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Biblical Belief Quiz


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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1095778' date='Oct 19 2006, 11:09 AM']
It all depends on how reliable you think Origen was.
Hey, if you want to be a disciple of Origen, do it. In the mean time, respond to my answers to you topic.


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I've often wondered why in protestantism it is not considered idolatry to put the name of a king who burned witches on the cover of God's Holy Word?

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OK, watch how you answer questions simply and to the point.

[quote]1. define entity[/quote]

Creation of God.

[quote]2. tell me first what hue of blue that is, so that I may better answer the question[/quote]

Pantone #238

[quote]3. who's bible? The Holy Bible, the Computer Tech Bible, etc...[/quote]

Any bible you recognize as valid.

There, simple, clean, direct.

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Are we supposed to answer your questions? Or debate them?

[quote] ONE - "Is satan a real entity?"

TWO - "Was Christ sinless?"

THREE - "Is the bible totally accurate?"

One- If Satan wasnt a real entity then, how can he enslave the minds of men to work against Christ? He is very real and of course the Father of All Lies.

Also, if satan wasnt a real enitiy how could have he been thrown from heaven to hell by the hand of St. Micheal?

I guess thats what I think, but these questions also seem to be oppinionated.

two- Was Christ sinless? Christ was God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father. Through him all things were made.

Three- Is the Bible totally accurate? This is pending on your belifes more than anything, but 1 Timothy says that all scripture is inspired by God for teaching and training. So, its not the source and summit of the Christian faith, but personally, yes I do think its very accurate.

Other than that these are good questions, but they seem to be loaded or oppinionated, in a small way.

Edited by GloriaIesusChristi
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[quote]Any bible you recognize as valid.[/quote]

Ah relativism. Ain't it grand. He asks "is the Bible totally accurate" then says we can use any bible to answer the question. So even if they contradict they can still be accurate it seems.

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Is that a YES, or a NO?

It is amazing to me, the lengths that folks here will go NOT to answer those three simple easy, direct questions.....

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[quote] I've often wondered why in protestantism it is not considered idolatry to put the name of a king who burned witches on the cover of God's Holy Word?[/quote]

Actually, they didn't.

The proper name for that translation is the "AUTHORIZED VERSION."

It never carried the name JKV for several hundred years .... that is only a later addition to differentiate it from other translations, based upon the Origin revised stream of texts.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1095801' date='Oct 19 2006, 01:20 PM']
OK, watch how you answer questions simply and to the point.
Creation of God.
Pantone #238
Any bible you recognize as valid.

There, simple, clean, direct.[/quote]This is pretty silly. "Valid" and "accurate" should be related terms, correct? They certainly are loose terms that could mean almost anything to anybody. Are you looking for a valid-inaccurate Bible? Or an invalid-accurate Bible?

By accurate, do you mean all things contained should be interpreted literally (e.g. Genesis 1's 6-day creation account, John 6's teaching on transsubstantiation)?

I guess the thing that least impressed me about this polling company is the value of polls in which the underlying terms are only sometimes strictly defined. They have a decent idea of how they categorize a "true" evangelical Christian, but it's unclear what someone means when they associate the term "accurate" with the Bible. Apparently, no one is sure what accurate means nor which Bible is "the Bible."

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1095828' date='Oct 19 2006, 01:40 PM']
Actually, they didn't.

The proper name for that translation is the "AUTHORIZED VERSION."

It never carried the name JKV for several hundred years .... that is only a later addition to differentiate it from other translations, based upon the Origin revised stream of texts.
and who is qualidfied outside the Church to make an "authoriized" version?
authorized by whom?

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1095828' date='Oct 19 2006, 12:40 PM']
Actually, they didn't.

The proper name for that translation is the "AUTHORIZED VERSION."

It never carried the name JKV for several hundred years .... that is only a later addition to differentiate it from other translations, based upon the Origin revised stream of texts.

I am aware of the history of the title. You didn't answer the question. Is it idolatry or not? I've never seen one that did not have the good king's name on it so your point is moot. It is called the KJV today.

By the way there are hundreds of languages in this world. Do all the other countries have their perfect bible in their language as well? What makes the English language special?

Edited by thessalonian
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[quote] and who is qualidfied outside the Church to make an "authoriized" version?[/quote]

Most likely the very same people { within another denomination } with the HUBRIS to stamp this on things...


After all, they WERE Roman Catholic priests and Bishops just a few years before this edition. Jame's predecessor was a rabid Roman Catholic, she earned the nickname "Bloody Mary" I would imagine for her choice of cocktails???

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1095844' date='Oct 19 2006, 02:00 PM']
Most likely the very same people { within another denomination } with the HUBRIS to stamp this on things...


After all, they WERE Roman Catholic priests and Bishops just a few years before this edition. Jame's predecessor was a rabid Roman Catholic, she earned the nickname "Bloody Mary" I would imagine for her choice of cocktails???
Of course that was the name given her by the protestants of the time, she was a martyr killed by the murderous Elizabeth of England

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1095844' date='Oct 19 2006, 01:00 PM']
Most likely the very same people { within another denomination } with the HUBRIS to stamp this on things...


After all, they WERE Roman Catholic priests and Bishops just a few years before this edition. Jame's predecessor was a rabid Roman Catholic, she earned the nickname "Bloody Mary" I would imagine for her choice of cocktails???

Probably the same choice as "good" queen bess, her protestant predecessor who preferred to rip the bowels out of her Catholic victims while they still lived. No mention of her at all in foxe's book except positively, (and he knew her well) though she was just as notorious if not more so and more cruel.

Once again you avoid the question. Is it idolatry or not?

Edited by thessalonian
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[quote]Besides, what's the point in baiting the field, you are already smack dab in the middle of a herd of catholics. [/quote]

Someone once asked a notorious criminal, [b]"Why do you rob banks?"
He answered quite directly...[b]"Because that is where the money is."[/b]

[quote] t is called the KJV today.[/quote]


And that proves what, may I ask?

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