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Another Countdown ... Visit To Argentina


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back :-) The journey home went from an 18 hr trip to 33 .... so I need to get some sleep very soon.

I promise to post more details later .... but the good news is that I will be entering postulancy at some point with the community. I'm not posting a date yet until it gets close (because of work). But we've set a tentative date. The main deciding factor as far as the date was concerned is dealing with my outstanding debt and my apartment lease (otherwise I could have stayed and started postulancy immediately).

It was, suffice to say, an awesome visit.

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the lords sheep
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Congratulations and prayers!
I'm so excited to hear of another PM vocation!
Please keep us updated as more is decided!
May God bless you for your willingness to follow Him!
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You picked up the hours I shaved off of my return visit, Carmen! :P:

God is good to those who are faithful. I'm very happy for you. Many more prayers...

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