? Do you really think so?[/quote]Apparently, Eutychus is uncomfortable with the fact that Catholic Churches focus on Holy Scripture for the first half of the liturgy. Maybe the underlying message that the Holy Bible is central to our worship makes him squirm. If only he were in a Bible-based church... LOL

I tell ya, you can't win with Eutychus. Not enough Bible emphasis...too much Bible emphasis. I don't think we'll ever please him.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1096187' date='Oct 19 2006, 05:23 PM']
I trust a pastor with an old beat-up falling apart Bible more then I do one with a gold-encrusted, keep it away from the kiddies because its too valuable to even touch type.

That part made me :rolling:

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[quote name='Budge' post='1096246' date='Oct 19 2006, 08:10 PM'][code]We do to Church to hear the Word of God, not read it.[/code]

You know on my board, we discovered that your church during the Mass, actually edits out individual sentences out of scripture...anything that may get you folks thinking about salvation by faith, is snipped right out. I have a dozen threads on this but know I cant link to any. Why is one sentence in the middle of a paragraph EDITED out?

See having that Bible with you keeps that pastor and I include that of all churches a LOT MORE HONEST.

I think there is a reason for the Catholic custom of NOT taking a Bible to church.[/quote]This is ridiculous. In fact, "Independent" churches are entirely at the mercy of their pastors to choose what is read. A verse here...a verse there...make everyone struggle to find your next verse, and you won't have anyone question you.

There's something to be said for having a robust liturgical calendar instead of the anarchy of each pastor filtering the Bible for his flock.

By the way, I did recently hear an "in depth" non-denom sermon on John 6 in which some of the tricky verses were skipped to insure that no one believed Our Lord to be speaking literally about His Body and Blood. Sad...

[quote name='Eutychus' post='1096096' date='Oct 19 2006, 05:49 PM']?

They did. In fact, the translation issues were extensively listed within the volume itself.

I guess it never registered with you, that NO ONE called that "The KING JAMES Bible" for hundreds of years, because no one considered it as such. James merely paid for the effort out of the state treasury, and maybe read it a few times after publication, that was the sole extent of his contributions to the AUTHORIZED English Language Translation completed in 1611.[/quote]It may have "never registered with you" that my post doesn't hinge on whether the translation was called KJV or AV. It was about your apparent animosity toward the translators of the Authorized Version (aka KJV). Here's my post with "AV" instead of "KJV". Maybe you can turn off "automatic fight mode" and actually respond to my comments.[quote]So, now you reject the [s]KJV[/s] Authorized Version and the qualifications of its translators? Were they capable of accurately translating the Bible? If so, why shouldn't they identify themselves as the translating body?[/quote]

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1095665' date='Oct 19 2006, 08:14 AM']
I just got a report from BARNA, the premier religious polling firm that was most disturbing.

There are three questions I want to pose here:
[color="#990000"]ONE - "Is satan a real entity?"[/color]
TWO - "Was Christ sinless?"[/color]

[color="#663366"]THREE - "Is the bible totally accurate?"[/color][/b][/size]

I will post WHY after some answers are given.
Well, well, well - look who's back on the debate table!

In answer to your questions:

[b]ONE - YES

There, that was easy.

(But, being only an ignorant pagan Roamin' Cath-lick, undoubtably my answers to these questions are in error. Perhaps Eutychus, in his infinite wisdom, can enlighten us as to the [b][i]correct[/i][/b] answers! :rolleyes: )

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1096096' date='Oct 19 2006, 03:49 PM']

They did. In fact, the translation issues were extensively listed within the volume itself.

I guess it never registered with you, that NO ONE called that "The KING JAMES Bible" for hundreds of years, because no one considered it as such. James merely paid for the effort out of the state treasury, and maybe read it a few times after publication, that was the sole extent of his contributions to the AUTHORIZED English Language Translation completed in 1611.
So what is it that gave King James' boys special authority that gave [b]their[/b] translation special authority over all others? Was it the royal authority granted by the good King of Merrie Olde England?
So the ultimate authority concerning Holy Writ resides in the English Monarchy?
Shouldn't you be an Anglican, then?

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[quote]In answer to your questions:


There, that was easy. [/quote]

Sincerely, THANK you.

That was all it took. Simple yesses or no's.

And look at how hard that was for some of ye folks here....

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