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SMME Vocation Stories!


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Yes they are wonderful community my community. :lol_roll: Since I've been back from Alton, I've been in between this "in the middle" game with Saint Francis and Saint Dominic, both founders of wonderful orders, and have a nice relationship with one another as friends.

But yesterday something happened that "felt" like a sign that Saint Francis said, "You are in good hands with my brethern Dominic." Weds, Thurs afternoon, and Sat monring Truth In The Heart comes on, hosted by five Sisters of Mary, I received this email lastnight and a talk with my friend who is also a phatmasser.

My friend Christopher had left the TV on and was doing something when his mom's jaw dropped, he said "is everything okay mom?" she said, "arent those Amanda's Sisters." He said, "yeah they are." and she said, "That [b]is[/b] where Amanda's [b]home[/b] is!"

Thanks for letting me share this story Christopher!

Beautiful community, lively, prayerful. :)

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Oh, wonderful!

I love the SMME's. There are barely any Dominicans left in my country... I wonder if they'd be willing to learn Dutch and cross the pond :D:

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[i]Finally![/i] I thought I would have to enter to find out their stories!! :P: They're such wonderful women, aren't they? And a few of 'our' girls!

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i love the stories about the girls that are adament about not being called to religious life and try everything to avoid it, but somehow God gets to them and changes all of their plans.

Esp. Sr. Winnie's:
[quote]"In the summer of 2005 I went to World Youth Day in Germany with the Militia Immaculata (MI). I was told that four Dominican Sisters were coming. [b]I decided that I would not go near them. [/b] I found it was out of my control! On the plane to Poland, Sister Ave Maria was assigned the seat next to mine. I somehow ended up in a small group with the Sisters in a museum listening to recordings of our Holy Father. Then, Sister John Mary sat in an empty seat next to me on the bus and one of the last nights of the pilgrimage she asked me if I would visit the Motherhouse. [b]Of course I refused! [/b] Yet deep down and over the span of the pilgrimage, I realized that I loved and admired the Sisters and I was secretly interested in the religious life. "[/quote]

God had something else in mind, didn't he??? :)

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[quote]i love the stories about the girls that are adament about not being called to religious life and try everything to avoid it, but somehow God gets to them and changes all of their plans.

Esp. Sr. Winnie's:

"In the summer of 2005 I went to World Youth Day in Germany with the Militia Immaculata (MI). I was told that four Dominican Sisters were coming. I decided that I would not go near them. I found it was out of my control! On the plane to Poland, Sister Ave Maria was assigned the seat next to mine. I somehow ended up in a small group with the Sisters in a museum listening to recordings of our Holy Father. Then, Sister John Mary sat in an empty seat next to me on the bus and one of the last nights of the pilgrimage she asked me if I would visit the Motherhouse. Of course I refused! Yet deep down and over the span of the pilgrimage, I realized that I loved and admired the Sisters and I was secretly interested in the religious life. "

God had something else in mind, didn't he??? [/quote]
I loved that one too, running and running and only getting closer to God! I cant wait for next year, when these wonderful brides will recieve their wedding gowns! :D: :D: :D: :D: :D: :D: :D:

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I really love to see these stories year after year; they are such an inspiration! It always amazes me how diverse a postulant group the SMME get!

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  • 3 months later...

How Beautiful, THank you so much for sharing these stories!! Alterdomincus: I'll be praying for you that oneday you'll be joining these beautiful brides of christ and we'll see Your story :)

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Thank you Theresa I'll be praying for you as well.

These sisters are extremely a beautiful, graceful, prayerful community, I've never met anyone in my LIFE like them.

This quote from a NAPCIS speaker of the Keynote Address from 2004 where Mother Assumpta was speaking about Catholic Schools sort of sums up how I feel about the sisters, this particularly community of loving sisters.

[i]But its their faces that your drawn to, you cant miss the peace and the joy that beams from each one – its there when their smiling and laughing which is most of the time – but its there wherever they are, when they are in an audience listening to a speaker, when they are deep in thought and prayer – and you know it when you see it. Its there that peace and joy, but sometimes your at a lost to describe it, and I bet that all those young women didn’t necessarily have it when they entered the house, but they have it now, they were looking for it, and they have it now – and it will only radiate more from their faces as they come to complete their formation and take their final vows.[/i]

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Oh thank you for sharing, that is SO beautiful, if I were called to an active order, I'd definately look into this one! Might I ask, are any of the postulants in the stories former Phatmassers?

[quote name='AlterDominicus' post='1164927' date='Jan 14 2007, 09:06 PM']
Thank you Theresa I'll be praying for you as well.

These sisters are extremely a beautiful, graceful, prayerful community, I've never met anyone in my LIFE like them.

This quote from a NAPCIS speaker of the Keynote Address from 2004 where Mother Assumpta was speaking about Catholic Schools sort of sums up how I feel about the sisters, this particularly community of loving sisters.

[i]But its their faces that your drawn to, you cant miss the peace and the joy that beams from each one – its there when their smiling and laughing which is most of the time – but its there wherever they are, when they are in an audience listening to a speaker, when they are deep in thought and prayer – and you know it when you see it. Its there that peace and joy, but sometimes your at a lost to describe it, and I bet that all those young women didn’t necessarily have it when they entered the house, but they have it now, they were looking for it, and they have it now – and it will only radiate more from their faces as they come to complete their formation and take their final vows.[/i]

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