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Democracy Is A Tool Of Satan


Do you hate democracy?  

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[quote name='mommas_boy' post='1554065' date='Jun 2 2008, 01:02 AM']To quote Winston Churchill: "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried."[/quote]
Actually, tribalism works better then democracy. Difference is, every one operates in smaller independent groups.

Just thought I'd throw a random into this mealstrom.

Edited by Galloglasses
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[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1554740' date='Jun 2 2008, 04:49 PM']Actually, tribalism works better then democracy. Difference is, every one operates in smaller independent groups.

Just thought I'd throw a random into this mealstrom.[/quote]

Would one actually find tribalism under a list of governments?? Just curious, I never have.

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Tribalism isn't counted as its veiwed as 'primitive', but tribalism, (and its off shoot, Clan based fuedalism popular in Ireland and Dark Aged Scotland), in reality its very effective, small groups deciding on things together as a small group worried about concerns of, and only of that small group. Everyone gains their position by meritocracy.

Just human society got bigger and more complex, its veiwed as unneccesary.

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I do not hate (don't hate, appreciate) democracy; I despise it.

I despise democracy because of its flaws; it does not seek to implicate the best decision, but the decision that is most desired. If a child gets everything the child desires, will the child get what is needed?

People's desire, especailly in today's modern society, are turned to vice; homosexuality, abortion, ect.. The day will come, that by democratic process, so many vices will be permitted and accepted by society that the democratic stance will be intenable.

Hence why I say any political system must have a moral veto, and in my opinion this veto should belong to the papacy.

I'm a papist at heart!

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[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1555987' date='Jun 3 2008, 10:37 AM']Tribalism isn't counted as its veiwed as 'primitive', but tribalism, (and its off shoot, Clan based fuedalism popular in Ireland and Dark Aged Scotland), in reality its very effective, small groups deciding on things together as a small group worried about concerns of, and only of that small group. Everyone gains their position by meritocracy.

Just human society got bigger and more complex, its veiwed as unneccesary.[/quote]
Yeah, if myself and my neighbors could run our own local affairs, we'd be much better off. In this scenario, you could have [i]actual[/i] democracy without the need for interlocutors. That would actually be the ideal form of government, IMHO, as long as it was relegated to civil affairs.

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You're thinking of city state Democracy which Ancient Greece had, Tribalism is more capitalistic then that, a Cheiftan remains cheiftan till he dies sort of thing, but he always had a council of some form or another. Thats one thing all tribes had in common, contrary to the thought of evolutionary politics, which rules that all political stages will lead to the same stage in the end, tribes were different from place to place, (IE, Celtic tribes were a far cry from African Tribes. Also Politics doesn't neccesarily evole. Just look at the tribe that was discovered in the Amazon. Thousands of years of no change in one picture. People say that England is the mother of all democracies because no revolutions happened and its democratization occurred naturally, Which is a fallacy, after the English Civil war the Monarch's powers were limited, and after the first world war its powers reduced to next to nothing. (Before hand it had the final veto on legislation), no realy change happens without come kind of revolution be it abdication, war, revolution, coup de'tat, or conquest.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1079418' date='Sep 29 2006, 03:11 PM']I hate Democracy and I think it's a tool of Satan. Does anyone else here feel the same way?[/quote]

Why don't you move to China, Cuba, North Korea, Burma (Myanmar) or Saudi Arabia since you are so unhappy?

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1079657' date='Sep 29 2006, 06:12 PM']I believe that Democracy is errored and evil in itself, and I have a right to hold that opinion becuase it is not against Church teaching.[/quote]

By all means, catch a plane to Iran.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Didacus' post='1556009' date='Jun 3 2008, 11:20 AM']I do not ha-te democracy; I despise it.[/quote]

See my above comment. It applies to you as well.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='zunshynn' post='1080896' date='Oct 1 2006, 02:13 PM']I don't "hate" it, but I do have serious issues with democracy... people hold it up on a pedestal when it has serious flaws. Let the majority decide! Woohoo, sounds great, until you have a majority of morons taking your country downhill, with everyone else.[/quote]

If you and the other "despisers" of democracy go in on the group rate, you could get low-fare tickets to Saudi Arabia right now.

What you and the other ungrateful posters of this thread fail to recognize is that democracy grants you the opportunity to fight against the evil and vice you are so offended by. At least in a democracy you can have a say. Communist governments and theocracies do not give their citizens that right. Do you think Saudi citizens have any say in the evil law of the land called Sharia? Do they have any say when a woman is raped and SHE gets the punishment in a court of law; or when a father murders his daughter for not wearing the veil, in the name of "family honor"; or when a man divorces his wife, takes the kids and sends the wife back to her parents because she didn't prepare his dinner meals correctly? Do you think the citizens of North Korea can speak out about having their professors thrown out of universities and send into the rice fields? Can they speak out and question their "Dear Leader" as to why they are starving to death and their growth is stunted? Can the citizens of China speak out when people are thrown into prison and tortured for handing out Bibles? And do you know what happened in Burma, what the military junta did to those Buddhist monks when they defied their government and engaged in a peaceful protest? They wound up with their blood all over the streets that's what.

Like I said, if you don't like it there are plenty of non-democracies that will welcome you with open arms...and a vice grip on your religion and all your freedoms and liberties. Good luck with that.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1583288' date='Jun 25 2008, 07:24 PM']Why don't you move to China, Cuba, North Korea, Burma (Myanmar) or Saudi Arabia since you are so unhappy?[/quote]

[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1583293' date='Jun 25 2008, 07:30 PM']By all means, catch a plane to Iran.[/quote]


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Madame Vengier

[quote name='StColette' post='1583302' date='Jun 25 2008, 06:43 PM']Not to get off topic but Madame V how was your trip?[/quote]

That was nice of you to ask. It was phenomenal. I didn't want to leave and I want to go back!! :(

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1583307' date='Jun 25 2008, 06:48 PM']That was nice of you to ask. It was phenomenal. I didn't want to leave and I want to go back!! :([/quote]

Just wondering... was your trip outside the US?

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