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Another Countdown ... Visit To Argentina


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Try to keep your feet on the ground, Carmen. One thing I'm going to be warning my aspirants about is "avoid hyping the possible future vocation." One of the former nun stories I've read tells of how the girls in the aspirancy school would sing songs about their future vocations. When they finally got to the postulancy, they were disillusioned.

Another case in point: When I was still working (over 14 years ago), one of my staff members received an invitational brochure for a conference to be held in Memphis, TN. The organization had chosen some kind of jazz theme for the conference, and the one seminar that my staff member wanted to attend was titled "Do the Funky Chicken." He got really worked up over this, and when he finally got there, he was "shot down" by the loqacity (sp?) of the presenter--said he was the slowest speaker he'd ever heard.

I am cautiously excited for you. I know you've been awaiting this trip for a very long time, but I also don't want to see you get hurt if your expectations aren't met. (And that goes for everyone else here).


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[quote name='Gemma' post='1104784' date='Oct 30 2006, 08:20 AM']
Try to keep your feet on the ground, Carmen. One thing I'm going to be warning my aspirants about is "avoid hyping the possible future vocation." One of the former nun stories I've read tells of how the girls in the aspirancy school would sing songs about their future vocations. When they finally got to the postulancy, they were disillusioned.

Another case in point: When I was still working (over 14 years ago), one of my staff members received an invitational brochure for a conference to be held in Memphis, TN. The organization had chosen some kind of jazz theme for the conference, and the one seminar that my staff member wanted to attend was titled "Do the Funky Chicken." He got really worked up over this, and when he finally got there, he was "shot down" by the loqacity (sp?) of the presenter--said he was the slowest speaker he'd ever heard.

I am cautiously excited for you. I know you've been awaiting this trip for a very long time, but I also don't want to see you get hurt if your expectations aren't met. (And that goes for everyone else here).


Hi Gemma (and the world who's reading this!) :)

I know ... I've been praying about it. (Yesterday, in fact -- I prayed for the excitement to kind of go away, because I don't want to become disillusioned). This whole visit is just different than my past trips. I've tried my hardest not to get hyped up about it, but its been close to impossible.

Recently the following phrase came up in prayer "My will be done" (a reference to God's will). I'm convinced this trip is part of His will for me, regardless of whatever way things end up.

I think the closest to this hype that I felt before was when I visited Indiana ... it was a few months before I ended up volunteering in Mexico. When I left Indiana, I felt so upset with the Lord because I had had high expectations, which completely fizzled and the whole trip felt like a waste. Unbeknownst to me, it was during the Indiana visit that I was asked "would you be interested in being a volunteer in Mexico" -- I said no way; but within weeks I couldn't get the idea out of my mind ... long story short I ended up in Mexico for one of the best experiences I've had. So, it was all part of His plan to get me open to the idea of leaving my job and country for a few months to do this experience.

I realize that there is a possibility that the whole trip will go off badly; or that I find that this is not the community for me. Will I be "disappointed" at first -- probably. But I'm convinced that even in this case I'll be able to see God's hand in it in due time, and the reason for the visit. And I'm sure I'll get through the "disappointment" with His help.

Thanks for the warning, it is appreciated. At this point its all in His hands.

-- Carmen

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[font="Century Gothic"][size=7][center]Visit: 13 days[/center][/size][/font]

Haven't had much time to think about the trip ... I'm wrapping up the stuff I'm working on at work, so by the time I get home I'm a bit exhausted. Too many things going on at once (family/work/friends/church/trip/etc.)

The one thing I keep hearing from Him in prayer is to trust ... and this verse has come to mind:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not;
In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths.

Prov. 3:5-6

-- Carmen

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the lords sheep

You will be in my prayers, Carmen!

May God give you peace and may you have the courage and love to follow wherever he wills.

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Hello Carmen! I couldn't remember when you said you were leaving! The Feast of the Presentation will be a lovely Feast to go visit...I know you will be open to whatever God wants for you....I'm still praying for you! :sign:

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[font="Century Gothic"][size=7][center]Visit: 9 days and counting...[/center][/size][/font]

Capie's post (aimed towards the priesthood, another thread and I have no clue as to how to reference it!) had something that made me think, and kind of confirmed my previous post.

Although his post is aimed towards men, in a way it applies to women as well. Its time to put aside worries and fears, and say YES. The Lord is in need of women who are willing to give up their lives for the Church as selfless servants, to give of oneself unselfishly for the good of the Kingdom. And of course out of Love for the Beloved.

I'm still quite nervous of course ... but I'm starting to settle down to "fiat"; i.e. "whatever You want Lord". I also think all the prayers have been helping!

God bless.

-- Carmen

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[size=7][font="Century Gothic"]3 days ....[/font][/size]

Mental note: don't make any major changes right before a visit. I just finished packing my office; I start tomorrow (read: 6 hrs) in another office.

Ay. Plans for packing/washing clothes ... thown out the window.

At least I've got Monday Night/Tuesday Night/Wednesday Night ... maybe I can even take Wed. off.

I guess the good thing about being busy is that I haven't had much time to worry about the trip ... other than knowing that I haven't even STARTED packing. Ay.

Am I spiritually 100% ready for the trip ... not exactly; but after a talk today with a priest I feel a bit calmer about the whole thing. Not that the trip to see him was well planned ... I didn't have the spare time, but I figured that if put Him first then the rest will just fall in place.

His words "Do not fear, and don't hesitate to go into the deep. Remember Peter had to decide to trust enough to walk on the water. And if you feel as if you're going to drown, just yell out as Peter did. Jesus will be there to pull you out."

Will try to post one last pre-trip thought on Wed.

-- Carmen

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' post='1118676' date='Nov 13 2006, 02:14 AM']
I guess the good thing about being busy is that I haven't had much time to worry about the trip ... other than knowing that I haven't even STARTED packing. Ay.[/quote]
:lol: It's really not funny but... SAME HERE! :lol: :pinch:

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I have been praying for you and now the time is here. :shock: Don't worry dear sister all will be well. I agree with the priest telling you about Peter needed to trust the Lord in order to walk on water. I have used the story as a lesson for my life. Somedays, I couldn't get out of the boat and other days, yep I looked at the troubles in my life instead of Jesus. I sank real fast!!!

However, Jesus stretched out His Hand to me as He is doing with you. Put your hand in His and let Him lead. Enjoy the company of your Beloved and in His company, aah no telling what you will see and learn.

Keeping you in my prayers!!

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At long last, the time has arrived for your visit to Argentina. I will be thinking of you tomorrow, :lol: will pray that you have a lovely time and will look forward to your posts when you return home.God Bless you Carmen. :lol: :lol: :sign: :sign:

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15 hours ...

My gosh I will be so thrilled to get on that jet plane. Leaving the worries of the world behind, at least for the next two weeks (any hopefully longer if I start learning how to put them in God's hands).

I think what I've learned the most in the last few days is that (a) we are definitely weak, sinners (who keep falling in the same sins again and again) (b) He is there to pick us up as soon as we realize that we've fallen (no matter how deep). © Jesus forgives us, many times way before we forgive ourselves (d) key is to keep my eyes on Him, and start afresh again.

A good dose of humility is wonderful for the growth of the soul! :blush:

Thanks to everyone for the prayers ... I promise to post once I get back.

-- Carmen

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