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Who's Good At Math?


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ok i'm getting desperate, no one in my class understands our Math and our teacher won't explain to us. ne one know how to use quadradic formulas to make parabulas (sp?) i understand the basics then i just get lost.

Edited by sista2b
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Hey, we're doing that in math, too!! (of course i don't understand math either...)

let me get my books....

Are doing the way that you complete the square???

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yeah i guess our teacher keeps talking about it, but i don't even know what that means he thinks we all have this inborn abality to understand what he talks about, w/ out even explaining it to us. i understand that we need to be able to teach ourselves a little bit but come on!

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I'm doing a degree in maths so if you have any specific questions, you're welcome to PM me or post them here. What parts of quadratics don't you understand?

I might want to do teacher training after I graduate so it's be useful practice for me. :P

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I'm doing a degree in maths so if you have any specific questions, you're welcome to PM me or post them here. What parts of quadratics don't you understand?

I'll let Deeds help you, I don't wanna confuse you anymore :)

I don't have a very high respect for teachers who think everyone is good at the topic they teach. I've had a couple like that.

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i used to be really good at math, one bad teacher and all when down the crapper

Really? I can usually do it if I can just plug it into a formula, or if someone gives VERY detailed instructions. Some teachers really shouldn't be teaching.

Edited by cathgirl
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I can usually do it if I can just plug it into a formula, or if someone gives VERY detailed instructions. Some teachers really shouldn't be teaching.

i can do that, but the key is the teachers doing it sometimes i can teach my self from the book but for somereason i just can't w/ this

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