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New OLAM Pics


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Thanks :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll: I just noticed that the extern sisters were gretted by someone else, and it got me wondering! :D: I didn't know that they lived so separated from each other, is there any reason for that, any deeper meaning that is going over my head? :whistle:. Are they still accepting applications to the external life, how many extern sisters are there? And are they planning to establish another cloister somewhere else ( other then the one in Arizona?) and are the sisters in Arizona extern, because in the pics they show they seem to be out and about quiet a bit, there are lots of pictures of them with other people and travelling. Sorry for all the questions :blush: I am just full of questions :D:

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:rolling: that's ok. It's not really so much that they're separated... they're really quite close to the cloistered sisters. But I think because in the cloister, those sisters are working usually in a small group of sisters they get to build up that sense of family I guess, and so its set up for the extern sisters to build up that sense of community amongst themselves... I hope that makes sense... but I know I'm not explaining it well. And as far as praying seperately, that just has to do with the fact that part of the externs vocation is to be more in the public, to be that bridge in a sense from the cloister to other people.

I don't know for certain if they're still open for more externs. I imagine that sometime in the future we may have another foundation, but I don't believe there are any plans being made right now.

And in Arizona, I believe only Sr. Esther Marie is an extern (I could be wrong about that though). But right now, because they don't have the monastery built, the sisters who are cloistered have to be in the public alot more because they have so much work to do to build it, and there just isn't any way they can be cloistered right now. So I'm sure they're eager to build it soon so they can go back to being enclosed. :) As for whether their postulant Sr. Mary is planning on being cloistered or not, I couldn't tell you. That help?
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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1085306' date='Oct 5 2006, 10:26 PM']
And are they planning to establish another cloister somewhere else ( other then the one in Arizona?) ........ Sorry for all the questions :blush: I am just full of questions :D:

Let's not forget the PCPA's up in Portsmouth, Ohio who are trying to re-establish that monastery.

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1085458' date='Oct 6 2006, 07:55 AM']
According to the site we can expect more pics today! :yahoo: :yahoo: :beer: :photo: :cheers: :bounce:

Check it around 11.30 am and 4.30 pm (central time)... that's when the two work periods end, so the sister who updates the website will probably have stuff up around then. ;)

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[quote]Check it around 11.30 am and 4.30 pm (central time)... that's when the two work periods end, so the sister who updates the website will probably have stuff up around then.[/quote]

:thumbsup: Thanks, I'll have to check in on that! I cant wait! :thumbsup: Is it only the extern sisters who work on the computers? :idontknow:

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Sr. Augustine Marie takes care of the e-mail. And she's cloistered.

[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1085551' date='Oct 6 2006, 02:54 PM']
:thumbsup: Thanks, I'll have to check in on that! I cant wait! :thumbsup: Is it only the extern sisters who work on the computers? :idontknow:

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1085551' date='Oct 6 2006, 11:54 AM']
:thumbsup: Thanks, I'll have to check in on that! I cant wait! :thumbsup: Is it only the extern sisters who work on the computers? :idontknow:

I'm pretty sure the extern sisters don't do any of the computer stuff, because its something that the cloistered sisters can do inside the enclosure... that way the externs can do the jobs they have on the public side. The sister who does the newsletter is also cloistered. Those are some of the jobs that alternate each year in the cloister I think.

Anyway, you can tell the sister who does work on it has worked on it, because she took down the pictures of Sr. Augustine and Sr. Elizabeth's first professions (because those weren't in 2006, lol)

The 'Nix Six have also done some updating today, and St. Joseph Monastery added some pictures recently from a visit from Sr. Antoinette (one of the OLAM sisters that left to help the monastery in France) and some of them playing with their dog. Cute!

Wow, and I just looked at St. Joseph's and they already have some up from the Feast of St. Francis, when Sr. Marie St. Claire and Sr. Therese professed first vows. Pretty good!

Edited by zunshynn
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The [url="http://www.olamshrine.com/olam/highlights_investitures2006.htm"]pics of Sr. Mary Teresa[/url] are up (formerly Sr. Aimee)!!! They have a bunch of them too! Yay! I was getting worried that they'd gotten too busy after all!

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[quote name='be_thou_my_vision' post='1085736' date='Oct 6 2006, 05:35 PM']
Didn't one of the Sisters make first vows recently? I wonder why they aren't up.

Sr. Marie Ste. Anne, Sr. Paschal, Sr. Christina and Sr. Helena have all professed first vows in the past 3 months... I'm guessing they're just wasn't time to put them up today. I hope they'll be up soon though!

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This, of course, can only mean one thing: Dancing!!!
:cheers: :cheers: :woot: :woot: :bounce: :bounce: :dancer2: :dancer2: :breakdance: :breakdance: :banana: :banana: and every ones favorite: hypnotic dancing tacos, so very tasty and good for you,!!!!!!!!!
:taco: :taco: :taco: :taco: :taco:
I cant wait for MORE pictures, be sure to tll me when they update!
(by the way, we need a nun icon, considering how many people here enter the convent, we'd need some Poor Claire's, and Dominicans and, who else?)
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By the way, I have a quick question about the PCPA's at OLAM, is it just me, or do they seem to travel a lot for a cloistered order? I was looking at the pics from the 25th EWTN celecbrations and it said they traveled to Colorado and stuff, I thought they were only suppodsed to leave the Monestary for their civic duties (i.e. voting, jury duty), to go to the doctors/ dentist, and in case of an emergancy inside the Monestary (gas leak, flood, other unaviodable thingies) I'm confuzzled :idontknow: :idontknow: :idontknow:

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1086299' date='Oct 7 2006, 10:43 PM']
By the way, I have a quick question about the PCPA's at OLAM, is it just me, or do they seem to travel a lot for a cloistered order? I was looking at the pics from the 25th EWTN celecbrations and it said they traveled to Colorado and stuff, I thought they were only suppodsed to leave the Monestary for their civic duties (i.e. voting, jury duty), to go to the doctors/ dentist, and in case of an emergancy inside the Monestary (gas leak, flood, other unaviodable thingies) I'm confuzzled :idontknow: :idontknow: :idontknow:

I understood from the descriptions that the solemnly professed stayed at home, and that it was the temp professed, novs and postulants that travelled. Perhaps exceptions can be more easily made for those who have not yet made their solemn profession.

Love and prayers,


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