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If It Could Be Done....

Bruce S

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hyperdulia again

Do you mean with violence? no.

Forced conversions? no.

By Begging the Holy Spirit to take all, willing and not, on a magic carpet ride? yes.

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I think different denominations will disappear as error is abandoned.

Religion will become "The Way" and will no longer be "The Ways". We'll be all traveling together, in unision, one body, one goal, one faith, one family. Headed to our Father's house. :cool:

It can be done. The Holy Spirit converts hearts and works in each of us to discern the Truth and be a Light of God to each other and ourselves.

Edited by jasJis
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I wish so...

But in retrospect, they have served as good competition. I don't think our understanding of doctrines and dogmas would have developed quite as fast without the push to stamp out heresy.

I don't think we would understand the Mass as well. I don't think we'd understand the Eucharist as well. Mary and her role in salvation would not be as well understood.

Yes, indeed, we do owe a little to Protestantism.

But I'd rather have unity in belief and in practice any day.

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Well, I would love to stomp out heresy for all time.

However, that is not my place.

God does that, in Purgatory. It's the after-life version of RCIA, you might say. ;)

Everyone converts to Catholicism there, now, don't they, pholks?!!!

Pax Christi. <><

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I don't think I would ever want to "stomp out" anything (besides abortion and sin, etc.). I don't hate Protestants at all. My husband's and my two best friends are Assemblies of God. We have gentle discussions about religion all the time. We pray together and talk about the differences in our beliefs.

Catholicism is a beautiful, old religion filled with tradition. It makes me happy in my heart to be Catholic. I love to share this happiness with others. Yes, I do believe that Catholicism is the true religion. Do I believe Protestants are hellbound because of their religion? Of course not. But I do believe that it is my duty to share the teachings of this beautiful, old religion with others. If we are open to the Lord, we will always do what He calls us to do. He will always do what He wants.

God bless. :)

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Jake, I have to agree. I don't think we would be where we are today in our understanding of our faith if it weren't for the tension of the reformation.

As for everyone agreeing on all Truth, I will trust in the Holy Spririt. I am already very heartened, as I listen to Evangelical / Protestant Bible radio often, and am seeing signs that the Spirit is moving us closer together. In fact, there are a few shows that seem 98% Catholic already. Who would have thought that 20 years ago?

Good thread! :D

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  Anna said:
Well, I would love to stomp out heresy for all time.

However, that is not my place.

God does that, in Purgatory. It's the after-life version of RCIA, you might say. ;)

Everyone converts to Catholicism there, now, don't they, pholks?!!!

Pax Christi. <><

Amen sista! You tell them.


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I agree with MrsFrozen. I don't think that all Protestants are going to heaven. Just like I don't believe everyone that says they're Catholic are going to heaven. I think unity would be nice, but I'm in no position to judge anyone's heart. I don't know if I'm going to heaven any more than I know Bruce S is, but I hope that we both show up there for a game of spades or something. (Although you know you'd have to play on the other team! Hahahahaha...... :D :lol: )

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"Compromising is a sure sign of not possessing the truth. When a man yields in matters of ideals, of honor or of faith, that man is without ideals, without honor, and without faith." - St Josemaria Escriva

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  dUSt said:
"Compromising is a sure sign of not possessing the truth. When a man yields in matters of ideals, of honor or of faith, that man is without ideals, without honor, and without faith." - St Josemaria Escriva

in the wise words of Paladin..................WORD!

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  dUSt said:
"Compromising is a sure sign of not possessing the truth. When a man yields in matters of ideals, of honor or of faith, that man is without ideals, without honor, and without faith." - St Josemaria Escriva

Was this directed at me? :huh:

I don't compromise. I just believe that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. It is my duty as a faithful Catholic to be apologetic and teach others about Catholicism. It is also my duty to be kind and loving toward everyone. I don't believe anyone's going to be open to learning about Catholicism if I'm impatient and sarcastic to them. I taught my husband about the Church for two years, always gently and with love. Now he's in RCIA classes from an Assemblies of God church.

I hope I didn't give the impression that I just sit idly by without spreading the gospel and teaching others about the Church. My husband and I are focusing on two people we know now, actually. We're trying to get them back into church.

FrozenCell and I are going back to Ohio to visit out family in a couple of weeks. He's gearing up to teach Catholicism to the greatest challenge we'll ever know--his mother!

God bless. :)

Edited by MrsFrozen
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