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I'm Home From Olam

Totus Tuus

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1088095' date='Oct 10 2006, 09:43 AM']
I know that is where the good Lord wanted me for that period in my life, and I do not regret it or feel like I wasted my time.[/quote]
Those are very wise words. You have an admirable attitude, viewing everything through the lens of God's will. I will pray for you as you continue to seek and discern.


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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1088095' date='Oct 10 2006, 09:43 AM']
Hi Everyone,
I know that is where the good Lord wanted me for that period in my life, and I do not regret it or feel like I wasted my time. He writes straight with crooked lines, and always opens a window if He closes a door. So although I don’t know where He’s taking me right now on this path of my vocation, I am content just to follow.

God bless you child, for following obediently where He leads. You will be rewarded abundantly.
Post when you are ready. :)

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As everyone above said..... and may I ask that you do post here when you can. Your experience has given you some insight and practical knowledge that many other discerners would benefit from reading. Hoping you will find the right community for you soon...

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1088095' date='Oct 10 2006, 09:43 AM']

Hi Everyone,

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!

I came home from Our Lady of the Angels Monastery on September 21st. The Community there did not feel that I fit in with the extern sisters, and feels I may be called to the cloister in another PCPA monastery (as the one at OLAM is filled to capacity), or even to another Order altogether. I am at peace with the decision, even though I did not expect it, nor did I desire to leave. My postulancy in Hanceville was wonderful and everyday there was a joy for me. I know that is where the good Lord wanted me for that period in my life, and I do not regret it or feel like I wasted my time. He writes straight with crooked lines, and always opens a window if He closes a door. So although I don’t know where He’s taking me right now on this path of my vocation, I am content just to follow.

I wanted to ask for your prayers as I hope –if God wills it- to transfer to the PCPA monastery in Portsmouth, Ohio (St. Joseph Adoration Monastery, which will soon transfer to a new, larger monastery on more land). For now I am living with my family in Texas, trying my best to live a good horarium at home.

You can contact me at omniaprojesu@yahoo.com if you like. I have been lurking but I don’t think I will begin posting again on Phatmass (we’ll see, though). Know that you are all in my daily thoughts and prayers. God bless, Mary keep, and St. Joseph guard you!

In His Eucharistic Presence,

P.S.: Thank you to all who wrote to me and prayed for me after I entered. I know your prayers helped me tremendously.

HI Lauren! i hope everything goes well for you and you find the right community.

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Lauren,

I know this is a post from a few months back, but I just wanted to say I will be keeping you in my prayers and what a beautiful example you are setting of how you are beautifully united to our lords most holy will, I never met you before, I came to Phatmass last January but I had seen your entrance in Mother Angelicas newletter and have come to know you more through the beautiful posts by your father and I just want to say you have a beautiful spirit and a great faith in our lord and know that I will be praying for you, and may god give you the guidance to know his most holy will! :sign:

God Bless You!

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