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Woo! Photos of postulant entrances from the [i]other[/i] side of the enclosure door. For some reason this tickles me: I was trying to look for OLAM Dad for a moment there....

Is there a reason that one postulant was veiled in the church and the other at the door? Cloisered/extern?

Oh, and another random question: what's the significance in the brown veils? I had understood that after the short brown postulant veil and the white novice veil, it was black-on-brown.

Love and prayers,


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hmmm I don't know about the veils... I do think the externs get veiled at the door though, and the cloistered postulants get veiled in the church. What an exciting time for those young ladies!
And Sister Katie is a former phatmasser! yeah for graces from above!

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I'm not sure there is any significance to the veil's color... because like at Our Lady of Solitude it's an off-white color. But I think that is the difference of where they have the ceremony. Because Sr. Katie is an extern and Sr. Jill is in the cloister.

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Sorry, I didn't make the question clear. In the second photo of Sr. Ruth Marie's Solemn Profession, four nuns hold her pall and two are bearing candles. Three of those six have brown veils and three black. That's the distinction I was asking about, rather than the postulants' veil.

Love and prayers,


ETA Oh, and apologies for my misspellings. Typing stuff at ten past two in the morning, even when insomniac, isn't going to produce Good English. Mea culpa...

Edited by puellapaschalis
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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1081726' date='Oct 2 2006, 04:26 AM']
Sorry, I didn't make the question clear. In the second photo of Sr. Ruth Marie's Solemn Profession, four nuns hold her pall and two are bearing candles. Three of those six have brown veils and three black. That's the distinction I was asking about, rather than the postulants' veil.

Love and prayers,


ETA Oh, and apologies for my misspellings. Typing stuff at ten past two in the morning, even when insomniac, isn't going to produce Good English. Mea culpa...

I think it's just the reflection of the light and probably the fabric. You'd be amazed at how many shades of black there are out there! Maybe their veils are older and fading a bit from the sun. I don't think they are brown veils. I did notice that myself but I also notice here that some sisters' veils are very black while others are not and you don't notice it until they stand next to each other!

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[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1081726' date='Oct 2 2006, 01:26 AM']
Sorry, I didn't make the question clear. In the second photo of Sr. Ruth Marie's Solemn Profession, four nuns hold her pall and two are bearing candles. Three of those six have brown veils and three black. That's the distinction I was asking about, rather than the postulants' veil.

Ohh... They all have black. But some of them probably are slightly different in shade because of the light, the fabric that was available, fading, etc. Lol. I've noticed in pictures it often looks like the whole habit is black, except for the coif. lol. It's surprising how many people have argued with me about the color of the tunic and scapular. lol.

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Your right, in the picture where they are covering the novice with the shroud some of the sisters veils[b] [u]do[/u][/b] look only slightly darker then the habits.

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[quote name='brandelynmarie' post='1083666' date='Oct 4 2006, 06:45 AM']
Wonderful! Wonderful! I am glad I'm not the only one who frequents EWTN just to see the new photos! :lol:

:) Believe me, you're not. :blush: I check them at least everyday, if not more.

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A quick question here, if you'll humor me, perhaps OLAM DADor Sisters Mary Catherine can respond, why are the 'to be' cloistered sisters greeted at the door by Moother Angelica and the 'to be' extern sisters greeted by somone else? Do the two groups live and pray together? And can the sisters get that wimple tied by themselves? (random last question, I know, but it has been bugging me for a while thinking 'how d they get those things on'? :lol_roll: :lol_roll: )

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1085268' date='Oct 5 2006, 07:22 PM']
A quick question here, if you'll humor me, perhaps OLAM DADor Sisters Mary Catherine can respond, why are the 'to be' cloistered sisters greeted at the door by Moother Angelica and the 'to be' extern sisters greeted by somone else? Do the two groups live and pray together? And can the sisters get that wimple tied by themselves? (random last question, I know, but it has been bugging me for a while thinking 'how d they get those things on'? :lol_roll: :lol_roll: )

I don't think it has to do with whether they enter as externs or cloistered sisters, I think it has to do with whether or not Mother Angelica is well enough to get up that day. I suppose it could be that she's more able to greet the cloistered sisters because she just opens the door and then the rest of it is in the chapel. I think it's difficult for her to be around a lot of people now. :(

As for living and praying together... The externs live inside the monastery, but it's a separate part, to foster their sense of family. They all have recreation together on big feasts and things like that. Normally they eat separately as well, but when I had my visit they didn't have enough externs for their own cook, so they were eating together (except at breakfast).

And they pray together as well, although the externs sit in the front pew of the public side of the church while the cloistered sisters sit in the mass choir off to the side of the sanctuary during mass and in their chapel on the other side of the reredoes during Divine Office and other community prayer. We can hear each other and everything (and see each other during mass) though. Did all of that make sense?

I would assume they're able to put on their wimples by themselves. :lol: they've only got a half and hour to get ready in the morning, so I imagine it would get pretty chaotic if everyone needed help putting on her wimple. Although I suppose it might take a bit of practice. :)

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