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Panhandle Franciscans


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I just got my newsletter in the mail. I read on the back that they got a new Postulant, Carmen.
We should keep her in our prayers!

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I wonder how Sr. Mary Michael is doing. I'm sure she's very busy. Happy Belated Feast of St. Francis, sister!!!

Aaaaaaaand, many many prayers for your new postulant. :bigpray:
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Maybe we can get Sr. Mary Michael to post a pic or two. I think their Novice made first vows too, which is awesome.
You all should sign up for the newsletter.

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It's good to have you guys back! :saint:

Most every time I look on the phorum, I don't know anyone that's posting....

Here's some pics from our website from the First Vow Ceremony:


Here's a picture of Carmen (far right with Tony Melendez) from last month:


Also, keep Sr. Mary Magdalene in your prayers. She is a novice and has cancer. Thank you! I miss you guys!

By the way, if you have time, please look at our website and give me some pointers and opinions (you won't hurt my feelings). I'm updating it with new buttons and a new banner at the top, but I'm afraid that it's too many pictures for the front page.

Thanks!!! :topsy: Have a GREAT day!

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Also, would you mind looking at our website to give me some pointers and opinions (it won't hurt my feelings)? I'm trying to update the buttons and banner, and I'm afraid that it may be too much (for slow computers).



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I have a fast computer with a dial-up connection and it loads just great. It is not slow at all. Looks great! Much improved.

I will keep Sister in my prayers.

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I was REALLY excited to see Fr. Tom Loya's name up on your board! He sure makes it around the USA, and he has a fantastic understanding of TOTB. :D:

Prayers for your novice! :(

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Congratulations to Carmen :-) (from another Carmen).

And lots of Congrats to Sr. Mary Jude :-) I'm so happy for her!

-- Carmen

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