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Church Prevents Sacrilege, Insures Body Of Christ Is Protected


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[quote]A document of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, "Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities," says, "Cases of doubt should be resolved in favor of the right of the baptized person to receive the sacrament. The existence of a disability is not considered in and of itself as disqualifying a person from receiving the Eucharist."

Nick Moran said he believes Olmsted is not following those guidelines in the case of his son.

I think this refers to those who are "unable to understand" what the Eucharist really is, not those who have a mental illness and are unable to stand the texture of the Eucharist.

One is sacrilege, the other is not.

Eastern Rite Catholics give the Sacrement to infants, so one with an "infantile" mind can recieve the Eucharist legitimatly. This is not the case here. (Although I agree with others who think that the whole family may not understand what the Eucharist really is.)

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1090216' date='Oct 12 2006, 10:57 PM']
OH MY GOD! It is not wine! It is the Precious Blood of our God and Lord!
It's actually the Full Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Forgive me for not wanting to type all that. I'll go flagellate myself now.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' post='1089772' date='Oct 12 2006, 07:34 AM']
please, how can you spit out a [b]drop[/b] of wine? If the merest of contact is enough, then the priest could wet his finger and apply it to the kids lips or SOMETHING.

Show some creativity is all I'm saying.

This wouldn't be good enough for them.

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[quote name='RC_' post='1116969' date='Nov 10 2006, 07:33 PM']
This wouldn't be good enough for them.
well that's the problem.

Maybe someone with some higher learning than this worldly layman can explain why a drop of the Precious Blood (Happy St.ThomasMore? ;) ) would not suffice.

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[quote]And, while I don't know all the details, it seems dubious this kid is capable of a true understanding of what the Eucharist is about. [/quote]

It depends what kind of autism he has. I also have an autistic spectrum disorder and I do understand what the Eucharist is 'about' - as far as any human being can understand.

Like the boy in this article, I have huge difficulty coping with certain textures. People on the autistic spectrum tend to be painfully over- or undersensitive to sensory stimuli, which means that our experience of the world is either far too intense or nowhere near intense enough. I have a cocktail of sensory problems, ranging from an inability to feel much pain (I once walked round for an hour with a badly broken arm and didn't notice) to an inability to swallow foods with certain textures. These textures actually hurt me. They are physically revolting. I really feel for this little boy, as I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't cope with the texture of the hosts. I'd feel upset that my disability prevented me from receiving Our Lord.

Then again, why can't the priest consecrate a different type of bread just for Matthew? Or is there a special rule that says a certain kind of host has to be used?

P.S. I forget who said autism is a mental illness. Just to clarify - it isn't. It's a neurobiological disorder.

Edited by Cathoholic Anonymous
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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1117455' date='Nov 11 2006, 10:20 AM']

Then again, why can't the priest consecrate a different type of bread just for Matthew? Or is there a special rule that says a certain kind of host has to be used?


They tried this too. No host was "palatable."

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What about ordinary bread? I have difficulty with the hosts they use at a retreat house called Loyola Hall, so I asked if anything could be done about it. That night at Mass an ordinary loaf was provided.

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1117734' date='Nov 11 2006, 08:17 PM']
What about ordinary bread? I have difficulty with the hosts they use at a retreat house called Loyola Hall, so I asked if anything could be done about it. That night at Mass an ordinary loaf was provided.
There are certain guidelines for making the host. The only ingredients allowed are flour and water. Anything other than that and there is no consecration.

So, your options for different breads are limited, and it sounds like the parish has tried them.

Again I ask...why not put a drop of the Blood on the boy's tongue and be done with it?

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' post='1089378' date='Oct 11 2006, 05:29 PM']
Good Lord. Put a drop of wine on the boy's tongue and BE DONE WITH IT.

Why is it only the stupid people who make the news?

Finally a pragmatist. This would work.....would you likfe you email the diocese or shall I? :mellow:

Edited by Balthazor
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[quote name='Balthazor' post='1118186' date='Nov 12 2006, 02:11 PM']
Finally a pragmatist. This would work.....would you likfe you email the diocese or shall I? :mellow:
In all seriousness, would this work? I am of the understanding that it would. I am waiting to hear what other folks think.

I have already scheduled an audience with the bishop, we meet next Friday. :mellow:

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I agree 100%. I'd be suprised if this was not suggested. But the kid wants to lick Jesus, his parents want him to lick our Lord. Anything less won't be good enough for them.

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[quote name='Balthazor' post='1119179' date='Nov 13 2006, 05:51 PM']
You are right here...I think that the larger problem is the parents not the kid.

The parents probably are larger, especially if you combine their individual masses.

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