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[quote name='desertwoman' post='1081269' date='Oct 1 2006, 08:55 PM']
I'm talking about, there is no way out. Like worse case scenario ie WTC. I"m going to die anyway, you know it, I know it, so why not show me mercy and put me out of my misery? :( Don't watch me agnoize and writh in pain, do something! Show some kind of mercy to me, and put me out of my misery.
[/quote]In the case of the WTC, after the initial burns, your nerves go dead. This I have been told by a girl who had 2nd & 3rd degree burns over 80% of her body. It was the recovery that was painful. Now she was burned in a tent, I don't know about being in a building, but I have heard, people pass out or die from aphyxiation first.

Another scenario would be dying from a disease in extreme pain with extreme longterm illness wich can affect the mind. Even then, there are moments of lucidity that provide opportunity for people to talk, share, forgive, and apologize.

Not in either case would I 'put you out of your misery', though I would attempt to give as much comfort as possible to lessen your agony and suffering.

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[quote name='desertwoman' post='1081269' date='Oct 1 2006, 09:55 PM']I'm talking about, there is no way out. Like worse case scenario ie WTC. I"m going to die anyway, you know it, I know it, so why not show me mercy and put me out of my misery? :( Don't watch me agnoize and writh in pain, do something! Show some kind of mercy to me, and put me out of my misery.[/quote]
The problem with that is, it's relative. What about all those people in the slums of Calcutta that Mother Teresa went to help? She told a story once about finding a woman in the gutter who was being eaten by rats. These people will eventually die in agonizing poverty. Some would say that we should put them out of their misery and kill them. What about the mentally ill and other unstable people on the street who can't get their lives together no matter how many times they've tried? If we go down that path, they'll be put out of their misery before long. And when the real "undesirables" are finished off, they'll turn on healthy people who aren't deemed genetically pure.

St. John the Apostle was boiled alive in oil. Thankfully, there was no one there to put him out of his misery, because he survived and later went on to write the book of Revelation. Even if he had died, however, that was his end in the providence of God. There was also the good thief on the cross next to Jesus, or even Jesus himself. Nobody would have thought about putting them out of their misery. The good thief participated in the sufferings of Christ, and made reparation for his sins by accepting his death willingly, for which he was awarded paradise by the Lord himself. A torturous death in our eyes may be our final purification in the eyes of God.

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I would also help the woman in the alley way being consumed by rats... alive. Kill the rats. And if she is sucombing to the injuries and infection, and the doctors don't have anything for her... or there are no doctors around... instead of letting her waste away, show her mercy.

Killing people because of a mental handicap isn't the same as showing someone mercy because they are clearly dying and there is no other alternative besides watching them die.

For me, if you come around and see me being burned, eaten, or just writhing in sheer agony with no hope in sight... show me some mercy. Kill me... please. Don't stand there and watch me, do something.

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if you're burning alive, I'll try to put the fire out and call an ambulance. if there is no way of getting an ambulance, I'll stay with you and do whatever I can, but to kill you would be an act of further violence against you. it would be me completing what the fire started to do to you. I have no moral right to end your life here, and YOU have no moral right to end your life here. There is always hope in such a situation... I would carry you on my back if I had to to the hospital. if I couldn't get the fire out, I'd try everything possible... there's got to be some dirt around I could throw at it if there is no water... you ought to be stop, droppin, and rollin at the moment you catch on fire... et cetera et cetera. if there's nothing anyone can do for you, it is not mercy to kill you.

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[quote name='desertwoman' post='1083539' date='Oct 3 2006, 11:23 PM']
I would also help the woman in the alley way being consumed by rats... alive. Kill the rats. And if she is sucombing to the injuries and infection, and the doctors don't have anything for her... or there are no doctors around... instead of letting her waste away, show her mercy.

Killing people because of a mental handicap isn't the same as showing someone mercy because they are clearly dying and there is no other alternative besides watching them die.

For me, if you come around and see me being burned, eaten, or just writhing in sheer agony with no hope in sight... show me some mercy. Kill me... please. Don't stand there and watch me, do something.


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Never can tell when people will live through something. That cop in the tabloids that was terribly burned...that's bad, but he lived and is doing good things, inspiring people and raising a family.

Don't be a weenie and opt for suicide.

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[size=1]You think that being dead is better than being alive even with the handicaps that might come with it?

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Thats the thing, I wont be alive any way. I"m going to die regardless, I"m saying instead of letting me suffer, shoot me.

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[size=1]You wouldnt be alive?

Yes, we all are going to die, we cant escape that.
But you would rather cut our already short lives down because you dont think life would be worth living anymore?

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Mine not yours. This is my expression and wish if I was to be found in such a position and I"m going to face death any way. Instead of waisting away in agnoy, kill me. Show me some kind of mercy and compassion. I"m not going to make a law out of it. Its me.

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and I will tell you: you would be committing damnable mortal sin; the action of requesting someone to kill you is an action which nails Jesus to the cross. I offer you the chance to re-examine this issue and form your conscience correctly, because an improperly formed conscience, when you are given the chance to form it correctly, does not excuse. if you commit suicide in this situation, let me assure you of this: the suffering of the next life will be far more excruciating and eternal than any temporary suffering before death could ever be.

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