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Baptist Magisterium?


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I'm reading the news, and I see a headline, "[url="http://www.dfw.com/mld/dfw/news/local/15787248.htm?source=yahoodist&content=dfw_news"]Policy bans promotion of speaking in tongues[/url]." Interesting, so I click it.

It's a story of a conflict between a Baptist pastor, Dwight McKissic, and the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS). The SBTS has banned all material related to Dwight's speaking in tongues at a service. In addition, they adopted a resolution which says the following:
[quote]Southwestern will not knowingly endorse in any way, advertise, or commend the conclusions of the contemporary charismatic movement including private prayer language. Neither will Southwestern knowingly employ professors or administrators who promote such practices.[/quote]
All the buzz around the issue is a little strange to me, but it's their denomination's affair. But I found the following quote interesting given the continual disagreement about the necessity and Biblical justification for a central authority on theological issues, like our Magisterium.
[quote]But now, [Dwight McKissic] said, "I'm praying that the Southern Baptist Convention would weigh in on this. [b]The convention is the authority that defines theology[/b]."[/quote]
:shock: Here I thought it was all up to private interpretation and Scripture. "Isn't Scripture obvious in what it says? There's no need for a central authority on matters of faith. All you need is the Spirit to guide you to the Truth."

I guess this is what is meant about making Christ's Church a buffet. Take what we like and throw the rest. :ohno:

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Not so wierd...When I was Baptist the hot-topic issue was the ordination of women. After a theological commission considered the matter, an article was ADDED to the Statement of Faith, and to the Baptist Catechism "Baptist Faith and Morals" which stated that female ordination was contrary to the Faith.
The Convention is considered THE interpretive body for the Southern Baptist denomination. It's decisions are largely accepted not "in so far as" they are in accordance with Scripture, but "because they are" in accordance with Scripture. They would likely respond that the democratic method of interpretation and church authority is THE way to reach the certain, as we would say, "sensus fidelium" knowledge of Scripture, etc.

Basically, I like this about them because, like me, it points one first to the need, then to the form, and finally to the legitimacy that must accompany the Church Millitant. As such, it is a great aid in our polemical/evangelistic outreach to them.

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Odd, I was evicted from Keatings Catholic site, for SUPPORTING the personal priest of JPII "Fr" Cantalessimo, {sp?} who is a Charismatic Catholic { tounge speaking Catholic Church branch } and it was the first time I posted, the ONLY topic participating, and EVERY word I typed was supportive OF the Catholic Church Charismatic movement, and used EXTENSIVE quotations from JPII himself.

The site dictators, announced THEY thought that the Charismatics were NOT "real" Roman Catholics, locked the thread, and banned EVERYONE that had posted supporting the Pope, the movement, and the anti-cessationist positions.

Start to finish, we lasted 5 hours.

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Perhaps someone will go over there and check your story Euty. I would if I could. Hope you don't mind if I suspect there is something more to it than what you have presented. There is not a charismatic branch of the Church.

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[quote]There is not a charismatic branch of the Church.


Odd, maybe you could go and tell THEM that, please?

[quote]Pope John Paul II

Address of Pope John Paul II to the ICCRO Council {Council of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Office of the Vatican}

March 14, 1992

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In the joy and peace of the Holy Spirit I welcome the Council of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Office. As you celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the beginning of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, I willingly join you in giving praise to God for the many fruits which it has borne in the life of the Church. The emergence of the Renewal following the Second Vatican Council was a particular gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church. It was a sign of a desire on the part of many Catholics to live more fully their Baptismal dignity and vocation as adopted sons and daughters of the Father, to know the redeeming power of Christ our Savior in a more intense experience of individual and group prayer, and to follow the teaching of the Scriptures by reading them in the light of the same Spirit who inspired their writing. Certainly one of the most important results of this spiritual reawakening has been that increased thirst for holiness which is seen in the lives of individuals and in the whole Church.[/quote]


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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1095626' date='Oct 19 2006, 08:31 AM']
Odd, I was evicted from Keatings Catholic site, for SUPPORTING the personal priest of JPII "Fr" Cantalessimo, {sp?} who is a Charismatic Catholic { tounge speaking Catholic Church branch } and it was the first time I posted, the ONLY topic participating, and EVERY word I typed was supportive OF the Catholic Church Charismatic movement, and used EXTENSIVE quotations from JPII himself.

The site dictators, announced THEY thought that the Charismatics were NOT "real" Roman Catholics, locked the thread, and banned EVERYONE that had posted supporting the Pope, the movement, and the anti-cessationist positions.

Start to finish, we lasted 5 hours.

Karl doesn't ban people except for very good reason, but he does close uncharitable threads. There are over 300 threads discussing charismatics over there, so this is difficult to believe. What was your sn over there?

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You misunderstand my point. There are charismatics in the Church. In some sense I consider myself one as I have layed my hands on my children and wife and had their afflictions go away. I've experienced in a very real way the Holy Spirit cleansing me before the most holy Eucharist. I know what it is like to be slain in the spirit. But I do not see myself or the people in the meetings I have attended being a branch of the Catholic Church and neither does the writing you quote. I am well aware of charistmatic Catholicism. As CMP said, there is more to your charges against Catholic.com than meets the eye. Perhaps you could post quotes from the thread by moderators waring you that you were going to get banned for posting charismatic heresies?

Edited by thessalonian
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Karl doesn't ban people [u]except for very good reason[/u],[/quote]

Apparently those "very good reasons" are many and diverse.

The liberal Catholic sites complain about the excessive bannings, and the conservative sites like Anglequeen do too.

In fact, anywhere you might go, in Catholic online land, you will find complaints about the excessive heavy hand on Catholic Answers site.

[quote]As CMP said, there is more to your charges against Catholic.com than meets the eye. Perhaps you could post quotes from the thread by moderators waring you that you were going to get banned for posting charismatic heresies? [/quote]

I went over there and did some searching, as I expected, POOF, the entire thread is now gone to wherever uncomfortable threads go.

This was over a year ago, and what was funny, is that I never mentioned that I was an ex anything, the thread was about if Roman Catholic Charismatics were schizmatic or not.

I chimed in with a few quotes DIRECTLY from the Vatican website, some from JPII himself, others from his personal priest.

The moderators unilaterally decided THEY thought that the RCCM was schismatic, started warning the CATHOLICS on the thread to cool it, and bang, a few hours later, closed down the thread and banned everyone in support of the RCCM.

And the weirdest thing of all, was that I was in totall AGREEMENT with the Catholic Church about the validity of the continuing nature of the gifts of the spirit, one of the very few times in my life I can honestly say that.

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Or maybe they get tired of persistantly pig-headed rude people, and having such a large site, tolerate much less than most smaller sites do. There are over 100,000 threads over there. God -bless his mods.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1095706' date='Oct 19 2006, 09:56 AM']
Or maybe they get tired of persistantly pig-headed rude people, and having such a large site, tolerate much less than most smaller sites do. There are over 100,000 threads over there. God -bless his mods.
No kidding...

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