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Are You A Born Again Child Of God?


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[quote]Religion is the Worst Thing that Ever Happened!

Religion is the worst thing that ever happened to this world. Tons and tons of books about the religions of the world have been printed. The figure is beyond count. Many religious people are totally blinded by the good deeds system. They have no concept of the doctrine of the total depravity of man (that all men are corrupt, evil, sinful and unable to please God in their own human efforts). They think of “total depravity” in terms of people who lie around in the gutter. Actually, those individuals who lie around in the gutters might be respectable compared to some religious people.

The sins of religious people are amongst the most awful sins of all. The sin of pride for example is fantastic. The sin of legalism is the system of trying to impress God with something you can do, rather than be impressed with what God has done through Jesus Christ.

Let’s consider a religious person talked about in the Bible. His name was Nicodemus. He was a very well educated man. He was a Pharisee (religious leader). Nicodemus was a very proud, vain, legalistic and hypocritical man. He came to Jesus at night, for Nicodemus was a very busy man. No doubt, he hoped to impress Jesus with his flattery. He addressed Jesus as “Rabbi” (an official title of honor). To Nicodemus, Jesus was a teacher, nothing more. Though Nicodemus had a body and a soul, his spirit was dead. He had no ability to fellowship with God, because he was “spiritually dead”. He had never been born spiritually.

If you are to be “born from above” or “born-again”, you must accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. This is such a wonderful truth that is taught in the Bible. Many people, far beyond count, just don’t believe upon the Son of God. They believe in a God; maybe a god of wood, of stone, of metal, of spirit, of knowledge, of power, of nature, etc., etc., etc.

Religion by the ton, of every sort, of every kind. Religion, religion and more religion. People have all kinds of ideas what God should be like. If they can’t find a god that is already made for them, they will make a new god to their liking.

It is very difficult for some people to realize they are sinners, they feel they are very good people. Many don’t believe in a god, of any kind. They do not believe that there is anything beyond the grave.

In short; many believe we are born, live and we die, the end!

However, so many questions about life are with us all the days of our life and they must be answered one way or another. In this life, a time comes when we must settle in our hearts whether or not a God does exist. Is there life after death? Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? What is the purpose of life? Does God really give us eternal life? Will God actually punish people in hell? Is God, if there is a God, telling me the truth? Look at the world today and the destruction sin causes! Will the wicked really be turned into hell? WE ALL HAVE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS AND MANY MORE because they need to be answered. No person can escape having to decide the answer to these questions; no one, it’s a part of life! You may decide you want nothing to do with God at all, but THEN THAT IS YOUR DECISION. See, you have to decide!

Many religions will offer you answers to these questions, but the answers are not found in religion. The answers are found in a person, the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son!

Miracles are happening today, just as in the time of our Lord Jesus. You may have not thought about this before, but it takes a miracle to become a child of God. Salvation is a supernatural act of God in response to our child-like faith in Christ alone. When we reach that point in life where God has drawn us to make that decision to either accept or reject His Son Jesus Christ as our Savior from sin, a miracle will or will not take place; depending on what we do with Jesus. Whether we reject or accept the Son of God as our Savior is totally up to each of us. If we reject Christ, no miracle of the new birth takes place.

On the other hand; if we accept Christ as our Savior, admitting that we are sinners and that we do want Christ to come into our hearts, our sins will be forgiven immediately. The new birth takes place immediately...not partially over time, not in steps; but instantly the very second we accept Jesus as Savior. We then belong to God, we are adopted into His family. A miracle has taken place and according to the Scriptures, there is no power, no person, or anything in this universe that can separate us from the love of God; which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:35).
The question of accepting or rejecting Christ must be settled in your heart. Whether you are a church-goer, give lots of money to charities, and do all kinds of religious works, it really doesn’t matter. What matters is—ARE YOU A BORN AGAIN CHILD OF GOD? No amount of religion or outward self-righteousness can help you on judgment day. Salvation is not found in a religion; but in a person, Jesus Christ. It’s simple! You are a sinner in need of a Savior. Stop trying to save yourself and decide to rely upon Jesus. Only Jesus paid for your sins, so only He alone can save! From your heart, simply ask Jesus to forgive your sins and become your Savior. Decide to rely upon Him alone to save your soul[/b].[/quote]

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Thanks be to Jesus that He instituted a Church to preserve His teachings and propogate them through the ages until He comes again. Otherwise, I'd probably be lost among the thousands of denominations which each preach a different version of Christ, none of them fully accurate. Through the greatness of God's Providence, I whom am a poor sinner have a relationship with the very same Jesus who taught the apostles. :)

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Budge make a point? Yeah, right. I'ts more likely the devil will give away flavored snow cones in hell.
Budge's posts is more like the devil setting up snow cone carts in hell. He sets them up, but you'd have to be a raving lunatic to think the devil is actually going to sell snow cones, or if he did, anyone would have enough money.
Devil - I sell snow cones, but nobody in hell is hot enough to buy them.

People in hell - The devil sell snow cones for $1,000,000. but everyone here is naked floating in molten sulphur, we have no jobs or money, and in addition to the $1,000,000 price tag, you need a letter from God giving your permission to buy snow cones. (The letter has to be notarized by Moses as well).

Yeah, it's more likely Satan will give away snowcones in hell than Budge making a point, sticking to it, and defending challenges.

Edited by Anomaly
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"Decide to rely upon Him alone to save your soul."

OK. Done.

Now what?

Can i go back to sinning now? Do i get to ignore Him from now on? I can throw my Bible away right?? I mean, I'm good to go now.....right?

Commandments? I don't need no stinking Commandments.. i just decided to rely on Him Alone.

Baptism?? yeah-right! When the Bible, that i just threw out, says that i cannot enter the kingdom of God unless i am born again with water and the spirit, it REALLY meant i AM NOT to do that because that means i do not rely upon Him alone to save my soul.

Eurcharist- i mean REALLY! when the Bible, that i just threw out, says that i will no life <zoe> in me unless i <trogo> the body of Christ and drink His blood, it REALLY meant i AM NOT to do that beacuse that means i do not rely upon Him alone to save my soul.

I mean, i am to have a personal relationship with Christ, right? As in ALL personal relationships, nothing i do in that relationship matters. I have a personal relationship with my wife.. so cheating on her is ok.. i mean, i have a personal relationship with her. I have a personal relationship with my friends, i guess i can steal their money when they aren't looking.. i mean.. i have a personal relationship..you see, it's the fact that i have a relationship that matters..not how i react as a relation-able part of that relationship. A relationship consists one person, not two.

And the exegesis of ROM 8:35 is the best, most on-target i have ever seen!


Welcome back Budge!

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[quote]Budge make a point? Yeah, right. I'ts more likely the devil will give away flavored snow cones in hell.
Budge's posts is more like the devil setting up snow cone carts in hell. He sets them up, but you'd have to be a raving lunatic to think the devil is actually going to sell snow cones, or if he did, anyone would have enough money.
Devil - I sell snow cones, but nobody in hell is hot enough to buy them.

People in hell - The devil sell snow cones for $1,000,000. but everyone here is naked floating in molten sulphur, we have no jobs or money, and in addition to the $1,000,000 price tag, you need a letter from God giving your permission to buy snow cones. (The letter has to be notarized by Moses as well).

Yeah, it's more likely Satan will give away snowcones in hell than Budge making a point, sticking to it, and defending challenges.[/quote]


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Its really very simple:

I'm already saved (Rom 8:24, Eph 2:5-8),
but I am also being saved (1 Cor 1:8, 2 Cor 2:15, Phi 2:12),
I have the hope that I'll will be saved (Rom 5:9-10, 1 Cor 3:12-15).
Like the apostle Paul I am working out my salvation in fear and trembling (Phi 2:12),
with hopeful confidence in the promises of Christ (Rom 5:2, 2 Tim 2:11-13).

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1092306' date='Oct 15 2006, 07:00 PM']
Budge make a point? Yeah, right. I'ts more likely the devil will give away flavored snow cones in hell.
Budge's posts is more like the devil setting up snow cone carts in hell. He sets them up, but you'd have to be a raving lunatic to think the devil is actually going to sell snow cones, or if he did, anyone would have enough money.
Devil - I sell snow cones, but nobody in hell is hot enough to buy them.

People in hell - The devil sell snow cones for $1,000,000. but everyone here is naked floating in molten sulphur, we have no jobs or money, and in addition to the $1,000,000 price tag, you need a letter from God giving your permission to buy snow cones. (The letter has to be notarized by Moses as well).

Yeah, it's more likely Satan will give away snowcones in hell than Budge making a point, sticking to it, and defending challenges.
Aside from the complete lack of relation to the topic, is this really necessary? I just find the caustic attitude a bit tiring and uncharitable, don't you?

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1092334' date='Oct 15 2006, 05:24 PM']
Aside from the complete lack of relation to the topic, is this really necessary? I just find the caustic attitude a bit tiring and uncharitable, don't you?


Oh by the way, I was 14 days old.

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I was baptized when I was 56 days old- on the feast of the Holy Family, 1990. Thank God for these blessed waters of regeneration!

But to quote homeschoolmom's signature:

[quote]I'm already saved (Rom 8:24, Eph 2:5-8),
but I am also being saved (1 Cor 1:8, 2 Cor 2:15, Phi 2:12),
I have the hope that I'll will be saved (Rom 5:9-10, 1 Cor 3:12-15).
Like the apostle Paul I am working out my salvation in fear and trembling (Phi 2:12),
with hopeful confidence in the promises of Christ (Rom 5:2, 2 Tim 2:11-13).[/quote]

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So you all believe you become born again at baptism?

I have had other Catholics tell me that.

I was given a Catholic baptism at the age of 10 days.

I know for a fact personally I was not born again. {so why did your baptisms "take" and mine didn't?} Given we were all babies, no personal responsiblity would have been part of this picture. What did we know? Was I a bad to the bones baby, and you all good babies?;)

I grew up and almost became a UU minister where I would have been an official enemy of Christ. How do you explain all the people who get baptized and grow up as secularists, Christ-rejecters and outright atheists and agnostics. Even Madilyn O' Hare was baptized as an infant in some mainline prot church.

I do not believe that infant baptism leads one to be born again, and it worries me for you all because it may make you think you are born again...when youre not. {I dont know for each individual here, thats for God to know}

There is such as thing as just KNOWING ABOUT Christ, and NOT KNOWING HIM...One cannot be saved by their parents beliefs. They can be taught, but I know if I had a child, they would need to enter into their own saving relationship with Christ, I could not do it for them. The problem is infant baptism almost teaches that the parents can do it for the baby.

I know the day and time I become born again and turned my life over to Christ, and the immediate changes it wrought.

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