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Are You A Born Again Child Of God?


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[quote name='Budge' post='1093046' date='Oct 16 2006, 12:20 PM']I do not believe that infant baptism leads one to be born again...[/quote]

It doesn't matter what you believe. What matters is what's true. As others have stated far more cogently than I, unless there is an absolute authority that teaches what's true and what isn't, then what you "believe" is simply your opinion, no better or worse than mine.

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Fr. Brian, thank you so much for telling me that. I should not have posted what I did without knowing who I was posting to. I am a social worker by trade and work with people who have various physical disabilities. I see how devestating life can be all the time and I should have been more careful. My sincere apologies!

In Christian love,

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Theologian in Training

[quote name='Briguy' post='1095104' date='Oct 18 2006, 05:39 PM']
Fr. Brian, thank you so much for telling me that. I should not have posted what I did without knowing who I was posting to. I am a social worker by trade and work with people who have various physical disabilities. I see how devestating life can be all the time and I should have been more careful. My sincere apologies!

In Christian love,

No problem, I was just letting you know. I knew your intent was not malicious, so no need to apologize.

God Bless

Fr. Brian

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[quote name='Briguy' post='1094698' date='Oct 18 2006, 08:29 AM']
...this passage was spoken in about 32 or 33 AD and written probly in 70-80AD... [/quote]

The proper rendering would put "AD" before the date. AD 32 or 33.

It's a common modern error.

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[quote name='Briguy' post='1094698' date='Oct 18 2006, 08:29 AM']
Katholikos, You didn't make much of an argument. In fact, you made no argument at all, just a statement with nothing behind it.

[/quote]Hi, Brian
I didn't intend to "make much of an argument." I made the following observations:

1. The denial of baptism to infants and children, the idea that "water" means amniotic fluid in John 3:5, and your notion of what it means to be "born again" are novel ideas that have no basis in historical Christianity. They are all inventions of the 16th century or later, probably much later.

2. Scripture can be (and is!) twisted to fit these misconceptions.

3. Protestantism is divorced from historical Christianity.

As a Protestant, you have a portion of the "Truth." The whole Truth and nothing but the Truth of Christianity is found only in the Catholic Church, the Mother Church of Christendom, who invites all to come home. The history of Christianity from the first century to the twenty-first is the history of the Catholic Church.

Your version of Christianity is but one among thousands of interpretations of the Scriptures. Catholicism comes to us directly from the lips of the Apostles. The NT Scriptures are a product of the Church, not vice versa.

Peace be with you, Katholikos
ex-Southern bapitst, ex-agnostic, ex-atheist

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[quote name='Theologian in Training' post='1095030' date='Oct 18 2006, 03:51 PM']
Brian, (good name) you're new here, so I will fill you in. Katholikos is a long time member of the phatmass family and has had his share of suffering, suffering more than I would imagine any human should suffer. We are always praying for him as a result. The fact that he is able to post a message, let alone "no argument" is more than enough.

God Bless

Fr. Brian
[/quote]Father! I'm so glad to know you persevered and are now serving at the altar of Our Lord. I'm sorry I wasn't around to celebrate your ordination. Belated congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't be calling you "Theo" anymore :)

Thanks for defending me. It truly is good to be among old friends. It fills my heart with joy and my eyes with tears.

You've prompted me to begin my first thread since my homecoming on redemptive suffering.

Praise and exalt Him forever in His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church!

Likos (Jay)

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1094421' date='Oct 17 2006, 09:44 PM']
Kath? our Katholikos!!!!
Amen I say rejoice!!!!!
TE DEUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tacos, so very tasty and good for you, and cheesecake party for everyone.
tears of joy to see your name old friend.
[/quote]Hey, cmom! It's not nice to make a grown man cry. Thanks for the party! Luv U. Kath

[quote name='Quietfire' post='1094991' date='Oct 18 2006, 02:46 PM']
I am SO HAPPY to see you posting again old friend.
My response was the same as Raphael's. Im hopping in my seat!!!!!!!
[/quote]I'm overjoyed to be able to join you on the battlefield again. :D:

[quote name='Raphael' post='1094385' date='Oct 17 2006, 08:56 PM']

You probably don't remember me, I was just getting in as you were getting out...good to see you!
[/quote]Of course, I remember you! Thank YOU for remembering me! Good to be back. Likos

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Theologian in Training

[quote name='Katholikos' post='1095985' date='Oct 19 2006, 04:57 PM']
Father! I'm so glad to know you persevered and are now serving at the altar of Our Lord. I'm sorry I wasn't around to celebrate your ordination. Belated congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't be calling you "Theo" anymore :)

Thanks for defending me. It truly is good to be among old friends. It fills my heart with joy and my eyes with tears.

You've prompted me to begin my first thread since my homecoming on redemptive suffering.

Praise and exalt Him forever in His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church!

Likos (Jay)[/quote]

Yes, I did persevere. The ordination was in May and I have been at the parish I have been assigned to, St. Margaret, since July. I think one of the main tasks for my being assigned here was to help the pastor, since he was overwhelmed with a staff that fights him at every turn. Also, since it is primarily a Hispanic parish, they wanted an "Anglo" presence for those who have been here for years and felt as though it was becoming a fully Hispanic parish.

Actually, we have a lot of work to do, because the bishop stopped by a couple of weeks ago to give us a public ultimatum that we must move the tabernacle from the side to a more promiment place (he had the middle in mind)

Anyway, thank you for the congrats and great to see you back.

Oh, and can't wait to see the thread on redemptive suffering. I would imagine you would have a lot to talk about :)

God Bless

Fr. Brian

Edited by Theologian in Training
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