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I just read the latest reason:
[b]France won't rein in Hizballah, but they'll fire on Israeli planes...[/b]

[quote]Commanders of the French contingent of the United Nations force in Lebanon have warned that they might have to open fire if Israel Air Force warplanes continue their overflights in Lebanon, Defense Minister Amir Peretz told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday.

Peretz said that nevertheless, Israel would continue to patrol the skies over Lebanon as long as United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 remained unfulfilled, adding that such operations were critical for the country's security, [b] especially as the abducted IDF soldiers remain in Hezbollah custody and the transfer of arms continue.[/b]

Over the past few days, Peretz said, Israel had gathered clear evidence that Syria was transferring arms and ammunition to Lebanon, meaning that the embargo imposed by UN Resolution 1701 was not being completely enforced. [/quote]

And then we must remember that UN "Peacekeepers were in Lebanon before any of this latest episode started... and they didn't do anything but watch and serve as launch sites for Hezbo rocket attacks

[url="http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/013623.php"]ah - btw, the news source is: Robert Spencer's "JihadWatch" with solid links and references provided[/url]

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For simplicity, I liken Israel to a fighting dog on a leash and America is the only nation in the world that has a hold on that leash. What would the rest of the world do if we happened to let go. Israel has a legitimate right to self defense. Does it not?

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[quote name='Red Knight' post='1095674' date='Oct 19 2006, 07:21 AM']
For simplicity, I liken Israel to a fighting dog on a leash and America is the only nation in the world that has a hold on that leash. What would the rest of the world do if we happened to let go. Israel has a legitimate right to self defense. Does it not?

I agree with this analogy. We should have never reined in Isreal, maybe we wouldn't be having our current problems.

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Well, not only does France of a history of anti-semitism, but they also have a history of appeasement. They're afraid of the terrorists, and they know that Isreal isn't going to harm the French. Therefore, they side with the terrorist.

It's a cowardly existence, but it's the French. It's in thier nature.

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I think we should keep in mind that the French gave us Charles Martel, Napoleon, and other great military minds, not to mention that it was pretty much decimated by religious wars and WWI. If they don't like war, they've got a good reason!

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' post='1096020' date='Oct 19 2006, 04:13 PM']
I think we should keep in mind that the French gave us Charles Martel, Napoleon, and other great military minds, not to mention that it was pretty much decimated by religious wars and WWI. If they don't like war, they've got a good reason!
right, i forgot other european nations have not had the same problems.............oh wait

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[quote name='notardillacid' post='1096021' date='Oct 19 2006, 05:15 PM']
right, i forgot other european nations have not had the same problems.............oh wait
no, other European nations all ganged up on the French, repeatedly. France and Germany pretty much dominated European affairs.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' post='1096112' date='Oct 19 2006, 05:10 PM']
no, other European nations all ganged up on the French, repeatedly. France and Germany pretty much dominated European affairs.
In your mind maybe, and only then if you are looking at a small select period in history. :lol: Other nations have been walked all over by stronger nations throughout history, France is in no way unique.

Edited by notardillacid
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[quote]Israel has a legitimate right to self defense. Does it not?[/quote]

Isn't that the same argument the Palestinian's are making about their situation?

[quote]For simplicity, I liken Israel to a fighting dog on a leash and America is the only nation in the world that has a hold on that leash. What would the rest of the world do if we happened to let go. [/quote]

The relationship the US has with Israel is almost unique and certainly contributes to the negative perception people in other countries have about US foreign policy.

Although Israel has a fearsome reputation for their fighting ability, they are surrounded by nations who did not vote for their country to be created. If the US 'let them off their leash' they couldn't withstand an onslaught on all sides for long..... but of course that will never happen....too many economies rely on military hardwear....

[quote]Well, not only does France of a history of anti-semitism, but they also have a history of appeasement. They're afraid of the terrorists, and they know that Isreal isn't going to harm the French. Therefore, they side with the terrorist.

It's a cowardly existence, but it's the French. It's in thier nature.[/quote]

You need to forgive the French for not entering into the Iraq war.....it seems both Bush & Blair are beginning the 'maybe we got it wrong' speeches....

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[quote]You need to forgive the French for not entering into the Iraq war.....it seems both Bush & Blair are beginning the 'maybe we got it wrong' speeches....[/quote]

You do not know how I feel about France and the Iraq war. I suggest that you donnot assume things about me.

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[quote name='Ellenita' post='1096339' date='Oct 19 2006, 09:26 PM']
Isn't that the same argument the Palestinian's are making about their situation?

The relationship the US has with Israel is almost unique and certainly contributes to the negative perception people in other countries have about US foreign policy.

Although Israel has a fearsome reputation for their fighting ability, they are surrounded by nations who did not vote for their country to be created. If the US 'let them off their leash' they couldn't withstand an onslaught on all sides for long..... but of course that will never happen....too many economies rely on military hardwear....
You need to forgive the French for not entering into the Iraq war.....it seems both Bush & Blair are beginning the 'maybe we got it wrong' speeches....
French didn't enter the war because their population is increasingly Muslim, and they had large military contracts with Saddam.

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[quote name='Ellenita' post='1096339' date='Oct 19 2006, 07:26 PM']
Isn't that the same argument the Palestinian's are making about their situation?

The relationship the US has with Israel is almost unique and certainly contributes to the negative perception people in other countries have about US foreign policy.

Although Israel has a fearsome reputation for their fighting ability, they are surrounded by nations who did not vote for their country to be created. If the US 'let them off their leash' they couldn't withstand an onslaught on all sides for long..... but of course that will never happen....too many economies rely on military hardwear....
You need to forgive the French for not entering into the Iraq war.....it seems both Bush & Blair are beginning the 'maybe we got it wrong' speeches....
[/quote]PALISTINIANS - NO. The problem in Palistine is that they REFUSE to compromise with Isreal to live and let live. The Palistinians are a political pawn of the Arabs that refuse to allow Isreal to exist as a nation. Isreal often reacts extremeley to extreme reactions from the Arab world and the who thing is a self-purpetuating quagmire.

To hell with the rest of the world about US Policy. No, the US isn't saints, but name one Country that is better. France? Who undermined the UN with the Oil for Food program in Iraq? Russia who is undermining actions in Iran? China, who has enabled Korea? Come on. If you can't beat 'em, tell lies about them.

Isreal has repeatedly demonstrated it's fighting ability and the weakness of it's neighbors. If the Arabs could win a conventional war, it would have happend long ago. Isreal is not out to wipe syria off the map, otherwise that would have happend.

Forgive the French? What a load of crock. The French did not support the Iraq war because of altruistic reasons, it was FRENCH BIG BUSINESS/GOVERNMENT SOICALIZED BUSINESS intrests that kept them from fighting. Why fight when you are doing billions of $$ of business with Sadaam? [Oil for French Money - Not Food]. France is responsible for enabling Sadaam to remain powerfull and therby is responsible for 10's of thousands of innocent civillian deaths IN A NON-WAR period.

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