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Jump Or Burn


Jump or Burn?  

29 members have voted

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If you could, please back up your claim wth a quote from Sacred Scripture, a Magesterial Document, a Doctor of the Church, a Church Father or a theologian. ty.

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1080885' date='Oct 1 2006, 03:58 PM']
If you could, please back up your claim wth a quote from Sacred Scripture, a Magesterial Document, a Doctor of the Church, a Church Father or a theologian. ty.

I choose to believe that these people weren't jumping to their deaths--but hoping against hope that somehow, someway something would break their fall and they would survive.

On that day, hope is the only thing we had. I want to believe they had it too.

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[quote]For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must together be met: "Mortal sin is sin whose object is grave matter and which is also committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent." (CCC 1857)

Unintentional ignorance can diminish or even remove the imputability of a grave offense. But no one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man. [b]The promptings of feelings and passions can also diminish the voluntary and free character of the offense, as can external pressures or pathological disorders.[/b] Sin committed through malice, by deliberate choice of evil, is the gravest. (CCC 1860)
I would say the realities of 9/11 would be considered external pressures. The emotional charge from realizing a plane has smashed into your building, and you will likely not be saved could be considered prompting of feelings. It's hard to argue they gave complete consent with they were not of sound mind due to circumstance.

I don't believe those that jumped, the victims of evil, are in mortal sin because of their actions.

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I don't think people were actually in their rathional minds. I'm sure none of them hoped to die, but as someone above stated, hoped against hope that they would somehow live-- and they knew that staying where there were wasn't it.

Let's not judge the actions of someone who was in a situation we wouldn't want to be in ourselves....

PS I refuse to speculate.

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I was gonna vote for

..."This is a jerky question and we can not judge the minds and hearts of those poor people involved, just pray for them and their soul:...

but i couldnt find it..hmm

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[color="#FF0000"]I would pray[/color], pray like I never have in the whole of my life, not to be saved from the fires that would burn my body, but from the fires of hell.

Kyrie elèison!
Kyrie elèison!
Christe elèison!
Christe elèison!
Kyrie elèison!
Kyrie elèison!

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dont pray to God or christ..only Budge does that..we have Mary and sometimes we borrow allah or someone else if mary is busy playin with that boy of hers..

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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1081043' date='Oct 1 2006, 05:26 PM']
dont pray to God or christ..only Budge does that..we have Mary and sometimes we borrow allah or someone else if mary is busy playin with that boy of hers..


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[quote]dont pray to God or christ..only Budge does that..we have Mary and sometimes we borrow allah or someone else if mary is busy playin with that boy of hers..[/quote]

Wow sometimes there is honesty in humor.

Mary wont save you nor Allah, youre sunk...;)

Actually would a Bible banging Christian even be in the WTC unless they got dragged in with a tour group?

Money-grubbing big city insane Manhattans the last darn place I would want to visit, work or live in...

{still feel sorry for all the innocent victims, and what they went through}

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wow thats an insult to all Christians who work in the business world. what sweeping generalizations you make Budge. :rolleyes:

and alas, you are right, Mary doesn't save anyone, but if it weren't for her, Jesus wouldn't have saved anyone either. funny how God chooses to work....

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[quote]wow thats an insult to all Christians who work in the business world. what sweeping generalizations you make Budge. rolleyes.gif[/quote]

Hey did I say there was no Christians there, there very well could have been from overseas, etc...

Just said the place is not for me.

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You said no Bible beliving christians, but christians could be there, and then you use yourself as a direct replacement for the world bible believing christians. So you are the only ideal of a bible believing christian?

oh, and I was trying some of that sarcastic tongue and cheek joking. I was clearly mocking you. Obviously you dont pray to God. You sing songs that have nothing to do with scripture and a social agenda that fits more with whatever your pastor wants to promote than with scripture. What makes your prayers any more valid than a Muslim?

all fundis think they are their own lil pope. autonomy is great.

budge, btw..did u know there was a daycare there...

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[quote name='Budge' post='1081052' date='Oct 1 2006, 07:35 PM']
Wow sometimes there is honesty in humor.

Mary wont save you nor Allah, youre sunk...;)

Actually would a Bible banging Christian even be in the WTC unless they got dragged in with a tour group?

Money-grubbing big city insane Manhattans the last darn place I would want to visit, work or live in...

{still feel sorry for all the innocent victims, and what they went through}

Yes, there were brothers and sisters in Christ in the World Trade Center on that day and everyday.

These statements are without charity and shows me a lot about about you.

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