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Attitude Towards The Jewish People

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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Anomaly, the most basic high school debate class will tell you #1 all argumentation generally starts from definitions and #2 definitions do not end at webster, they begin with numerous dictionary definitions, etymological traces of the word, surveys of common usage, whether the full sense of the word can be applied the way its being applied in the resolution (assuming our resolution is "Catholicism is a denomination" with you affirming and Cam in the negative). Thus far, Cam has proven a case for why Catholicism is distinct from 'denominations' and from the reasons why other christian churches are called 'denominations', and all you have done is quote webster ad nauseum. That doesn't hold up in real argumentation.

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I'll type slow so you can get it.

I repeatedly suggested starting another thread as a matter of courtesey.

I may be uneducated, but I'm not stupid either. I had my say, and repeatedly suggested starting a thread, posting what you think I said, provide your challenge or comment, and let me respond to it.
It's ludicrous to keep saying 'you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong' without establishing Why you think I'm wrong, and What you have is right. I use the most widely accepted definition and meaning of the word. If you want to challenge that because YOU are desirous of another defintion, by all means, provide it. But if I say X is Y as defined by W, you have to challenge W or replace W. You can't disreagrd W and say X is Z because of 3. There's not foundation for similarity of thought.

But as usual, the Catholics fail to provide a sound argument simply because they want to define a word differently than everyone else. I provided my difinition. The meaning is quite clear. Draw your conclusions from that. Maybe you should send Cam an e-mail and try to come up with something in a clear communicative manner without drawing misconclusions about what I do or don't mean when a call 'catholicism is a denomination'. Instead of you droning on about what YOU think I should mean and why I'm wrong, ask a few questions and provide your perspective.

Sadly, many are trapped in an psuedo-acadamia dream land. Who ever has the most credentials is the most right, who ever has the least is the most wrong.
Reality is, even a blind squirrel can climb a tree and find a nut.

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[quote name='Cam42' post='1093289' date='Oct 16 2006, 04:53 PM']
Not if the tree doesn't have any nuts; like a Maple.

or a Pine tree... Poor blind squirrels...

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